Stylistic role of synonyms. The emergence and stylistic role of synonyms

All about spotlights

Synonymy is one of the most striking manifestations of systemic relations in vocabulary. Words that are similar in the associations that arise and the proximity of the designated concepts enter into synonymous connections. This feature is not inherent in all words of the Russian language. Thus, proper names, names of countries, cities, towns and their inhabitants, many specific names of household items, and words-terms do not enter into such relationships (although there are many exceptions in this area).

In modern linguistic literature there is no unity of points of view on synonyms. The main questions about the nature of synonyms and their function in language and speech are controversial. The concept of "synonym" is interpreted differently.

In the traditional understanding of synonyms as words that are close or identical in meaning, the most accepted point of view is that considers synonyms as words that denote one concept, but differ in shades of meaning or expressive and stylistic features.

Synonyms arise as a result of various processes occurring in the language. The main ones are:

) “Splitting” of one lexical meaning of a word into two or more, that is, the transformation of a single-valued word into a new, polysemantic word. In this case, the developed new meanings can be synonymized with the meanings of other words existing in a given language. Thus, in the post-revolutionary period, the word “layer”, in addition to direct meaning“a thin layer, a strip between layers of something” (a layer of cream in a cake), a figurative meaning has developed - “a social group, part of a society, an organization.” In this new meaning, the word “layer” entered into a synonymous relationship with the words group, layer;

) Discrepancy between different meanings of the same word, leading to the loss of semantic connection between them. As a result, each of the homonyms arising in this way has its own synonymous series. Thus, the adjective dashing, which already had several meanings in the Old Russian language, gradually began to mean two completely different qualities:

  • a) “bad, difficult, dangerous” (hard times);
  • b) “brave, selfless” (dashing cavalryman).

The homonyms dashing (1) and dashing (2) that arose in this way are included in different synonymous series:

Dashing (1) - evil, heavy;

Dashing (2) - brave, daring, brave.

) Borrowing foreign words that are close in meaning to the original words of the Russian language, as a result of which synonymous series and pairs of words may arise: region - sphere; universal - global; preliminary - preventive; prevail - prevail.

) The appearance of synonymous pairs as a result of word-formation processes that constantly occur in the language: digging - digging; piloting - aerobatics; timing - timing; faceting - cutting; equipment - equipment.

Synonyms differ from each other either in the shade of meaning (close), or in the stylistic coloring (unambiguous, i.e. identical), or both characteristics at the same time. For example: ruddy - pink, rosy-cheeked, pink-faced, red-cheeked; neighborhood - circle, district (colloquial); premature - early, untimely. The first ones differ mainly in shades of meaning. In the next two synonymous rows, along with semantic differences, there are also stylistic and stylistic ones.

Depending on semantic or functional-stylistic differences, three main types of synonyms are conventionally distinguished:

) ideographic (gr. idea - concept + graph? - record), or actually semantic;

) stylistic (by reference to one of the functional styles);

) strictly stylistic (i.e. those whose meaning has additional evaluative and expressive shades).

The last two types are usually closely related to each other (cf., for example, synonyms for the interstyle and stylistically neutral word life: decompressed life, everyday life, fam. life-being and everyday life, predominantly neglected being ). Consequently, belonging to a style is often specified by indicating additional value or connotation, i.e. actual stylistic characteristics. Such synonyms are often called semantic-stylistic, since they all have differences in meaning (note that this also explains the relative convention in identifying these types of synonyms).

The emergence of the above types of synonyms in the language is due to a number of reasons. One of them is the desire of a person to find some new features in an object or phenomenon of reality and designate them with a new word, similar in meaning to the already existing name of this object, phenomenon, quality (cf., for example, the use of the words rumor, rumor, news, news, message and others to denote one concept).

Synonyms appear in the language due to the penetration of borrowed words that are close or identical in meaning to Russian (cf., for example: guide-guide, cicerone; embryo - embryo; introduction - preamble, etc.).

Sometimes words with similar meanings appear in a language due to the fact that in different expressive-stylistic groups of words, in different styles of speech, the same object, the same phenomenon can be called differently. So, the words eyes, hands, goes, this, in vain and others are commonly used. In sublime speech, in poetic speech, their synonyms can be the words ochi, dlani, coming, this, in vain, which are outdated for the modern Russian language. For example, A.S. Pushkin, we observe the use of synonyms for eyes - eyes: “No, it’s not agate in her eyes, but all the treasures of the East are not worth the sweet rays of her midday eye...”.

To reduce the style, some of them in colloquial speech are replaced by synonyms of a colloquial or dialect nature: eyes - peepers, eyes, balls, etc.; hands - paws; goes - stomps. For example, F.I. We find Panferov: “Markel pointed to his eyes with his finger: “He himself has a peeper.”

Individual common words may have as synonyms combinations of words that convey their meaning phraseologically, for example: died - ordered to live long, departed to another world, left this vale, etc. For example, in A.S. Pushkin:

Is your bear healthy, Father Kirila Petrovich?

Misha ordered to live long,” answered Kirila Petrovich.

He died a glorious death.

Synonyms also arise in the case when an object, sign or phenomenon of reality is given a different emotional assessment (cf. cruel - merciless, heartless, inhuman, fierce, ferocious, etc.).

In the modern Russian language, not only individual words are synonymous, but also individual phraseological units

Synonymy is closely related to the phenomenon of polysemy. For example, the word quiet has several meanings, and each of them can have its own synonyms. So, in the phrase “quiet sleep” its synonyms are calm, serene, but these words cannot replace the word quiet in combination with the word man. Synonyms for it in the phrase quiet person are - inconspicuous, modest; in the phrase a quiet voice is weak, barely audible; in the phrase “quiet driving” the adjective quiet is synonymous with - slow, calm, etc. The word profit also has several synonyms: benefit, gain, gain. However, this word cannot always be replaced by any of the indicated synonyms. So, in the phrase “Prokhor Petrovich, meanwhile, made a six-month calculation of turnover. The balance sheet showed profit,” the word profit cannot be replaced, for example, with the words profit, gain or benefit, since the meaning of the entire phrase will be distorted; the word profit in this context is stylistically the most appropriate and accurate.

In context, words can be interchangeable with synonyms (for example, gaze - gaze; pedestal - pedestal; calm - calm; giant - giant, colossus, giant, titan, etc.). However, words grouped into a common synonymous series cannot always be interchangeable (see the example with the words profit - benefit, profit, etc.). Synonymous words have one, as a rule, stylistically neutral core (main) word in the synonymous series, which is usually called dominant (lat. dominans - dominant). This is, for example, the verb to speak in relation to words that are stylistically colored - to say, to utter, to mutter, etc.

The synonymous possibilities of the Russian language are varied; synonyms can be words with different roots (greatness - grandeur; blizzard - blizzard, blizzard) and single-root words (greatness - majesty, majesty; blizzard - blizzard; unprincipled - unprincipled). In the synonymous row, along with individual words, combinations of service and significant words (out of spite - in defiance; anonymous - without signature), words and terminological combinations of words (aviation - air fleet; dentist - dentist), etc. can be combined.

