Who should install communal metering devices? Household heat meter

Electricity meters

Many Russian citizens meticulously delve into the system of calculating utility bills and calculating general income tax payments. Trying to minimize costs, the population installs their own meters in their homes for metering the natural resources they consume. Do apartment buildings need ODPU and what is it?

How ODPU stands for

The abbreviation ODPU reads as common house metering devices. They are counters that record the total amount of resources used.

Often the ODPU is a switchgear in an apartment building.

What types of metering devices are there?

The need to install communal metering devices is enshrined in legislation.

Installed heat, electricity in utility rooms, basements, technical rooms. Access to them from residents is blocked in order to prevent theft and damage.

Specific metering devices are used for different types of resources:

  • Warm

ODPU for heating are divided into tachometer, electromagnetic, vortex and ultrasonic. They allow you to significantly save your finances, thanks to ODPU thermal energy.

  • Electricity

Can be single-tariff or multi-tariff. Multi-tariff ODPU allows you to reduce costs. The essence of how these devices work is as follows. At night there is a minimum tariff, but during the day it is much higher. In addition, the tariff increases during so-called peak hours, for example, from 7 to 10 am, from 17 to 21 pm in the evening.

  • Water hot and cold

ODPU water controls consumption based on all people actually living, and not just those registered in apartments. Separate metering of hot and cold water, thanks to ODWU hot water and ODPU cold water.

Residents of Russian apartment buildings are required to have communal meters in order to optimize energy saving. This is stated in Federal Law No. 261-FZ. The legislator set the deadline for providing all homes with such devices as June 30, 2012. However, even today in some houses they are missing.

Since 2015, in order to increase the motivation of the population to install ODPU for houses in which installation of devices is technically possible, but not completed, special increasing coefficients have been established, reaching 60% of basic standards.

By requiring the provision of multi-storey buildings with public housing, the state is concerned about the conservation of natural resources. Often, if one person is registered in an apartment, the payment, for example, for water, is calculated taking this into account. In fact, five people actually live in this apartment, and there is a significant waste of water. The figures are impressive across the country.

A comparison of the readings of individual meters installed in apartments with the readings of common house appliances will certainly reveal overspending. This is how natural resource consumption is monitored.

Installation cost

The provisions of Article 13 of Federal Law No. 261-FZ oblige premises owners to finance the installation of common house metering devices. Those who did not independently equip their homes with such devices within the prescribed period must reimburse resource suppliers for installation costs. It is allowed to make such payments monthly for five years after the installation of meters.

The amount of the compensation fee for DPPU is calculated taking into account the share in ownership for the common property of the house. The share of a specific apartment and related non-residential premises in the area of ​​the entire building is determined. The result obtained is multiplied with the price of the device. The resulting figure is then divided into 60 equal monthly installments.

The amount of each compensation payment depends on the dimensions of the apartment and the non-residential premises associated with it, and not on the number of apartments in the building. This is what the legislator decided, enshrining the norm in Article 37 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 13, 2006 No. 491.

The cost of ODPU devices and their installation may vary depending on the technical characteristics of the house and the specifics of the installation, as well as the type of resource.

The amount of the compensation payment includes a number of measures, taking into account the provision of installments for 60 months:

  1. Preliminary consultations and examination.
  2. Drawing up a project.
  3. Approval of design documentation.
  4. Acquisition and delivery.
  5. Installation.
  6. Setup and commissioning.
  7. Maintenance of ODPU is guaranteed for 60 months.

For each residential building, the cost of installing an ODPU meter is calculated individually and is fixed in the acceptance certificate and contract.

ODPU verification deadlines

A common house metering device is a complex mechanism that requires Maintenance, control, repair and, under certain conditions, replacement. The timing of verification depends on the characteristics of the device and the resource being monitored.

All residents, without exception, are responsible for the uninterrupted high-quality operation of the device. They do this not each individually, as anyone would like, but centrally, entrusting the care of the device to the management company. It is given the right to select specialized companies and specialists capable of supporting specifications ODPU at the proper level.

The following uniform requirements are imposed on invited third-party organizations:

  1. Availability of a certificate allowing meter maintenance.
  2. Availability of special permission to carry out verifications, repairs and installation of metering devices.

The best option is to conclude a long-term contract with such a contractor with the mandatory preparation and bilateral signing of acts.

ODPU in the rent receipt

Monthly reimbursement of the costs of installing the ODPU is included in the total. This is correct, since there is no need to incur additional costs for creating another payment document, as well as overpay a bank commission for making a payment. After all, these costs are borne by the apartment owners.

