5 of Pentacles tarot meaning in relationships. Classic combination with the Major Arcana

The socket has two phases

The 5 of Pentacles card represents the element of Earth, the energy of the Soil. This is something grounded: material values ​​that a person needs or strives to obtain. This is an experience that is always fraught with difficulties. Let's consider the interpretation of the map in detail.

Card advice: pull yourself together and don’t expect support from others. Only you can change the situation for the better. Be extremely attentive and careful, do not take risks, so as not to lose everything you have.

5 of Pentacles Tarot: meaning in relationships

5 Coins Tarot also has unfavorable meanings in relationship readings. The card indicates that you feel abandoned and unwanted, and have an urgent need for support and attention.

If you do not cope with this oppressive feeling, it will “eat” you from the inside. The turning point has come: it depends only on you whether you will throw off this burden and step into a new happy life, or find yourself buried under it without the slightest chance of getting out.

Here are the common meanings of the Five of Coins in relationship readings:

  • Try to fight the feeling of hopelessness. Stop waiting for a person to appear in your life who will pull you out of your state of loneliness and love you. Only internal changes and self-love will attract happiness into your life.
  • Sometimes the card indicates a crisis in an existing relationship. It is important not to perceive this as a disaster. Often it is precisely such crises that are a turning point, after which relationships begin to develop and move to a new level. Everything will work out - don't doubt it

Card advice: abstract from problems, look for positive aspects in everything. Remember that the black bar does not last forever. The more correctly you behave, the faster happy changes will come.

Watch the video about the meaning of the 5 Coins Tarot card:

Card combinations

Experienced tarot readers know: you cannot interpret the meaning of a card without paying attention to what arcana surround it. Let's consider the meanings of Tarot combinations of 5 Pentacles with other cards:

  • Jester - poverty is coming, provoked by the sudden loss of a large sum of money
  • Magician - a state of indifference and indifference to everything will come. Lack of strength for decisive action
  • High Priestess - acquired skills will be useless, you need to learn something tonal
  • Empress - you decide to invest money in a new business, but the game is not worth the candle. Think about whether you have chosen the right direction
  • Emperor - severance of existing relationships: business or personal
  • Hierophant - think about your behavior, it has strayed far from moral standards. If you don't change your attitude towards others, everyone will despise you
  • Lovers - your chosen one thinks only about himself, does not support you in anything
  • Chariot - there is every chance of winning, but it will come at the cost of incredible efforts on your part
  • Strength - you need to move on, but you don’t want to at all
  • Hermit - you will experience mental torment, feel lonely and useless
  • Wheel of Fortune - luck will forget about you, crisis will come in all areas of life

Despite the unfavorable meanings of the card, it is not as bad as it seems. It rather indicates that you need to stop being afraid of the crisis, get rid of fears and doubts, tune in to a positive mood and take active action.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "One card" layout

General value

The fortuneteller will be tormented by an unreasonable feeling of restlessness and anxiety, and various restrictions will also await him.


Partners are united not by love, but by common problems. Once they are resolved, the couple will break up.


This is the worst lasso for health. It portends an incurable disease or the loss of some organ or limb.


An unfavorable period is coming. The fortuneteller can expect dismissal or ruin. It is not recommended to invest as the investment will be unsuccessful.

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✚ For the future

You have a very difficult situation that requires you to make an immediate decision that seems impossible to you. Look at your situation from a different perspective. This way you can understand that the solution lies right on the surface. Try to solve problems as quickly as possible in order to regain the peace of mind that you recently lost. No one will provide you with the long-awaited help, try to improve your life situation on your own. Only you yourself can become the beginning of a new life streak.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On relationships

The Five of Pentacles indicates that the questioning person has some barriers that are difficult for him to cross, he cannot overcome his weaknesses, they eat him up from the inside and close the doors to a new life. Perhaps the past does not let go of this person, perhaps there are problems in other areas of life. The advice from the card is this: you need to relax and accept the real you, then you will definitely appear in life. new person. For those who are in a relationship, this advice will also be relevant - only acceptance of yourself and your partner can save the relationship from collapse.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For today

Anxiety, a period of constant failures and difficulties, self-destruction, loss of time and various restrictions. You are in constant voltage at work, you are afraid of losing it and for good reason: you may be fired; loss of money and negligible profit. Health can be traced to depression, lack of vitamins and poor immunity; possible serious illness. Relationships have problems, but solutions are easy to find, so don't worry. You are in a very depressed state from which you need to find a way out!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

Worry and anxiety caused by some kind of loss, often of a material level. However, all temporary problems can be solved with some effort.