Along with general literary, accepted, customary (Latin usus - custom) synonyms in the process of use in speech (especially in the language of fiction), words that in ordinary use have nothing in common in their meaning act as synonyms. For example, in the sentence: “A rosy-cheeked girl came out and knocked the samovar on the table,” the word knocked is synonymous with the word put, although in common literary language they are not synonyms. Such use is called occasional (lat. occasional - random), due to the individual selection of words only for a given context. There is no stable consolidation of synonymous meanings in the language system for such words. They are not reflected in dictionaries.

In terms of the number of words, the synonymous series are not the same: some contain two or three words (marriage - matrimony; authority - weight, prestige), others include a large number of words and phrases (win - overcome, break, defeat, overcome, break, overcome, triumph, overpower, cope, gain the upper hand, win, etc.).

The role of synonyms in speech is exceptionally great: they help to avoid unnecessary repetitions of the same word, convey thoughts more accurately, more clearly, and allow one to express the variety of shades of a particular phenomenon, quality, etc.

Thus, synonyms are used in the language for the following purposes:

to clarify thoughts;

to highlight the most important semantic shades;

to enhance imagery and artistic expression of speech;

to avoid repetitions, inaccuracies, mixing words from different styles, language cliches and other stylistic errors in speech.

Synonyms are the basis for creating an antithesis - a stylistic device of contrast, opposition. This is how, for example, the synonymous chains future - future, future - tomorrow; pathetic - insignificant used in the following passages:

And we call the future the future, because the coming day is not tomorrow (B. Slutsky)

Outright self-contempt! The one who experiences it too often is pitiful. The one who has never experienced it once in his life is insignificant (V. Tendryakov).

Synonyms are recorded in special dictionaries - dictionaries of synonyms. In Western Europe and America, dictionaries of synonyms have long occupied an honorable place among the most necessary reference books for every writer. There, the study of synonyms has long been included, as one of the most important subjects, in the school curriculum of the native language, for one cannot help but see that nowhere is the richness and flexibility of the language more pronounced than in synonyms.

In Russia at present there are not enough dictionaries of synonyms.


Institute of Parliamentarism and Entrepreneurship

Department of Journalism

Specialty "Journalism"


in the discipline "Stylistics of the Russian language"

Stylistic functions of synonyms in journalistic texts


Chapter 1 Synonymy of the Russian language

1.2 Classification of synonyms

1.3 Functions of synonyms

1.4 Stylistically unjustified use of synonyms

Chapter 2 Functioning of synonyms in journalism, relationship with newspaper genres

2.1 Refinement function

2.2 Substitution function

2.3 Clarification function




The course work is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of synonymy in journalistic texts. The topic - the stylistic functions of synonyms in journalistic texts - is very relevant at the present time, since synonyms are a means of expressing the thoughts and feelings of a modern person in all their diversity. And this is very important for a journalist, especially one practicing in print media. Conveying the dynamics of an event, descriptions, richness, accuracy and completeness of transmitted information - all this requires the use of all the possibilities of the word.

Synonymy is a fairly studied phenomenon; the composition of synonyms in the Russian language has been studied for more than 200 years. Meanwhile, this question remains relevant, since the precise, stylistically correct use of words is extremely important for a journalist. Synonymy itself is multifaceted and multifunctional, which, to some extent, explains the disagreements that arise around synonyms and their interpretation. Scientists, for example, are still arguing about which words are considered synonyms, how to classify them, and what criteria for synonymy are decisive. At the same time, various and often contradictory opinions are expressed.

The purpose of the work is to study the functions of synonyms in journalistic texts. The objectives are to consider the stylistic features of synonyms, study the phenomenon of synonymy using practical material from Belarusian publications, as well as consider a number of possible problems that arise when using synonyms.

The object of the study is the synonymy of the Russian language, and the subject is synonyms in journalistic texts of different genres.

The scientific novelty of this work lies in the fact that the phenomenon of synonymy in journalistic texts has been studied very narrowly, while in works of art this topic is explored quite widely. synonymy Russian journalistic text

It is also advisable to consider stylistic errors that are made in journalistic texts, since it is easiest to study the functioning of synonyms using examples of errors.

Chapter 1. Synonymy of the Russian language

1.1 The concept of synonymy of the Russian language

Words in a language are combined into various lexical-semantic groups, forming a complex system. Synonyms are one of the links in this system.

Synonyms- words denoting the same concept, therefore identical or similar in meaning.

There are different understandings of synonymy - a narrow one, which recognizes only identical words as synonyms, and a broad one, according to which all words close in meaning are considered synonyms.

The concept of a synonymous series is of great importance. A group of synonyms united by a common basic nominative meaning forms a synonymic series - a unit of systematic vocabulary from the point of view of synonymy. As you know, any word is always included in a group of words related to it by semantic proximity. One word, as a rule, does not exhaust the concept it expresses; it denotes only part of the semantic field. A group of synonyms forms a system of shades of the same concept.

Synonymous series- this is also the way of language development. A synonym connects linguistic facts in time, in local and social variations. Words outdated and new, dialectal, colloquial and slang find their place in the synonymous row. The synonymous series connects both what is accepted by the general linguistic norm and what was born in individual creativity. The synonymous series embodies the diversity and unity of the literary language.

A stylistic system is largely a stylistic synonymy. A person who speaks a language well is one who, for each concept, knows all its possible expressions, suitable and unsuitable for certain conditions of speech. First of all, he must know words - stylistically neutral designations of concepts and their synonyms with a generalized genre (functional) coloring, synonyms with positive and negative connotations. Then you need to know the various designations of the concept within synonyms with a positive connotation, their differences in shades and the appropriateness of choosing one or the other in specific speech conditions. The same applies to words and expressions with a negative stylistic connotation. If a native speaker is well aware of such differences in relation to thousands of words, then this is a reliable guarantee of stylistically correct speech. You just need to learn how to practically use all this knowledge - diversely and accurately. By bringing out a stylistically appropriate word from memory into speech - one that is suitable specifically for a given speech situation, in accordance with the accepted standard of style and other conditions, in accordance with your personality, you form your speech work in this style, using a synonym as a style-forming and (more broadly ) as a stylistic device. Any style of speech, including the most private one, has its own style-forming means in the language system and rejects and alienates other, foreign ones. Style formation is the selection of words of the desired style from the synonymous rows of the language and their speech combination according to the style-forming rules of this style, filling with them the corresponding syntactic structures, which are also selected from among those that are stylistically synonymous and meet the norms of this style.

The use of synonyms in journalism, especially in newspapers, is characterized by a focus on expressiveness, a desire to diversify speech, and avoid annoying repetitions. All this naturally leads publicists to use all possible synonymy resources. In addition, more and more new contextual synonyms and various periphrases are being invented as synonyms for commonly used words and terms (oil - black gold; forest - green gold; doctors - people in white coats; medical care - health service, etc.). d.). Often, within one text, a whole synonymous series is built (it can consist not only of lexical units, but also phraseological units and periphrastic figures of speech): Note that the synonymy here is rather conditional and narrowly contextual.

1.2 Classification of synonyms

There are different classifications of synonyms. Taking into account the semantic and stylistic differences of synonyms, they are divided into several groups: 1) semantic (ideographic), 2) stylistic and 3) semantic-stylistic.

I. Semantic, or ideographic, synonyms differ in semantic shades. Among ideographic synonyms, complete, or absolute, synonyms are distinguished. There are very few such synonyms in the language. Usually these are foreign words equivalent to Russian ones. Absolute synonyms are usually not retained in the language: they are either differentiated by meaning and style, or one of the synonyms falls out of use, becoming a passive stock of the dictionary.