The amount of utility bills for resources spent on general house needs in an apartment building is calculated according to current tariffs and consumed volumes.

Despite the fact that you need to spend money on installing ODPU, the benefits of their work are undeniable. It is important to treat them with care and reason, and paying for ODPU will pay off over time many times over.

Installing a gas meter in an apartment: what you need to know

Installing heat meters in an apartment: is it necessary to do it?

The activity of Russian residents interested in the detailed calculation of utility bills per capita is constantly increasing. Many have installed individual devices for metering electricity, gas, water, and heat. The question arises about the need for the presence of ODPU in apartment buildings. The decoding of this abbreviation is “common building”. Such a device is a meter that determines the total volume of resource expended, for example, electricity. Often the ODPU performs the function of the distribution structure of an apartment building. The latter, of course, does not mean a separate entrance, but the entire building.

ODPU functions

Experts are of the opinion that individual meters are not effective without OPDU. The interpretation of this statement consists of the following points.

  1. The ability to compare readings is necessary to monitor the operation of communication systems.
  2. Improving formulas for calculating payments for utility services by the population.
  3. Determination of leaks, analysis of resource supply parameters (temperature, pressure). OPDU allows you to determine who will bear losses in case of system violations (the management company or the installer organization).

Based on these points, it becomes clear what ODPU is in housing and communal services.

Characteristics and types of ODPU

Mostly ODPU are installed in the basements of houses. Such devices include general metering devices for hot and cold water, as well as thermal energy and electricity.

Companies involved offer a variety of options for installing ODPU. Decoding their proposals includes not only complex work on establishing the functioning of metering devices, but also auxiliary materials.

For example, in addition to the thermal energy meter, which is called an ultrasonic flow meter, water consumption, a unit is installed that takes into account the automatic regulation of the heating system. Along with this, a device is installed that monitors consumption.

Ultimately, three main options are offered, which consist in installing an ODPU without additional control and data transmission elements, or with the inclusion of auxiliary equipment in the system.

Electricity consumption meters

What is ODPU of electricity? They are divided, like individual metering devices, into one-, two- and multi-tariff. The latter is now the most popular option, as it allows you to reduce the cost of expenses at night, late evening and daytime. The installation price of such a meter is significantly higher, but it quickly pays for itself.

There are three tariffs: night - 23-7 hours; half-peak - 10-17, 21-23; peak - 7-10, 17-21 hours.

How do you pay for different types of meters? The instrument shows the difference between its indicator and the sum for all apartments. The result obtained is divided among all residents. If there are many tariffs, then each one separately.

The best option for checking and maintaining meters is the periodic visit of specialists who installed them. However, such work can be carried out by trained people from the house management company. Sometimes, in order to identify organizations that are dishonest and incorrectly recording readings, based on a complaint from residents who have identified an obvious overestimation of the tariff, an organization engaged in the supply of electricity or an authorized person - a representative of payers - checks. In this case, the data is reconciled with receipts. For example, electricity for general needs cannot jump sharply, by 2 times, just like that, depending on the season. This situation requires immediate investigation.

Installation of ODPU

Even before June 2013 inclusive, the Russian government obliged everyone to install ODPU. The need for this process is explained clearly in Federal Law No. 261.

It consists of implementing tasks aimed at energy saving. Installation is carried out after a meeting of all residents and voting; a protocol is drawn up based on the results. If it is impossible to pay for the installation immediately, the management company collects money in installments. The organization, in the absence of residents’ initiative, can decide on the installation itself, and if they resist, do it forcibly through the court. All costs associated with the purchase and installation, as well as maintenance of the ODPU are paid by the owners.

By law, the management company is obliged to inform residents once a year about approaches aimed at energy saving, develop options for action and present them to a meeting. In addition to the above methods, the installation of ODPU can be offered by resource providers, that is, organizations that supply light, heat, etc.

Maintenance and verification of ODPU

ODPU is the common property of an apartment building and is part of the engineering systems. The management company is responsible for their maintenance. Verification of the ODPU can be carried out by any person trusted by the organization. System maintenance includes inspection, repair if necessary, and checking whether the readings correspond to real ones. There are situations when servicing of DPPU is carried out by a resource-saving organization at its own expense.

Supply of thermal energy to ODPU buildings

The installation of ODPU is gradually gaining momentum.
Back in 2009, due to the growing costs of heating buildings, a law was passed requiring the presence of such devices in them.

They are also required to install individual heat meters. Delay in this matter may result in a fine. Their acquisition is also decided by the owners at a general meeting, and they also need to choose a specialist in this area.