Tomorrow will bring a temporary cooling of feelings in matters of love, nothing serious or tragic, just a temporary decline.

In professional matters, there is some kind of crisis, perhaps there is no financial opportunity to do something, or there is a temporary lack of work.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think about me

You are completely different people who have been different from each other since childhood. This does not allow you to feel equality in the relationship. Equality of people allows us to achieve harmony when partners try to solve problems on equal terms and support each other’s initiatives. It is this component that your love is missing. Serious conflicts based on money are possible, which often causes even families to break apart.

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✚ On request

The wish will come true quickly. But it will sow a lot of doubts and anxiety in your soul. It is far from certain that this will be associated with the non-fulfillment or not the exact realization of the dream. You will get what you want. However, you have to think - is your dream really true and desirable? Or maybe changes will come in life into which desire no longer fits. Organize your life as your heart tells you.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

There was a financial crisis and material losses. A period of problems. Obstacles on the way to the goal. Crisis stage. Support will come from the appearance of a person with similar problems, a like-minded person.

There is a lack of energy to solve problems. All efforts are in vain. Loss of financial resources. Heavy expenses. Negative resolution of the situation. Don't invest in anything! Don't take on other people's problems.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

The Five of Coins indicates some kind of crisis overtaking the relationship. Irritability and uncertainty in the love of the other half will burn the heart from the inside, which will have an extremely adverse effect on the formation of future connections. You shouldn’t be afraid of this, you need to engage in relationships and develop them. Such an investment will be fully justified, and you may realize that you have found the one.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

Honors have a bad influence on a person. Arrogance makes it difficult to see the dangers lurking around.

It seems to you that you are the master of the situation and everything is under your constant control. Pride took possession of the soul. There is still time to fix everything. Show wisdom and prudence, do not neglect those around you. You have climbed to the pinnacle of success, and now appreciate how painful it will be to fall from such a height.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the King

The person you've chosen is most likely not interested in a long-term relationship. Perhaps you are in a difficult financial situation, and this is scaring him away. You shouldn’t look for a “strong shoulder” at the moment; try to find a better paying job or develop your talents. Now is the time to get rid of unnecessary situations and relationships. Take time for spiritual development, take care of yourself.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For treason

The appearance of the 5 of Pentacles speaks of deception and hidden relationships. Your union is going through not the easiest times; amid the crisis, feelings for each other are dulled and the partners want to find solace on the side. This is what happens.

These connections cannot be called serious. Most likely, they are temporary. Bypassing the crisis in your relationship, you can easily establish contact with your loved one and live quite happily in the future.

A full description of the map is available at

A deck of Tarot cards is a universal collection of magical symbols that allows you to create accurate forecasts of the future. The interpretation of ancient signs is a particularly delicate process that can only be accomplished by a select few. What is the true power of a Tarot deck?

Thanks to simple images, a combination of various symbols, and special layouts, an experienced magician interprets significant events of the future. To understand the intricacies of events, receive an invaluable hint, learn dangerous twists of fate - the acquired knowledge is like a real weapon against adversity.

The Five of Pentacles (the card in the middle) represents the loss of the exclusively material component of life

The Five of Pentacles Tarot represents the loss of the exclusively material component of life. An unfavorable symbol should not upset someone who has turned to the magical attribute of fortune telling for help. What kind of help does the card, the representative of the earth element, provide?

Basic meanings of the Five of Coins (Pentacles) card in Tarot

Ancient symbols in a layout for the past, present or future allow you to see the whole picture of the future, not only probable facts, but also feelings, prerequisites, and the emotional background of participants in future events.

Common meanings of the Tarot card Five of Pentacles, thanks to which you will be able to read the forecast:

  • messenger of crises;
  • worries about the future, strong feelings;
  • monetary losses;
  • problems in professional life or business;
  • probable threat of bankruptcy of a personal enterprise;
  • unstable income, unreliable sources of profit;
  • change of place of work.

A predominantly unfavorable card, if you follow the traditional interpretation of the Tarot deck, foreshadows protracted crises in the work sphere. New beginnings will not bring the desired results, and a series of troubles will completely absorb the person. Often the 5 of Pentacles can indicate not so much danger as the fear of losing control.

Five of Pentacles is a sign that work life will become quite difficult

A person who is accustomed to managing his own life is most afraid of losing leadership. The questioner, who has drawn the fifth card of the suit of Pentacles in the reading, must prepare for the difficult phase of working life, for defense and struggle. The dark streak will not last forever if you follow the advice of the Five, and diligent work and patience will bear fruit. It remains to wait quite a bit.