Ideographic synonyms often differ in subtle shades of meaning. Some ideographic synonyms are differentiated by semantic compatibility.

II. TO stylistic include synonyms that have the same meaning, but differ in stylistic coloring. Among them there are two groups:

a) synonyms belonging to different functional styles;

b) synonyms belonging to the same functional style, but having different emotional and expressive shades.

III. Semantic-stylistic synonyms differ both in meaning and stylistic coloring.

The most important condition for the synonymy of words is their semantic proximity, and in special conditions - identity. Depending on the degree of semantic proximity, the synonymity of words can manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent.

In modern lexicology, clarity has been achieved in determining the chronological boundaries of synonymy. When establishing synonymous relations, it is necessary to take into account the synchronicity of the lexical units under consideration. The selection of so-called contextual, or functional speech, synonyms, which include words that are similar in meaning only in a certain context, is rightly criticized.

1.3 Functions of synonyms

Synonyms perform a variety of functions in speech functions:

1. Synonyms are used in speech to clarify thoughts. The use of synonyms that complement each other allows you to more fully express your thoughts. One of the synonyms in such cases may be accompanied by words emphasizing its meaning. Words close in meaning that are not synonyms also help to diversify speech. The need to avoid repetition of words arises especially often when conveying dialogue. Various verbs are used to indicate the fact of speech. When choosing new words to denote similar concepts, the authors do not mechanically replace one word with another, but take into account their various semantic and expressive shades.

2. Synonyms perform the function of comparing concepts, while emphasizing the differences in their semantics. In this case, the author draws attention to the differences in their semantics.

3. Synonyms are used to contrast concepts, which sharply highlights their differences, especially emphasizing the second synonym.

4. One of the most important functions of synonyms is the substitution function, which allows you to avoid repeating words. Unmotivated (without a special stylistic task) repetition of a word is a serious drawback that makes speech colorless, inexpressive, and monotonous.

5. Synonyms are used to construct a special stylistic figure - gradation, which is a combination of stringing synonyms, when each subsequent synonym enhances the meaning of the previous one. This use of synonyms serves to characterize different shades of a phenomenon to convey the intensity of an action and the diversity of its manifestation. Very often, this widespread stylistic device is based on the desire to convey strong feelings and experiences. To create a gradation, you can use not only synonyms, but also words connected by a common meaning that does not reach synonymy.

6. Synonyms are also used for clarification purposes. When using special vocabulary, foreign words, archaisms that may be incomprehensible to the reader, the author can explain them with synonyms. As a rule, synonyms are used to explain highly specialized terms in popular scientific literature.

When analyzing the various stylistic functions of synonyms, it should be remembered that thanks to stable connections within synonymy, reflecting systemic relationships in the lexicon, each word that has a synonym is perceived in speech in comparison with other words of the synonymous series. Expressively colored words are, as it were, “projected” onto their stylistically neutral synonyms.

Synonymy creates wide possibilities for selecting lexical means, but searching for the exact word costs the author a lot of work. Sometimes it is not easy to determine exactly how synonyms differ, what semantic or emotional-expressive shades they express. And it is not at all easy to choose from a multitude of words the only correct, necessary one.

There are a lot of synonymous pairs of words in the Russian language, one of which is original (in origin or form), and the other is of foreign origin, and between these components of the pairs there is a greater or lesser stylistic gap, which must be taken into account when choosing them. The choice of the foreign component of the pair gives the speech a slightly more bookish touch, while the iconic one pulls it into the conversational sphere.

It is also worth paying attention to the ratio of shades “neutral - refined”, when the words of the language enter into synonymous relationships with periphrases that become popular: middle-aged - not the first youth. What to choose from this must be decided according to the situation.

1.4 Stylistically unjustified use of synonyms

With all the wealth of synonyms that the Russian language has, the problem arises of choosing one, the only true and necessary one. As M. Koltsov rightly argued, there are no two words that mean absolutely the same thing; every stylistically precise choice of word presupposes one thing in a certain context.

The abundance of synonyms in the Russian language requires a particularly careful attitude to the word. Without mastering the synonymous riches of his native language, the writer cannot make his speech expressive and accurate. Poverty of vocabulary leads to frequent repetition of words, to tautology, to the use of words without taking into account the shades of their meaning.

For the day of the author and editor, it is important not so much what unites synonyms, but what separates them, which makes it possible to distinguish correlative speech means from each other, because from many words close in meaning it is necessary to choose the only one that in this context will be the best

The cause of stylistic errors in a syllable is very often an unsuccessful choice of synonym.

Often, as a result of an inaccurate choice of synonym, lexical compatibility is disrupted. The cause of lexical errors is not synonyms as such, but the inability to use the expressive capabilities of linguistic synonymy. We often observe the incorrect use of synonyms in the text.

If the speaker finds it difficult to give an exact definition of a particular concept, an unjustified stringing of synonyms may arise that express the idea approximately, giving rise to speech redundancy. Such use of synonyms indicates helplessness in handling words, an inability to accurately express a thought; Behind the verbose sentences lie truths that are not complex at all.

Stylistic editing of sentences in which the unjustified use of synonyms creates pleonasms most often comes down to eliminating speech redundancy.

A pileup of synonyms and words with similar meanings, which otherwise could enhance the expressive coloring of speech, when arranged in an inept, disorderly manner, gives rise to speech redundancy; “clarifying” definitions, destroying the gradation, create illogicality and comedy in the statement.

Chapter 2. The functioning of synonyms in journalism, the relationship with newspaper genres.

The most common stylistic functions of synonyms will be examined using the example of journalistic texts taken from the printed media. These are the newspapers “Minskaya Prauda”, “Komsomolskaya Pravda in Belarus”, “SB. Belarus today”, “Women’s newspaper”. Also, during my internship at Belorusskaya Niva, I wrote materials, using the example of which I will consider the principles of choosing a particular word.

This chapter will examine each function with specific examples, and will also examine the relationship between the frequency of synonymous substitutions and genres of journalism.

2.1 Refinement function

For the author of any journalistic text, it is fundamentally important to master the language perfectly, because each situation described in the material requires precise choice of words. You can't write in a template way. Each word of a synonymous series differs from others of the same series by an additional shade of meaning, which must be taken into account in order to express thoughts with the greatest accuracy. Surrounding phenomena and objects, their properties, qualities, actions, states are recognized by us with all their features; the concept is called the word most suitable for expressing the desired meaning.

A note, chronicle, information message is brief information about current events. What is important here is not the artistic reflection of the fact that happened, but the accuracy and laconicism in its depiction. Here the author most often chooses a dominant from a synonymous series, i.e. a stylistically neutral word expressing the “pure” meaning of a synonymous series without any additional shades. This pattern can be traced in such columns as “In the center of events”, “In one word”, present in the publications “Minskaya Pravda” and “SB”.

Here we can note the following constructions that indicate the most accurate expression of thought (Appendix 1):

· accurate strikes by Vladimir Yurchenko (the strikes are precise, not true or accurate),

· a charity concert-marathon will be held in Minsk (the word will be more neutral than the word will take place, the latter indicates the wide scope of the event),

· took part in the solemn ceremony (the ceremony is solemn, it is a stable structure)

· Petr Parkhomchik noted that the Chinese side is showing very great interest in BelAZ technology (in this context, this word is in the same synonymous row with the words noticed, designated, told, but what is important is that this was precisely noted, which indicates the special importance of what was said information)

· The main goal of the new project is the assembly of machines (this word is synonymous with the words main, core, central, root. However, the word main is most suitable, because this means that the project has other goals, to some extent inferior in importance.)