How are utility fees determined?

Payment calculations are based on the totality of all metering devices. There is a special EIR formula that varies depending on the type of resources consumed. For example, the amount of payment for water supply is calculated taking into account the following indicators: the consumed amount of resource according to the EDP indicators is divided by the amount of hot or cold water spent from an individual meter and indicators according to standards, if there are premises not equipped with a meter. The resulting number is multiplied by the tariff and again by the indicator from the individual meter.

Some nuances of paying for common household needs

What additional factors can influence the indicators of TDPU? To begin with, it should be noted that when calculating the volume of resource consumed, the MOP meters of the common structural elements of the house (entrances, platforms) are not such. The use of such devices as general use is not provided for by law.

If commercial organizations are located in a residential building, then either their costs do not go through the administrative budget and are calculated separately, or the required amount is deducted from the total indicator.

The statement that everyone else pays for the willful defaulter is not always correct. For example, when calculating total electricity, its indicator is still subtracted from the entire amount. If the debtor does not transmit information on meters, then the data for him is compiled according to the approved tariffs.

Doubt about the reality of the rent amount

For all structures and residents who monitor order and the expenditure of resources, it is useful to have such equipment in the house. General household appliances are equivalent to putting things in order, EDP = comfort. The Russian Federation is one of those countries where legislators understand this and have a desire to create transparent relations in the housing and communal services sector, understandable to the owners of an apartment building. It should be clear to people what they are paying for and how the items on the receipts are formed. To achieve the set objectives, it is necessary to install an ODPU.

If situations arise where there is a misunderstanding of the formation of the amount in the receipt, you can request clarification from the management company by submitting a special application. In it, point by point, indicate the need to clarify how the calculation was carried out with the formula and values; what are the volumes in general and individual counters; is there a public control system in the house and the connections of non-residential premises are sealed; what tariffs were calculated at?

If the management company refuses this request, then it is breaking the law. Such an organization can already be suspected of concealing important information and fraud. To reduce such opportunities, companies install ODPU. Deciphering their meaning is to provide additional opportunities for special services to quickly compare the indicators recorded by management companies with real ones.

All metering devices are divided into two types: individual and collective (common house) meters. An individual meter is equipment that takes into account your personal consumption of resources. A collective (general house) heat energy meter calculates the consumption of the communal resource of a residential building as a whole, including general house needs.

In accordance with Law No. 261-FZ “On Energy Saving and Improving Energy Efficiency and on Adjusting Certain Legislative Acts” Russian Federation» owners and tenants of residential buildings are required to install communal heat meters (the law was adopted in November 2009).

Purpose of collective meters

Installation of this type of equipment serves the following purposes:

  • Payment is calculated based on actual heat consumption.
  • Uniform distribution of the amount of payments between residents for each individual apartment building.
  • Responsibility for common property is transferred to the residents of the residential building.

Main types of collective meters

When choosing a common house metering device, it is necessary to take into account its design features and installation specifics. There are four main types of these devices.


This is a fairly simple device, the design of which includes the following elements:

Such a device is relatively inexpensive, but its operation requires an additional filter that protects the house-wide heat energy meter and the heating system as a whole from all kinds of contaminants.


It is also worth paying attention to the disadvantages of these meters. They are not suitable for use if there is a high level of hardness in the water circulating through the system. Another negative point that may affect the installation of this equipment is the presence of various impurities in the coolant.

All these conditions can lead to frequent clogging of the filter, which provokes a decrease in the coolant pressure level. For this reason, meters of this type are usually used in private homes.


The main advantage of tacheometric equipment is its ability to operate with a special battery for 5 years. In addition, these devices can be used in rooms with high humidity. While the risk of damage to the main elements is minimized, since the design does not include electronic components.


A general-house electronic thermal energy meter operates by generating an electric current in it as a result of the coolant passing through a magnetic field. This circumstance necessitates constant maintenance of the unit, and its installation requires professionalism and competence from the contractor.

Untimely prevention can cause contamination of the flow meter, which will ultimately affect the readings of the meter. The occurrence of this problem is associated with the presence of iron in the coolant and poor-quality connections in the wiring.

Compliance with all operating requirements is a guarantee of high-quality and uninterrupted operation. It is important to note that the readings of a common house thermal energy meter of the electromagnetic type are distinguished by a high degree of accuracy.


In this case, the operation of a device of this type is associated with the appearance of a vortex relative to an obstacle in the path of coolant movement. Moreover, the frequency of occurrence of such turbulence depends on the amount of coolant passing through. Installation of a common house heat energy meter can be carried out on both horizontal and vertical pipelines, but provided that there is a straight section of pipe before and after the meter.