Direct position of the Five of Pentacles in the reading

Five of Pentacles tarot meaning, which is interpreted based on the position of the symbol in the layout, and predicts inevitable difficulties. A difficult period that will require endurance and the ability to adapt to the situation will bring financial losses.

In the layout, the Five directly depends on neighboring cards, especially the major arcana.

Negative symbols darken the entire forecast and indicate serious problems not only in work, but also in housing issues.

Job loss

The Five of Pentacles card promises a deterioration in working relationships. Investments will be unsuccessful, and the loss of money will be reflected in the family budget. Debts will become a burden, and loans will turn into bondage. The time has come to accumulate benefits, because a protracted crisis awaits the questioner.

Deterioration of health

A herald of a serious illness that will appear only in the later stages. The general loss of strength and apathy predicted by the Five will not go away on its own. Health problems require urgent action.


Five of Pentacles in an alliance scenario - soon you will have an ally who will lend a helping hand

In the life of a person who appeals to the help of a magic deck, a soul mate will appear, capable of understanding all the adversities that have arisen without further ado. The strange nature of the union will scare off others, but it is precisely such relationships that will help survive the crisis. A colleague will lend a helping hand at the most opportune moment.

Waste of energy

Any relationship requires the expenditure of vital energy. The fifth card of coins foreshadows a useless waste of energy on a person filled with doubts and anxieties. What's the difference between support and mindless altruism?

The Five card indicates significant moments in the future, in which new meetings will not always be beneficial. The questioner should learn an important life lesson - interpersonal relationships are based only on reciprocity, on the return of warmth and love on both sides.

The fifth coin card serves as a guide in simple fortune telling for a quick answer. The monetary losses predicted by the ancient symbol will bring chaos into the life of the questioner.

Forewarned is forearmed, advises the Five of the Suit of Pentacles.

A person who controls his own life accepts any problems with a fighting spirit.

Reversed Five of Pentacles

The inverted Five card indicates future waste of energy. The daily routine takes away the energy that may be needed for more important things. Mental emptiness, detachment from society, emotional burnout – these are the dangers awaiting the questioner.

In the near future, sudden difficulties will arise on the path of a strong-willed person. Disappointment in professional life, despair and prolonged depression will be fully accepted by the person. The Five Tarot does not recommend getting carried away with a negative attitude.

The warning card appears quite often in the layout. The messenger of strength acquired through difficulties is not obliged to upset the questioner. Five from the suit of Pentacles predicts crises that are destined to end favorably, but only on condition that the person makes every effort to resolve the difficulties that have arisen. Five recommends stocking up on strength and optimism, because a person’s future destiny depends only on a person’s mood.

The fifth coin symbol predicts dangers that can be prevented in advance. A person asking for advice from a magic Tarot deck needs help and support. Increased caution, diligent work and a sensitive attitude towards others will allow you to build a reliable foundation and then no problems will be able to destroy the person who drew the Five card in the layout.

Tarot spread for the future of relationships

The fifth symbol of coins in the layout for the near future speaks of the questioner’s feeling of vulnerability. A person who turns to a magical attribute suffers from loneliness. He feels abandoned, unwanted. Internal attitudes prevent you from building meaningful relationships and finding peace of mind. Man is his own enemy and friend. Obstacles on the way to happy life are created in his head, in his thoughts and feelings.

Five predicts turning points in your personal life. Only a thorough cleansing of thoughts, getting rid of obsessions and prejudices will be the first step to freedom. The feeling of hopelessness will leave the questioner as soon as he realizes inner strength. The fifth symbol of coins predicts a desperate struggle for happiness, which in no case should be avoided. Looking fears in the eye, a person realizes their worthlessness and ineffectiveness.

Five of Pentacles in a relationship scenario - you and your partner will most likely undergo a crisis

In an existing relationship, a crisis is likely, which will lead either to a break in the love affair or to a strengthening of the partnership in a couple. Without difficulties, progress is impossible. After prolonged troubles, the former harmony will return to the couple’s relationship. You shouldn’t give up prematurely and leave important relationships to chance. You need to fight for your own happiness.

Tarot spread for work

A card indicating the need for an objective view of current events. The difficulties that arise may be the result of mistakes in the past. The ancient symbol appeals to the logical thinking of the questioner: isn’t it time to take responsibility for all areas of your own life? This applies to both good and bad moments. Constant accusations towards other people, life, circumstances only aggravate the instilled trauma. An open dialogue with yourself will only benefit you.

In a work scenario, the Five from the suit of Pentacles carries a purely negative message. Serious problems at work may soon arise; it is possible that the person asking will face sudden dismissal. Forced changes are fraught with waste and a deterioration in overall well-being. Positive symbols decorating the work layout can soften the Five’s forecast.