· Outlined priority tasks (this word is in the same synonymous row with the words designated, planned, but the word outline is a stylistic dominant and has more specific meaning- there are no tasks in the plans yet, but they are outlined)

So, here we see a reflection of the most important function of synonyms - the exact expression of thought. It is worth noting that all the examples given above are stylistically neutral, which is interconnected with the nature of the publications. The social and political publications “Minskaya Prauda” and “SB” are designed for the general public and do not have a primary goal of attracting the attention of the masses, which is typical for tabloids.

If we turn to a publication that has the reputation of a tabloid - “Komsomolskaya Pravda”, then here there is an “embellishment” of any information to give it a more attractive look, with the desire to diversify the speech and avoid annoying repetitions. This applies to materials of different genres.

2.2 Substitution function

This function is one of the most important functions of synonyms for journalistic text. Repeating the same word makes speech colorless and inexpressive. Here you can turn to Komsomolskaya Pravda, which colorfully describes any event. This function can be seen in the example of a report, which stands out in particular. In a report, it is important to convey the dynamics of the event, the mood; it is extremely important to create the effect of presence. Here, as in the commentary, information is presented with varying degrees of presence of the author’s position. The alternation of expressive and standardized elements here, their transition into each other is intended to attract and maintain the reader’s interest. That is why the journalist tries to saturate his material with expressively colored words, avoiding cliches and dryness as much as possible (Appendix 2):

· The dot is large. She is slowly approaching us. This is some kind of big ship. (The dot can also be large; choosing a large synonym allowed us to avoid unnecessary repetition of words)

· Three days ago, when the storm reached force ten, the plague of our trip - seasickness - mercilessly killed half of the crew. Tormenting headaches felled the sweet-voiced Filipina... (These synonyms are distinguished by their bright expressive coloring: seasickness did not happen, but rather laid down and left)

· Also in the text there are contextual synonyms, sea plague, seasickness, painful headaches, insidious illness, which is also a correct stylistic device and makes the speech more diverse.

· I will start a new, righteous life, I will visit my mother, I will see my son... (these synonyms, in addition to replacing each other, also create the right mood. (Compare: I will visit my mother and son - I will visit my mother, I will see my son)).

2.3 Clarification function

Due to the fact that the clarification function is used most often for highly specialized terms, it is rarely found in journalism. The authors prefer not to resort to such terms, but to immediately replace them with a synonym that is more understandable to the reader and does not require explanation. However, the following options exist (Appendix 2):

· Three days ago, when the storm reached force ten, the plague of our trip - seasickness - mercilessly killed half of the crew. (Contextual synonyms, in this form, journalists can use this function in order to give the text an expressive coloring)

2.4 Functions of gradation, comparison and contrast

These journalistic-style features are used less frequently than those described earlier. These stylistic devices are more characteristic of the artistic style. However, in the journalistic style these techniques still occur (Appendix 3):

· Peter dragged Russia in a terrible, barbaric way. (gradation, here the words themselves are not synonyms, but have a general meaning; it is important to note that words that do not reach synonymy are often used to construct a gradation)

In the context of the considered functions, attention should be paid to artistic and journalistic genres, and in particular to the genre of the essay, which is as close as possible to the artistic style. Here synonymy is used very actively. As an example, an essay is taken from the Women's Newspaper. (Appendix 4). The author tried to give the text maximum expression. But this essay is not a positive example. It is full of synonyms, but these synonyms are often repeated, and so-called “stamps” are also found in the text. All this indicates a low level of linguistics:

· Twilight gently enveloped the city, immersing it in the wondrous charm of the evening. Snowflakes flickered in the light of the lanterns, falling to the ground and covering it with a soft fluffy blanket. Tatyana walked through the city, head down, not noticing either passers-by or this wondrous beauty. (The same words are used in successive sentences; they should be replaced with synonyms. However, it is worth paying attention to synonyms that have a bright expressive coloring: enveloped, wondrous charm, flickered, wandered)

· Seryozhka - her wonderful youngest son got married a month ago and left her. And Irisha, Seryozhka’s wife, is simply a wonderful girl, sociable and kind. When they left, Lisa was only four months old, and now such a wonderful big man was looking at her from the photo. (This word is often repeated in the text; to describe people, you can easily find synonyms that characterize the person more accurately)

· Tatyana missed her little granddaughter Lizonka madly. (vivid expression)

· So the years flew by.

· She hasn't changed much, her eyes remain just as perky.

· Lyubochka was happily chatting with someone on the phone and laughing. The women hugged each other and chatted cheerfully about their lives. But Lyuba spoke almost all the time, she was always a very cheerful girl and could talk for hours interesting stories. (unnecessary repetition, must be replaced with synonyms)

Despite some stylistic remarks, the text is very close to the artistic style, and the synonyms are aimed at creating the desired mood.

2.5 Errors when using synonyms

In journalistic texts of different genres, there are errors in the use of synonyms, which probably arise due to a careless attitude to the choice of a particular word, to its emotionally expressive connotation, due to the paucity of vocabulary, and inattention (Appendix 5):

ь Thanked for the great help and support

There is an obvious mistake here, which arose due to the speaker’s desire to make the speech more rich and convincing, which led to an unjustified stringing of synonyms and tautology.

b is a brand famous all over the world

In this context, the synonym is used incorrectly. It is necessary to replace it either with one that is famous throughout the world, or to select a synonym - known throughout the world, lexical incompatibility.

ь Belarus has been working with the corporation for 15 years (this word should be replaced with the word cooperates, because this is stylistically correct)

When developing the topic of this work, I turned to my journalistic texts published in Belorusskaya Niva. Replacing one word with a synonym or synonymous constructions was used when writing materials on statistical data. In the material “Until you pass, you will suffer,” constructions were used that, although not reaching synonymy, nevertheless carried a similar meaning - 7.4 percent. consider; 14.8 percent sure; 18.5 percent complained; 48.1 percent They responded skeptically. (Appendix 6)


The synonymy of the Russian language deserves great attention. This phenomenon is currently poorly understood in relation to journalistic style, which seems to be a mixture of expression and standards. The relationship between the genres of journalism, the nature of the publication and the saturation of synonyms is clearly visible.

So, informational and analytical genres are the genres that are least saturated with expression. Fact and analysis are at the center. By the nature of the use of linguistic means, they are close to the scientific and business style, possessing features of factuality and documentation in the transmission of information. These genres are closest to a neutral language and are least saturated with synonyms. Units of language are usually taken here in their direct nominative meaning, i.e. have only one level of understanding - semantic. Here, the main function of the synonyms used is accuracy in conveying information, specificity.

Artistic and journalistic genres, on the contrary, attract all linguistic means, including synonymy, for emotional impact on the reader, because it allows maximum expression of expressiveness. Here, to the substantive level of understanding characteristic of information and analytical genres, a level of additional meanings, “connotations,” acquired in a broad context is added. These genres are openly evaluative, clearly journalistic in nature and aimed at propaganda impact, in certain respects they are similar to literary prose. Synonymy here acquires a pronounced expressive character.