Equipment of this type consumes a small amount of energy; on one battery it can operate for five years.

Vortex meters react negatively to large impurities in the coolant and pressure drops. Therefore, for high-quality operation of the unit, installing a special filter is a mandatory step.

It is important to note that the presence of iron in the coolant and deposits in the pipelines in no way affect the accuracy of the readings. This device is also equipped with a specialized interface, which allows the management company to take readings from common house heat energy meters remotely. In addition, this application sends messages that notify you of any malfunctions. This circumstance guarantees the timely intervention of the appropriate service, which will promptly eliminate the troubles that arise.

Ultrasonic counter

The operating principle of this device is based on the passage of a special ultrasonic signal through the coolant flow. The signal transmission time is directly related to the speed of fluid movement.

For those who install a common house heat meter of this type, it is necessary to know the conditions of its operation:

  • Constant pressure.
  • Lack of air in the system.
  • Maximum level of purity of the circulating fluid.
  • No deposits on the pipeline walls.

The presence of these factors will ensure the efficient operation of the counter, which will show an undistorted result.

Operation of equipment of this type may require the installation of additional elements that will ensure the supply of coolant through different channels.

Organization of heat energy metering

Installation of a communal meter

  • First, it is necessary to organize a meeting of apartment tenants and owners in order to make decisions on installing a collective meter.
  • Contact the organization for managing tenants and apartment owners with a decision on installing a collective meter and paying for it.
  • The management organization, in turn, must contact the resource supply company to issue technical conditions in accordance with which the design and installation of a common house heat meter will be carried out.
  • The management company, with the financing of tenants and apartment owners, enters into an agreement for the development of design documentation with a specialized organization to install the meter.
  • After receiving the design documentation, the management company sends it for approval to the resource supply organization and, if the conclusion is positive, installs a collective house-wide heat energy meter, and then allows it for operation.


The installed collective meter is approved for operation by a commission consisting of:

  • A representative from the company that installed and commissioned the equipment being put into operation.
  • Consumer representative.
  • Representative of a company supplying thermal energy.

The commission must be created by the owner of the heating unit. During the commissioning process, the commission checks the following:

  • Availability of passports, factory seals and verification certificates.
  • Compliance with the design documentation of the components of the heating unit.
  • Compliance with permissible temperature curves, measurement ranges and hydraulic operating modes, parameter values ​​determined by the conditions of connection to the heating system and the contract.
  • Compliance of the characteristics of measuring instruments with the characteristics specified in the device passport.

If there are no comments, the commission must sign the act of the meter installed at the consumer. This document is the basis for keeping records of coolant on the meter, heat energy, quality control and heat consumption mode using the data received from the moment the document is signed.


After signing the commissioning certificate, the heating unit is sealed. Filling is done:

  • Consumer representative.
  • A representative of the heat supply company, if the heating unit belongs to the consumer.


The meters are subject to initial testing by the manufacturer before they go on sale. Confirmation of this procedure is the presence of the following elements:

After a certain period of time, another check is carried out. Before each heating season and after the next repair or check of metering devices, readiness for operation is checked. As a result, an inspection report is drawn up for the heating point at the interface of the adjacent network.

After commissioning, tenants and apartment owners must take energy saving measures: installing springs and closers on entrance doors, insulating windows, doors, etc.


Maintenance of the meter consists of maintaining thermal equipment in working condition, regular inspection, eliminating the causes of wear and tear, checking the operation of primary converters on the return and supply pipelines, checking the correct functioning of the meter, checking the operation and circuits of resistance thermal converters, weekly printing of readings to carry out analysis and develop recommendations for maintaining the required temperature and much more.

If necessary, during the maintenance process, work is carried out to dismantle (remove and disconnect) faulty devices and reinstall the meter after a secondary check and repair.

Household heat energy meter: how to pay

The payment calculation is quite simple and consists of several stages:

  • The cost of heating one m2 is determined. To do this, the meter readings must be multiplied by the current tariff and the resulting number divided by the area of ​​​​all heated premises in the house.
  • The share of each individual apartment is then calculated. To do this, the total area of ​​the house (including entrances, basements, attics) is multiplied by the result obtained by dividing the total area of ​​the apartment by the total area of ​​all non-residential premises and apartments. Thus, you get a general indicator of the area of ​​​​all premises that falls on your apartment.
  • The area of ​​the apartment is added to the area of ​​the premises that make up your share. The resulting number must be multiplied by the cost of heating one m2.