5 Coins combined with Tarot deck cards

The combination of two or more cards that make up the layout reveals a more complete picture of the events that are about to happen. Interpreting individual symbols is a waste of time. The Five from the suit of Pentacles is necessarily considered as an accompanying sign in the Tarot deck. Unions of strong cards:

Jester and Five

The tandem that promises poverty and bankruptcy overshadows the entire situation. Monetary losses are inevitable, instead of resisting fate, the questioner needs to learn to handle it.

The High Priestess and the fifth coin card

The loss of signs and skills predicted by a strong union of magic cards appears in the layout only in extreme cases. The Tarot deck warns of neglecting personal growth.

Lovers and Five

The combination of cards indicates missing support and help. Aren't you putting a lot of worries on your own shoulders?

A deck of Tarot cards is a tool with which the secrets of the universe are revealed to the common man. To listen to them or not, the decision always remains with the one who asks the question to the magic deck. Five from the suit of Pentacles predicts certain changes in a person’s life that will not bring much joy, but will allow one to accumulate life wisdom.

Unconditional faith in the forecast should not contradict the personal beliefs of the questioner, because the Tarot does not force anyone to submit to the predicted events.

Straight position

The Five of Coins is a card of worries. They may relate to the restrictions in which a person is forced to be, the fear of loss, the severity or complexity of the obligations undertaken. Although anxiety may not have any visible reasons at all, but simply manifest itself in a lack of interest in life, depressive syndrome, etc.

So, it seems that this Arcana is one of the clearly negative ones. However, such an opinion would be too superficial, since it would reflect only the tip of the iceberg, that is, the consequences without analyzing the causes. In fact, the Five of Coins carries a deeper meaning: problems will overtake someone who lives solely by emotions and momentary desires, because without trying to plan, calculate, and generally think sensibly, a person will not see a clear picture in front of him. And the result is night terrors, disorientation and that notorious anxiety.

The other side of the “coin” of this card is that mental anguish brings purification to a person. Remember: “the soul is perfected through suffering”? In this sense, the Five of Coins calls for patience, for the voluntary renunciation of unjustified material claims, overwhelming ambitions, and for humble trust in the will of God.

If this Arcanum appears in a reading along with Strength, it means that a person has sufficient potential to survive a difficult period without losing himself. And when paired with the Six of Wands, such a card indicates that after going through difficulties, a person will even receive recognition of his merits as significant and outstanding.

Inverted position

Inverted, the Five of Coins seems to illuminate and concretize problems. That is, for example, a person sees certain possibilities in front of him, understands that, in essence, they are quite realistic, but does not yet see ways to achieve them.

In addition, such an Arcanum means something like light at the end of the tunnel. Problems are still present in life, but there is already a philosophical feeling that “this too shall pass.” At the same time, the tarot reader should advise the person to stock up on patience and humility.

In combination with the Ten of Wands, the inverted Five of Coins demonstrates a situation where a person “has everything at once,” but a solution to problems is already looming on the horizon. Such a solution could be a planned increase in income, the arrival of a peacemaker relative (if the problem is in the relationship), etc. When the Hierophant is nearby in the scenario, this symbolizes the loss of faith in something.

Love and relationships

Straight position

From the point of view of relationships, this Arcanum denotes irritability, dissatisfaction, and fears associated with uncertainty about a partner’s love. The Five of Coins clearly indicates a crisis, and it can be either a crisis in the soul of one of a couple of people, which in this case creates a lot of problems for a loved one, or a crisis of relationships in general, when both are dissatisfied with each other (especially in combination with the Hanged Man ).

At the event level, the Five of Coins can be interpreted as a quarrel in which one person accuses another blindly, that is, without evidence of his guilt. Or as a voluntary sacrifice, when one resignedly gives himself to another, because at the cost of personal moral suffering and doubt he came to the necessity of this. At the same time, the Five of Cups falling nearby will tell you that such a decision will not find the support of others. Another option for interpreting events using the Five of Coins is the discomfort created by the need to obey some rules or restrictions set by a partner.

Inverted position

The inverted Five of Coins for the sphere of relationships indicates problems of a certain nature. They, as a rule, concern the choice of the “wrong” partner, the wrong lifestyle, which in one way or another affects a loved one. Let's say, in this case we can talk about betrayal, by committing which a person does not consider that he is in any way infringing or offending his partner. However, in an inverted form, such a card indicates the fact that everything can be corrected, leveled out, if only you know how to approach it correctly. And the correct tactic here is to defeat evil with good.