However, this line is very arbitrary. The current trend in journalism is to mix genres. It’s difficult to find any genre in its “pure” form now. Therefore, one can observe the interweaving of expression and standards in most newspaper articles.

List of sources used

1. Bragina, A.A. Functions of synonyms in modern Russian language. - Moscow, 1979.

2. Golub, I.B. Stylistics of the Russian language. Higher education. Sixth edition. - Moscow, 2005.

3. Kozhina, M.N. Stylistics of the Russian language. 3rd edition, revised and expanded. - Moscow, 1993.

4. Romanova, N.N. Stylistics and styles. Tutorial/ A.V. Filippov. - Moscow, 2009.

5. Dictionary of synonyms and antonyms / comp. O.A. Mikhailova. - Ekaterinburg, 2007.

6. Solganik, G.Ya. Practical stylistics of the Russian language. - Moscow, 2006.

7. Solganik, G.Ya. Stylistics of the modern Russian language and speech culture: textbook. aid for students fak. journalism / G.Ya. Solganik, T.S. Dronyaeva. - 2nd ed., rev. - Moscow, 2004.

8. Stylistics and literary editing / ed. IN AND. Maksimova - Moscow, 2004.

9. Encyclopedic dictionary-reference book. Expressive means of the Russian language and speech errors and shortcomings / Ed. A.P. Skovorodnikova. - Moscow, 2005.

Annex 1

In the center of things

Warmth - way

Social facilities in the Minsk region are already fully connected to heat sources.

As MP was informed by the housing and communal services department of the regional executive committee, this list includes preschool, school, treatment and preventive, medical and educational institutions, as well as social security institutions, museums and state archives.

The phased connection to the heat supply of the housing stock is being completed. There are no problems with this yet, with the exception of certain facilities in the Minsk and Smolevichi regions. However, as the utility workers assured, the issues will be resolved in a working manner.


Where does the best local police officer serve?

The Department of Internal Affairs of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee held an annual competition for the titles “Best local police inspector of the Minsk region - 2010” and “Best local police inspector of the Minsk region - 2010”.

As the head of the information and public relations department of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Minsk Regional Executive Committee, Alexander Danilchenko, said, the participants in the event were employees of the regional internal affairs bodies, who took first place in the regional reviews of local police inspectors.

According to the results of the competition, the senior district police inspector of the Vileika District Department of Internal Affairs, police major Nikolai Myagkov, was recognized as the best district police inspector of the Minsk region in 2010. Second place went to the district police inspector of the Dzerzhinsky District Department of Internal Affairs, police captain Mikhail Sapunov. “Bronze” – from the local police inspector of the Chervensky District Department of Internal Affairs, police lieutenant Pavel Shinkevich.

The “golden” award in the personal championship based on the results of the review-competition of professional skills among local inspectors for juvenile affairs was won by the local inspector of the Borisovsky District Internal Affairs Inspectorate, police captain Andrei Gatsura, in second place was the local inspector of the Myadelsky District Internal Affairs Inspectorate, police lieutenant Victoria Tanana, in third place - district inspector of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Smolevichi District Department of Internal Affairs, police captain Irina Papkovich.

Yesterday the winners received their well-deserved awards at a meeting dedicated to issues work of local police officers in the Minsk region.


View of the Thrifty

Today the Belarusian Energy and Environmental Forum begins its work in Minsk, in which enterprises and organizations of the capital region will take part. Among them is the flagship of the domestic industry - the Belarusian Automobile Plant.

According to Deputy Minister of Energy Yuriy Rymashevsky, the forum will take place from October 12 to 15 and will be a showcase of modern achievements of science, technology and technology in the field of energy, energy saving, automation, electronics, and environmental protection.

The forum will also include the Belarusian Energy and environmental congress, which this year is held with the support of the Representative Office of the German Economy in the Republic of Belarus, the German-Belarusian Economic Club, as well as the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Belarus. Guests from Germany will share their experience in using renewable energy sources. The exhibition EnergyouExpo deserves special attention, in which more than 300 firms, enterprises and organizations from 16 countries of the world are participating - leading Belarusian and global manufacturers of equipment, technologies and materials.


Sliding in the dark

On the roads of the capital region in the dark, cases of collisions with pedestrians have become more frequent. In just one day, five people were injured in five road accidents, and one pedestrian died, reported the State Traffic Inspectorate of the regional Internal Affairs Directorate.

On one of the streets in Borisov, the driver of a car hit a local resident at a pedestrian crossing, and in Molodechno, a seventh-grader who suddenly ran out onto the roadway was run over by a car. The victims were taken to the hospital.

The tragic incident occurred in the evening in the capital. On the 27th kilometer of the Minsk-Grodno highway near the village of Gorani, the driver of a Dodge at an unregulated pedestrian crossing hit two people, one of whom died on the spot. After the collision, the driver stopped and ran along the roadway towards the traffic flow, waving his arms and trying to prevent a repeat collision with the victims, and only by luck did he not end up under the wheels himself.

By the way, until October 13, Operation Training Vehicle continues in the capital region. During special raids, the traffic police will check the technical condition and equipment of training vehicles, suppressing cases of its use for other purposes. Inspectors will also pay attention to the personal discipline of the masters of industrial driving training.

Alesya KASYAN.

According to merit and honor

The Ministry of Sports and Tourism celebrated the women's basketball team, which was worthy of at least silver medals, but due to biased judging, took fourth place at the World Championships.

The team and coaches were congratulated on their successful performance by the Minister of Sports and Tourism Oleg Kachan and the First Vice-President of the National Olympic Committee of Belarus, Assistant to the President for Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism Development Igor Zaichkov, who presented the players with flowers, gifts and cash prizes.

In addition, the women's team received $100 thousand from the International Olympic Committee (IOC) to prepare for the London 2012 Olympics. True, a ticket to the 2012 Games has yet to be won. And such an opportunity will be available next year at the European Championships in Poland. It seems that the news that by 2014 a modern Team Sports Center should appear in Minsk, in the spacious halls of which basketball players of the national team will be able to train, was a kind of gift for the athletes.

Igor Zaichkov also conveyed congratulations to the basketball players from the President of the country Alexander Lukashenko.


BelAZ supplied equipment worth more than $100 million to China.

Since 2008, BelAZ has supplied over 200 units of equipment to China worth more than $100 million. BelAZ General Director Petr Parkhomchik told reporters about this, BELTA correspondent reports.

Petr Parkhomchik noted that the Chinese side is showing very great interest in BelAZ equipment. The mining industry is actively developing in China, and this in turn requires an increase in the number of heavy-duty mining dump trucks. In particular, mining dump trucks with a carrying capacity of 130 to 320 tons are supplied to the Chinese market.

Taking into account the extensive experience in the Chinese market and the demand for the company’s products, it was decided to open an assembly plant for Belarusian mining dump trucks and a service center here. As Petr Parkhomchik noted, the main goal of the new project is to assemble machines with a carrying capacity of 25 to 55 tons, support the machines, train Chinese specialists, as well as localize individual elements in order to reduce the costs of Belarusian mining dump trucks.

He emphasized that the joint venture was created on the terms of equal participation of both the Belarusian and Chinese sides. Petr Parkhomchik especially noted that this is BelAZ’s first investment in non-CIS countries.