The Wheel of Fortune has a very good effect on the inverted Five of Coins. This Arcanum provides bright prospects for relationships, despite current misunderstandings. And the Three of Wands complements the main interpretation by the fact that if you carefully analyze the current situation, it will become clear that positive changes are already beginning to occur.


Straight position

In this regard, the Five of Coins represents a state of very unstable equilibrium, in which a person feels as if on a powder keg, either fearing dismissal (with the Emperor), or expecting a commission with an inspection, or worrying about the fate of his project. In a word, for a career, this card also symbolizes anxiety, obstacles, and a hostile atmosphere.

As an Arcana of the Coin suit, such a Five can also mean inadequate remuneration, when the reward is clearly insufficient for such a significant amount of effort (this is also true in combination with the Jester).

However, some experts argue that the problem with this Arcanum lies not in the danger of losing a job or misunderstandings with colleagues (especially with the Chariot), but with the type of activity. For example, the Five of Coins will almost certainly fall out in the scenario of a person associated with social services, hospitals, in which one inevitably constantly encounters human misfortune and suffers, worrying about the unfortunate and disadvantaged.

Inverted position

Here the following meanings are traditional: temporary stagnation in business, overexpenditure of vital energy and driving oneself to illness or depression (with the Hanged Man), attempts to drown out moral and ethical urges in oneself in order to solve personal problems (for example, an indicative example here is the situation when “Bolivar It can’t handle two” and you have to make a choice in your own favor).

In fact, in most cases it turns out that the problem was not as difficult as it seemed. However, a person experiences a lot of fears. So the inverted Five of Coins is, in fact, a recommendation not to panic, but to have a “cool” head on your shoulders (in particular, if Justice is nearby in the layout).

You seem to be prone to becoming despondent and despairing in moments of failure. A fundamentally wrong approach to life! Yes, circumstances are often difficult and make us worry. However, do not forget that in many cases the devil is not so terrible...

When appearing in layouts, the 5 of pentacles is mainly a symbol of the loss of material values, but instead of them life experience comes to the person. Sometimes this also means complications that a person will encounter in the near future. Pentacles are, in principle, associated with material wealth. So, for example, 6 of pentacles means profit, the implementation of plans. But in any case, for a correct interpretation, one should take into account both the type of layout and the arcana located next to the dropped card.

General value

When considering the meaning of this minor arcana in standard readings, it is worth considering that it speaks of crises; the fortuneteller may worry about his financial well-being. Basically, this is a harbinger of problems at work, a warning that a person’s financial situation may become much worse than it was.

But this is not at all a reason to consider the meaning of the Five of Pentacles in the Tarot as a symbol of complete bankruptcy or the inability to solve problems with money. Because the card rather speaks not of real ruin, but of a person’s fears. Very often, this card falls out to people who will soon change jobs, get a new position, or plan to open their own business.

Arcanum in straight position

Falling out in upright position, this card indicates the onset of a not very positive period in the fortuneteller’s life. Often it indicates the possibility of losing money or large waste. It is very important to take into account the major arcana located next to it in the reading. If there are a lot of negative cards, a person should be prepared for the fact that in addition to his job, he may also lose his home. This may be due to a sudden loss of earnings or improper investment of one’s finances in a previously unprofitable business. In this case, cards are advised not to lend money to people and not to take out loans yourself.

There's no way to get them back, but interest rates loans can greatly harm the family budget. Another meaning of the Five of Pentacles Tarot is a decrease in vitality, difficulties in solving current problems and the likelihood of serious health problems that a person cannot quickly cope with, but will spend a lot of money on treatment. There is a high probability of meeting a person who has the same problems, but the understanding that the fortuneteller will receive from him is not long-term, and you should not get used to this person.

His depression and suicidal tendencies will stop him and prevent him from getting out of the current situation. An old friend may also appear, confused in his life and unwilling to solve his problems. If a fortuneteller offers him help, there is a high probability that this friend will try to shift his problems onto him. If we are talking about a “Yes-no” situation, then the answer is negative. In any case, the Five of Pentacles card is a direct sign that a person will soon have to spend a large amount of his budget to solve problems that have arisen.

Arcana in reversed position

But falling in an inverted position in ordinary layouts, this card warns the fortuneteller about excessive waste of one’s vital forces, almost complete devastation, provoking the development of fears and deterioration of relationships with others. The person is practically in despair, and this does not allow him to find the right path and way out of the situation.

The Five of Pentacles inverted advises the fortuneteller to take the situation into his own hands, since no outside help should be expected, and the person will be responsible for each action himself. To avoid problems and large financial losses, you should be careful, exercise caution and avoid all kinds of scams.

Direct position of the card in love readings

In relationship readings, this card speaks of the fortuneteller’s excessive irritability, his fear and dissatisfaction, which arises against the background of distrust of his partner. The meaning in relationships of the Five of Pentacles is most direct to the crisis that both partners and one of them can experience. If only one partner has it, then with his behavior he causes pain to the person who loves him. If there is a major lasso of the Hanged Man next to the card, then these are problems in the relationship as a whole, both partners are dissatisfied with what is happening.

If we consider the event level, then this card is interpreted as quarrels against the background of blind accusations that have no evidence. Or the 5 of Pentacles can be interpreted as the self-sacrifice of one of the pair, and its price is extremely high from the point of view of morality and human psychology. The partner gives himself completely to this relationship, turning a blind eye to all the pain that his loved one causes him. Another designation of this card in such layouts is discomfort due to established rules, orders and restrictions in a couple. 5 cups or 6 pentacles falling nearby indicate that society will not support such relationships and will condemn them.

Reversed card position in love readings

If in a reading this minor arcana appears in an inverted position, then this means that there are significant problems, for example, this person is not really the one who is needed, or his lifestyle is harming the lover. It may be that one of the couple is constantly cheating on the other, without considering that this causes pain and in general can somehow harm him.

But it is in its inverted form that this card indicates that the situation can be corrected, the main thing is to find the right approach to the issue. The Five of Pentacles has a particularly positive Tarot meaning next to the Wheel of Fortune. This combination suggests that at the moment this is just a misunderstanding, and a positive period in the relationship will soon come. And if there is also the Three of Wands, then changes in better side have already begun to happen, the main thing is to carefully analyze the situation, and it will become immediately noticeable.

Direct position of the card in business layouts

As for the work sphere, the meaning of the Five of Pentacles of the Tarot is interpreted as instability. A person does not have balance, he expects something, a check or a decision on a completed project. And if the Emperor is next to the lasso, then we can even talk about dismissal. The very position of the fortuneteller can be compared to the fact that he is sitting on a powder keg. In other words, in career matters, this card also speaks of anxiety and doubt.

If the Jester falls next to the lasso, then we are talking about disproportionate wages, that is, a lot of effort has been put in, but the end result is completely insignificant. If the Chariot falls nearby, then the problems are directly related to relationships in the team. In some layouts, a five can also mean an incorrectly chosen field of activity or work that is associated with suffering and anxiety, for example in a hospital or social service.

Reversed position of the card in business spreads

In this form, the lasso speaks of stagnation in business, the overexpenditure of the fortuneteller’s strength. If the Hanged Man falls nearby, then the person simply brings himself to exhaustion, doing more work than he is capable of, and the result of this may be illness or depression. Sometimes a person, completely immersed in work and unable to cope with it, crosses the line, violating his moral and ethical boundaries in order to gain profit. The card warns that in such a state the fortuneteller attaches more importance to the problem than necessary; in fact, everything is not as bad as it seems, and fears and worries are to blame. Especially if there is a Justice lasso nearby, the five means that you should not panic, you need to act sensibly and measuredly.

Interpretation in health charts

The meaning of the Five of Pentacles of the Tarot in the upright position in a health reading indicates that the disease will not proceed in the most positive way, or that the person will soon have serious health problems. Very rarely does it warn of the possibility of death. If it falls in an inverted position, then its interpretation indicates a low energy potential or the fortuneteller has an incurable illness.

If a five appears in this situation, it indicates that the fortuneteller in an unsuccessful period is prone to despair and despondency. And this is a completely wrong approach to the current situation. Many events in life can provoke a person to worry and worry. But do not forget that problems are not always as terrible as they seem at first glance.

Human consciousness - Five of Pentacles

The fortuneteller’s love for increased attention to the future is how this card is interpreted. This attitude to the situation not only gives rise to many doubts, anxieties and worries, but also affects a person’s determination. In addition, the lasso can indicate a base mental organization. She warns that no matter how much material wealth he has, the inner emptiness will still not disappear.

Card of the day

Dropping out as the card of the day, five indicates that all plans will be disrupted. A person will not be able to fully satisfy his needs. The problem may lie in the fact that before this little attention was paid to the business sphere and the fortuneteller was not very concerned about his own well-being. Most likely, many trials await a person ahead, but if he adequately copes with everything that fate throws at him, there is a high probability that new prospects will open up before him.