Appendix 2

As a traveler, Konyukhov and KP correspondent Meshkov almost became prey to Somali pirates. Part 6

KP correspondent Alexander Meshkov went on a trip on the schooner “Saint Victoria” as part of a team led by traveler Fedor Konyukhov

Summary of previous parts The yacht “Saint Victoria” sails through the Indian Ocean, along the coast of Somalia. The ship's fuel is running low. The generator fails. Steering problems can cause the boat to capsize. Anomalous phenomena researcher Leonid Gavrilov suffered an injury to the cervical vertebrae. Due to the large waves, the Russian tugboat, which came out to escort the yacht through a dangerous area, cannot come close and provide assistance to travelers in distress. In order to save the yacht, Captain Konyukhov decides to change the route and go with a passing wave into the open ocean. The radar of the tugboat SB-36 detects an unknown ship moving towards the yacht.


On August 31, the yacht "Saint Victoria" left the port of Victoria for the Indian Ocean. On September 3, the yacht passes the Somali coast. On September 3 - 4, the Chinese Armed Forces successfully repelled a massive pirate attack on a convoy they were conducting in the Gulf of Aden, consisting of 21 cargo ships. The pirates attacked in three waves, and a helicopter had to be lifted into the air from a Chinese landing ship. September 5. Gulf of Aden. The Indian frigate INS Delhi spotted a suspicious dhow approaching the convoy at high speed. The ship did not respond to requests (didn’t know the language?). A helicopter was lifted into the air, and the frigate itself went to intercept the boat. 7 Somalis and 1 Yemeni were captured. A large number of weapons and boarding equipment were found on the Somali ship.


We, too, already see a luminous point on our radar. The dot is large. She is slowly approaching us. This is some kind of big ship. Just in case, we turn off all the lights. Unfortunately, we cannot increase the speed to set the speed, the engine is running at its limit. An hour later, the guys from the tugboat SB-36 report: “Everything is fine, guys!” This is an Indian cargo ship! The stone noisily falls from our shoulders. “It’s not in vain that I read the Akathist today,” Vlad smiles happily. Three days ago, when the storm reached force ten, the plague of our trip - seasickness - mercilessly killed half of the crew. Tormenting headaches overwhelmed the sweet-voiced Filipina Carmen, depriving us of the soundtrack and hot food. We now eat exclusively dry biscuits and soda. The mighty titan Lenya Gavrilov does not get out of bed after accurately torpedoing the sofa with his head. The insidious disease did not spare even the hardy, seasoned hereditary Cossacks Vadim and Vlad. The pills don't help. Vlad constantly reads the Akathist, and the illness, he says, seems to have subsided a little.


My head and shoulder hurt, but not due to seasickness. I injured these members by falling from a toilet seat while awkwardly trying to relieve myself in the toilet. Ah, gentlemen, if only you knew what kind of circus acrobatic skill this simple and seemingly familiar process requires during a force ten ocean storm! I rode on the unruly toilet, clinging to the sink like a Texas cowboy on a mad mustang, and yet I toppled over, got dirty in the products of my own life, damn them, got scared and bruised my poor little head. Sometimes I was ready to cry from resentment and despair, like a student deceived by a cornet. Sometimes, falling out of bed on the cabin floor in the middle of the night, I catch myself thinking that I don’t want to die right now. It turns out there is still so much to do. Eh! Honest mother! If only I could come back! (Now this is my favorite expression.) I’ll start a new, righteous life, I’ll visit my mother, I’ll see my son... If only I could come back. Only the tireless worker, mechanic James, with golden hands, appearing from time to time from the engine room to give us coffee, with his characteristic bright smile, made me smile back and pretend that everything in this life was very good. James fixed the diesel, steering and pump. With her help, we pumped the last remnants of fuel from the bottom of the barrels into the fuel tank. - Let's go to Oman! - Fyodor suddenly says decisively, showing a point on the map. - There is enough fuel only to the port of Raisut. Otherwise the ship will sink. See how the mast tilted! This is how our plans sometimes change dramatically. We seemed to be going to Greece.


We have been traveling with a military convoy for three days. From time to time we simply talk with our sailors on the radio about the weather, about life, about the sea, about home. - Guys! Do you have the opportunity to call my wife and tell me that everything is fine with us? - asks someone from the SB-36 team. “We’ve been hanging out in the Indian Ocean for six months now and can’t contact our relatives.” Amazing thing, friends! A military vessel performs an important national and international task, ensuring the safety of the movement of sea vessels. And such a necessary joy during a multi-month campaign, such as talking with wives and children, is not available to the team. Poor sailors live at sea for six months, isolated from their homeland. I truly feel sorry for them, and you? On our yacht, only Fedor has a satellite phone (it’s not his personal phone, it’s a sponsor’s phone!). He’s not being a redneck, but, on the contrary, generously calls all the families of the sailors and conveys greetings. “We’ll have to tell Vadim Tsyganov that when we return, he’ll certainly give them a satellite phone...” said Fedor and wrote down this thought in his notebook.

Appendix 3


Edward RADZINSKY: “Richelieu was an oligarch, and d’Artagnan was a jailer”

The romantic hero of Mikhail Boyarsky turned out to be far from his harsh prototype...

Edward Stanislavovich, who writes large historical canvases about great people, has long become a large-scale writer himself - to match his “clients,” as he sometimes mockingly calls them.

But here his new book “The Iron Mask and the Count of Saint-Germain” was recently published. And there, imagine, not about Stalin (Radzinsky’s most beloved “client”), but about France - the 17th century, kings, ladies, pendants, garters, intrigue and swords. Fun, overall. And Radzinsky himself is also happy: the “corpses of dictators” tired him out, and he had already spent 13 years of his life on his last Stalin, and he created “The Mask” in one go, and in general “it was like a love adventure.”

- “The Iron Mask” is not a history book. It's novel. But historical. Within the limits of facts. In this book, I meet a mystical man who takes orders to investigate the most famous mysteries of the past. A sort of Sherlock Holmes of history... There are many versions of who was a prisoner of the Bastille with an iron mask on his face. And we, analyzing the versions, find ourselves in the 17th century. This “Sherlock” is not me, as you might think. He often says very controversial things, and his conclusions do not always coincide with mine. Mr. Dumas, describing that time in “The Three Musketeers,” heard in the 17th century, first of all, the ringing of swords of the musketeers and guards. But the famous philosopher La Bruyère, who lived in the 17th century, described something completely different: it is impossible to walk along the streets of large cities in France, because you hear the same thing: “inventory of property,” “promissory note,” “protest of a bill,” a summons to court, and so on. Capitalism was coming. Money came to France. Ruthless, arrogant and omnipotent. Along with them came the oligarchs. The most famous - with a gigantic fortune - was Cardinal Richelieu. But he started out as a poor bishop. But when he died, his fortune was enormous. Cardinal Mazarin was even richer. And then the richest financiers appeared. They believed in their own power and that money solves everything. And they didn’t understand that in the country of Power, an oligarch is only an oligarch as long as Power, that is, the king, favors him. This is the sad story of the most famous of the oligarchs - Fouquet. The historical Fouquet, who was deftly arrested by the historical d'Artagnan. Yes, the daring Gasman was not only a musketeer, but also a skilled jailer.

Well, he is the last great king. He was not a fanatic like the Great Peter. Peter dragged Russia in a terrible, barbaric way. Alexander II is a European ruler. In my opinion, after Catherine the Great - the only one. Alexander the Third is already degradation, preparation for revolution. And the unfortunate Nikolai, who was born for the beautiful family life, but not for reign.

What mystery in history shocked you the most?

I’ll answer you stupidly: what I’m doing today. The History of the Iron Mask. And, of course, the story of Stalin, the mystery of his death. When I found out that on the night of his death he ordered not to guard himself, and then it turned out that it was not he who ordered, but the senior guard who conveyed his order to the rest of the guards. And that night everything happened! And then the guard quickly died - of course, this shocked me. And then many strange coincidences begin. And finally, my detailed conversation with Lozgachev (assistant commandant of Stalin’s dacha in Kuntsevo - Ed.), who found Stalin on the floor. Beria had no other choice; he was truly doomed while Stalin was alive.

A year ago you already promised to “let Stalin go” - to give the book to the publishing house?

I hope to finish it soon - and these are three large volumes. And I will stop being “the latest victim of the cult of personality”! And after that I’ll go on a big trip around the world... Finally! Finally!

Appendix 4

Time to be happy

Twilight gently enveloped the city, immersing it in the wondrous charm of the evening. Snowflakes flickered in the light of the lanterns, falling to the ground and covering it with a soft fluffy blanket.

Tatyana walked through the city, head down, not noticing either passers-by or this wondrous beauty. She just walked and thought and thought...

Seryozhka, her wonderful youngest son, got married a month ago and left her. He was completely absorbed in his new life and his young wife. No. Tanya was not jealous, she knew that sooner or later this would happen. And Irisha, Seryozhka’s wife, is simply a wonderful girl, sociable and kind. But they used to spend a lot of time together, but now they rarely came.

She had not seen Vladik, her eldest son, for two years; he was offered a good job in Germany, and he and his family left. They constantly called each other, but there was not enough live communication. Tatyana missed her little granddaughter Lizonka madly. When they left, Lisa was only four months old, and now such a wonderful big man was looking at her from the photo, Vlad promised to come to New Year, but he was never released from work.

Tatyana was infinitely happy for her sons; she lived her life only for them, trying to give them the best to the best of her ability. Even though from a financial point of view she could not give them everything she wanted, the children were very understanding of family difficulties and never demanded anything. The boys always helped their mother in any way they could.

Life turned out like this. that Tanya raised the boys alone. When the youngest Seryozha was born, her relationship with her husband completely fell apart, and they decided not to torment each other anymore. Tanya kept the hope for a long time that her husband would come to his senses, understand that he could not live without his family and would return. But this did not happen, neither in a month, nor in a year. And after some time, he married a second time and almost completely forgot that he had children. Tanya then finally realized that all her hopes were in vain, and decided to live only for her beloved boys. She plunged headlong into her work, huh. When I came home, I devoted all my time only to the children. There were also meetings in her life, but due to the lack of personal time, they did not lead to anything serious, and Tanya did not aspire to. She couldn’t even imagine that she would bring a stranger to her home; she was very afraid that the children would not accept him or that he would not be able to treat them the way she would like

So the years flew by. Tanya lived in her own little world. She, of course, realized that she was missing something in her life, but she resigned herself and simply lived.

And now she was walking all alone, and there was so much sadness in her eyes. Tanya looked at her watch; to her amazement, it turned out that she had been walking for more than two hours. She was terribly chilled, but she didn’t want to go home at all. To warm up, Tanya went into a cozy little cafe, where she often dropped in with her friends to chat and drink coffee.

She sat down at her favorite table, enjoying the warmth and enchanting aroma of baking. Suddenly, at the next table, she noticed a woman, she seemed familiar to her, but Tanya could not remember where she knew her from. She went through all the possible options in her head and finally understood! This is Lyubochka! They studied at the institute together and have not seen each other for many years. She practically hasn't changed, her eyes remain just as perky. Lyubochka was happily chatting with someone on the phone and laughing. Tanya waited until she finished the conversation and walked up to her table.

Lyuba, good evening! I'm Tanya Sokolova, we studied together, remember?

There was a slight pause...

Yes, Tanya, of course I remember! - Lyuba said joyfully, “I’m sorry, I didn’t recognize you right away, you’ve changed a lot.”

The women hugged each other and chatted cheerfully about their lives. But Lyuba spoke almost all the time; she was always a very cheerful girl and could tell interesting stories for hours.

Lyuba's phone rang. She apologized and said she would be back in a couple of minutes. Lyuba left the cafe, and Tanya watched her through the huge window. There stood a well-groomed, interesting woman with a perfect hairstyle, beautifully dressed and happy. Tanya was thinking about her life when Lyuba ran into the cafe and said:

Can you imagine, it was Misha calling, Misha Ivanov! Well, remember? You still met at the institute! It turns out that he is returning from some seminar and will be passing through our city the day after tomorrow, offers to meet, asked to find everyone I can. Come on, Tanyusha, join us, everyone hasn’t seen you for so long, and Misha is constantly asking about you.

Why does he need to know about me? He left then, but he explained nothing, left me... I don’t know if I can bring myself to see him.

Tanya, he had serious reasons to leave. You know it yourself!

Yes, but I know nothing! He didn't tell me anything! He could call and explain everything. I really loved him...

Tanyusha, you definitely need to meet,” said Lyuba.

Here - this is my phone number, call me tomorrow and I’ll tell you where to come and at what time, I’ll try to find a cozy place for us.

“I won’t come,” Tanya said.

Don't say no now, please think about it!

Lyubochka put the money for coffee on the table, apologized and ran to the exit. There a car was already waiting for her, from which an interesting man got out and opened the door for her.

Tanya looked after the leaving car for a long time. She paid for her order and left the cafe. Plunging back into her thoughts, she wandered home.

Throwing off her coat, Tanya began to examine herself in the mirror. It seemed to her that there was a huge gap of ten years between her and Lyuba, and yet they were the same age! Tanya in her youth was a very beautiful girl and was never deprived of the attention of the opposite sex. But Misha charmed her at first sight, although they only began dating in their final year. They had a very beautiful relationship, and their classmates admired this couple and were sincerely happy for them. Tanya and Misha even wanted to get married, but Mikhail unexpectedly left without explaining anything to his girlfriend. Six months later, Tanya married Vitaly, her housemate, who had long sought her attention. But she still loved Misha. Why did she do this? Yes, she couldn’t explain it to herself. Undoubtedly, she liked Vitaliy, and she was grateful that he appeared in her life and that he gave her two beautiful sons.

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When working on the vocabulary of their works, writers choose from a variety of semantically similar words the one that most accurately conveys the desired shade of meaning; working with synonyms reflects the writer’s creative position, his attitude towards the depicted. You can study options for stylistic editing of literary texts using the author’s drafts and different editions. Interesting synonymous substitutions M.Yu. Lermontov in the novel “Hero of Our Time”. In the story “Princess Mary”: I stood behind one fat (lush) lady, overshadowed by pink feathers. By using the definition “fat” instead of “lush”, the writer emphasized his contemptuous and ironic attitude towards the representative of the “water society”. In another case: I never became a slave to the woman I loved, on the contrary: I always acquired invincible power over their will and heart... or did I simply not manage to meet a woman with a stubborn (stubborn) character? Semantic shades that distinguish the synonyms stubborn - stubborn indicate the preference of the former. In the story “Maksim Maksimych”, when describing the portrait of Pechorin, the following synonymous substitution was made: ...His soiled (dirty) gloves seemed deliberately sewn to fit his small aristocratic hand... Lermontov considered the word dirty inappropriate in the context.