Tarot: combination of the Five of Pentacles with the Major Arcana

Only the interpretation of cards that also takes into account combinations of arcana can be considered complete. It is not enough to decipher each individual card, you need to see the overall picture. The major arcana that fall next to each other play a very important role in the meaning of the five:

  • Jester - the possibility of losing a large sum of money, poverty.
  • The magician is apathy, the person does not want to do anything.
  • High Priestess - the fortuneteller may lose his skills, he will not be able to do his usual work.
  • The Empress is a warning that the money invested will not bring the expected profit.
  • Emperor - in the love sphere it means the end of a marriage, in business it is interpreted as dismissal from work.
  • A hierophant is a person’s unworthy behavior, he is atheistic, he has no conscience, he does not consider those around him at all.
  • Lovers - you can’t expect support from your partner in solving problems that have arisen.
  • Chariot - problems can be solved, but a difficult path awaits the fortuneteller.
  • Strength - a person has no desire to move forward.
  • A hermit - tormenting himself from the inside, worrying about the lack of support, feeling like he has abandoned everything.
  • Wheel of Fortune - luck is not on the side of the fortuneteller, there is a crisis ahead.
  • Justice - a person has not succeeded as a person.
  • Hanged Man - all problems cannot be solved; too much depends on the current circumstances, and they are far from positive.
  • Death - health problems may appear.
  • Moderation means fatigue, a person has come to terms with what is happening.
  • Devil - problems are associated with the base feelings of the fortuneteller.
  • Tower - you will have to change your place of residence, perhaps due to illness.
  • Star - there is hope that everything will work out.
  • Moon - the fortuneteller has no outside support.
  • Sun and Judgment - there is a chance that the situation will soon change for the better.
  • Peace - despite problems and worries, a person feels protected.

Combination with wands

  • Five with an Ace is the light at the end of the tunnel.
  • With a two, a person does not see the opportunities that he has.
  • With the troika, the situation is difficult, but there is already progress for the better.
  • With a four - the goal has not yet been achieved, you need to make an effort.
  • With five, you will have to fight to survive.
  • The Five of Wands with the Knight of Pentacles means that the person has business acumen.
  • With a six - your financial condition will deteriorate significantly, and the direction of your activity is wrong, you need to change course.
  • With a seven, a person is unable to set aside his opinion.
  • With an eight - probably a psychological fall down.
  • With a nine - the fortuneteller is very tired of problems, he has practically no strength left to fight.
  • With a ten - there are problems with health and finances.
  • With Page - the fortuneteller will soon receive bad news.
  • With the Knight, there are many trials and separation ahead.
  • With the Queen - a person conducts business unwisely and does not believe in his own strength.
  • With the King - the fortuneteller does not have enough energy for action, he is short-sighted and imprudent.

Other combinations

If in a layout with a five a seven of the same suit appears, it means that the person does hard work and receives a minimum profit for it. With an eight, he enjoys his work, but no material benefit. Knight of Swords and Five of Pentacles - a feeling of helplessness, and with 10 of Pentacles - a person cares about his family, but not about himself.

With 6 cups - the fortuneteller will receive friendly help in difficult times, with 7 - loss of everything due to illusions and hopes, with 9 - a fall from the top. This card in combination with the Ace of Swords means risk and loss, with 2 - inaction because there is not enough strength and resources, and with 5 - completely losing everything. But the Ace of Cups and the Five of Pentacles mean that the fortuneteller is asking for help from higher powers.


In general, the five speaks of financial losses, often indicating doubts, anxieties and worries. But in reality, most often the problems are much smaller than they seem to a person and they are easy to solve. The main thing is to stop thinking about them a lot and start acting soberly and sensibly, without panic and doubt.

Despite the fact that the card does not have a very positive meaning, it does not indicate a complete collapse, but only warns of future problems that can always be solved. The main thing is not to become discouraged, not to give in to fears and doubts. Everything will definitely work out, you just need to find the strength within yourself and go through this difficult path. This minor arcana is a warning, but not the final point in the well-being of the fortuneteller.

The Five of Pentacles usually symbolizes the loss of some material values, instead of which a person can gain the necessary experience. The appearance of such a card in a reading often indicates difficulties that will appear on a person’s path.

In the article:

5 of Pentacles Tarot - meaning

The Five of Pentacles in the standard scenario speaks of any crises or worries related to money. Most often these are various problems in business, a difficult financial situation.

In fact, it is not worth considering this card as a harbinger of bankruptcy or the complete absence of a source of well-being, since the meaning of the card does not indicate ruin, but a person’s internal fear of a crisis.

This situation is very typical if a person changes the place of work to which he is accustomed, moves to a new position, or is forced to open his own business.

Direct position of the five of coins

In the upright position, the Five of Pentacles of the Tarot speaks of a not entirely positive period in life, of the need to pay a large sum of money. Pay attention to which Major Arcana cards surround it. If there are negative cards around, then it is possible to be deprived of not only a permanent job, but also a place of residence. Basic interpretations:

  • sudden dismissal, improper investment of funds. You should not lend money to someone or take out a loan yourself, since you are unlikely to be able to repay the funds you borrowed or return your money;
  • Regarding health, the card does not bode well. She talks about the appearance of some serious illness, possibly surgical intervention, the person has very little vital energy, which worsens his well-being;
  • It is possible that a person will appear who will understand you, because he is going through exactly the same difficulties in life. While others turn their backs on you, he will lend a helping hand. But you should not become particularly attached to this person, since he himself is very depressed and susceptible to suicidal tendencies;
  • It is also likely that an unhappy comrade will appear who absolutely does not know what he needs, is not ready to make any decisions and tries to shift his problems onto someone else’s shoulders.

When doing fortune telling, if this card appears, then the answer is negative. The Five of Pentacles warns, be prepared to spend a large amount of money.

In an inverted position, the five of pentacles of the tarot indicates that a person is spending too much of his energy, is almost completely empty, which provokes various fears and deterioration of relationships. A person is driven by despair, and he does not understand what he needs to do in order to normalize the situation.

The magical attribute advises you to take all your hands, since sudden support from the outside will not come and you will have to answer for all decisions made yourself. Be attentive, careful, try not to get involved in adventures and then you can avoid great hardships.

Value in relationships 5 coins

If we talk about personal relationships, then the 5 of pentacles of the tarot indicates that a person feels completely abandoned. The terrible feeling that he is not loved by anyone and is not needed by anyone begins to devour him from the inside.

This is a turning point when a person needs to get rid of attachments, fears, and behavior patterns. Only in this case can a person overcome his feeling of hopelessness. It is unlikely that someone will suddenly take you out of this state. To be happy, you have to fight on your own.

Sometimes a card is a harbinger of a crisis in a relationship, but it is worth remembering that any turning point is an integral part of the development of a couple, and is not necessarily a disaster or collapse of the relationship. As practice shows, usually after such a crisis, relations between a man and a woman soon improve.

Work area

It's time to objectively assess your strengths and the difficulties that appear on your way. Perhaps there are people who are trying to prevent you from achieving your goal, gossiping, spreading bad information about you.

Such a scandal could also result in dismissal. 5 of Pentacles in this case means loss of a position, source of funds, failure in an exam. But do not despair, because in combination with positive cards, this simply speaks of a change of place of work or residence.

Yes, changes in life are always risky. Especially if you have worked for someone for a long time, and now you have decided to start a private business. But with all this, the 5 of Pentacles does not indicate that this step was a mistake.

It is quite normal to feel insecure as you have to leave the old behind and take on something new. The card has a negative meaning only in extreme cases, but in general it conveys only a subjective feeling, the fear of the individual himself.

Human consciousness

The Five of Pentacles suggests that a person is extremely concerned about his future, as a result of which he is worried and afraid to take a decisive step.

The card can also speak about the poverty of the soul. In this case, no material goods can fill the emptiness that exists within the person himself.

Five of Pentacles in combination with other cards

Before interpreting any particular layout, it is necessary to pay attention not only to each individual card, but also to their combinations. If the Five of Pentacles lies in front of you, then be sure to pay attention to which ones. Depending on this, the meaning of the card itself may change. The Five of Pentacles has the following meaning in combination with the card:

  • Jester - poverty, sudden loss of a large sum of money;
  • Mag - lack of desire to do something;
  • High Priestess - loss of skills;
  • Empress - investing money will not be profitable;
  • Emperor - divorce, dismissal;
  • Hierophant - a person behaves extremely vilely, unscrupulously, atheist;
  • Lovers - lack of support from a partner;
  • Chariot - in order to win, you have to fight;
  • Strength - lack of desire to move on;
  • Hermit - internal torment, feeling of abandonment;
  • Wheel of Fortune - crisis, luck has turned away from you;
  • Justice is failure;
  • Hanged Man - you are a hostage to circumstances;
  • Death - deterioration of health;
  • Moderation - a person is ready to come to terms with what is happening;
  • Devil - base feelings;
  • Tower - change of residence, illness;
  • Star - hope for the best;
  • Moon - lack of support;
  • The sun is hope for better things;
  • Court - in the near future the situation will improve for the better;
  • Peace - a feeling of security.

The Five of Pentacles tarot is not the worst card, since it indicates more about human fear of a crisis than about its real negative impact on a person’s financial situation. Remember that in order to change the situation for the better, you need to take active action.