A.S. Pushkin, describing Dubrovsky’s impression of a meeting with the hostile Troekurov, first used the following words: He noticed the evil smile of the enemy, but then replaced two of them with synonyms: ... the poisonous smile of his enemy. This correction made the statement more accurate.

All these are cases of open use of synonyms, because there are no synonyms as such in the text itself. We see material that has already been stylistically processed, where words are used in strict accordance with their meaning and emotional-expressive coloring, but behind each word we can mean a synonymous series of competing words, from which the author chose the most suitable ones. And only the study of manuscripts introduces us to the writer’s creative laboratory and allows us to trace how the selection of vocabulary took place.

Various stylistic functions in speech receive synonyms when they are used openly, i.e. when several synonyms are used simultaneously in the text.

Synonyms can perform the function of clarification in speech. The use of synonyms that complement each other allows you to more fully express the thought (He seemed a little lost, as if he was afraid. - T.). One of the synonyms in such cases may be accompanied by words emphasizing its meaning (It so happened that the unsociable, even unsociable artist ended up with the Nevredimovs. - S.-Ts.).

Synonyms are also used in the function of explanation [I use it (the word “ordinary”) in the sense in which it means: ordinary, trivial, habitual. - T.]. When using special vocabulary, foreign words, archaisms that may be incomprehensible to the reader, writers often explain them with synonyms (Anarchy has begun, that is, anarchy. - S.-Shch.). As a rule, synonyms are used to explain highly specialized terms in popular scientific literature (These random, or, as they say, peculiar, velocities are measured in the disk at a few tens of kilometers per second).

Synonyms can be used to compare the concepts they denote; in this case, the author draws attention to the differences in their semantics (Invite a doctor, but call a paramedic. - Ch.).

In special cases, synonyms perform the function of opposition (He, in fact, did not walk, but dragged along, without lifting his feet from the ground. - Kupr.).

The most important stylistic function of synonyms is the function of substitution, when it is necessary to avoid repetition of words (The Oryol peasant lives in crappy aspen huts... The Kaluga quitrent peasant lives in spacious pine huts. - T.).

Words that are close in meaning and do not belong to synonyms also help to diversify speech (Lord Byron was of the same opinion; Zhukovsky said the same thing. - P.). The need to avoid repetition of words arises especially often when conveying dialogue. Various verbs are used to indicate the fact of speech (...- I am sincerely glad, - he began (...). - I hope, dear Evgeny Vasilich, that you will not get bored with us, - continued Nikolai Petrovich. (...) - So “Of course, Arkady,” Nikolai Petrovich spoke again (...). “Now, now,” the father picked up. - T.). When choosing new words to denote similar concepts, writers do not mechanically replace one word with another, but take into account their various semantic and expressive shades.

The open use of synonyms provides word artists with great stylistic possibilities. In emotional speech, stringing together synonyms serves to strengthen the attribute, the action. Let us refer to examples from the works of A.P. Chekhov: This ugly, ugly woman has her own, extremely interesting story (“Curves Mirror”); In two to three hundred years, life on Earth will be unimaginably beautiful and amazing (“The Cherry Orchard”). Synonyms, lining up in a row so that each next strengthens the previous one, create gradation. This technique is used by Chekhov in the story “Dark Night”: The traveler jumps up to him and, raising his fists, is ready to tear him to pieces, destroy him, crush him. To strengthen a particular word, a writer can use a phraseological synonym next to it; at A.P. Chekhov, for example, is interested in such phrases: “We are liberals,” he wrote. - Laugh at this term! Show your teeth! (“Zealot”); Go there, he came from here! The gates are shafted! ("Fool"). Try to exclude synonyms and phraseological units from these remarks! Without them, speech becomes poorer, loses its liveliness and dynamism.

To create a gradation, you can use not only synonyms, but also words connected by a common meaning that does not reach synonymy. For example: A sad day will come, they say! - They will reign, they will repay, they will burn out, - cooled by other people’s dimes, - my eyes, mobile, like a flame. And - the double who has groped for the double - will appear through the light face - the face (Col.).

When analyzing the various stylistic functions of synonyms, it should be remembered that thanks to stable connections within synonymy, reflecting systemic relationships in the lexicon, each word that has a synonym is perceived in speech in comparison with other words of the synonymous series. Expressively colored words are, as it were, “projected” onto their stylistically neutral synonyms. For example, meeting in the novel “Fathers and Sons” I.S. Turgenev's colloquial words in Bazarov's speech, the reader mentally compares them with stylistically neutral ones, noting the hero's democratic style of speech. So, Bazarov explains to the peasant boy: If you get sick and I have to treat you... (and you don’t get sick); - And tomorrow I’m leaving for my dad’s (not my father’s).

At F.M. Dostoevsky’s vocabulary of “ultimate meaning” makes a strong impression on the reader due to the possibility of a hidden comparison of emotionally expressive words with weakened and stylistically neutral synonyms (Raskolnikov looked in horror at the constipation hook jumping in the loop; Suddenly, in a rage, she [Katerina Ivanovna] grabbed him [Marmeladov] by the hair and dragged him into the room; ... he spat and ran away in a frenzy at himself).

The choice of synonyms in literary speech depends on the characteristics of the writer’s style. In this regard, A.M. Peshkovsky wrote: “Often, one can evaluate the author’s choice of one or another synonym only when considering a given text against the background of the entire work or even all the works of a given author.”

Synonymy creates wide possibilities for selecting lexical means, but searching for the exact word costs the author a lot of work. Sometimes it is not easy to determine exactly how synonyms differ, what semantic or emotional-expressive shades they express. And it is not at all easy to choose from a multitude of words the only correct, necessary one.

Golub I.B. Stylistics of the Russian language - M., 1997

The most important stylistic function of synonyms is to be a means of expressing thoughts most accurately. Surrounding phenomena and objects, their properties, qualities, actions, states are known by us with all their features; the concept is called the word most suitable for expressing the desired meaning.

This is how a series of synonyms arise that make it possible to detail the description of the phenomena of reality with extreme accuracy.

When working on the vocabulary of their works, writers choose from a variety of semantically similar words the one that most accurately conveys the desired shade of meaning; working with synonyms reflects the writer’s creative position, his attitude towards the depicted. You can study options for stylistic editing of literary texts using the author’s drafts and different editions. Interesting synonymous substitutions M.Yu. Lermontov in the novel “Hero of Our Time”. In the story “Princess Mary”: I stood behind one fat (lush) lady, overshadowed by pink feathers. By using the definition “fat” instead of “lush”, the writer emphasized his contemptuous and ironic attitude towards the representative of the “water society”.

Various stylistic functions in speech receive synonyms when they are used openly, i.e. when several synonyms are used simultaneously in the text.

Synonyms can perform the function of clarification in speech. The use of synonyms that complement each other allows you to more fully express the thought (He seemed to be a little lost, as if he was shy). One of the synonyms in such cases may be accompanied by words emphasizing its meaning.

Synonyms are also used for clarification purposes. When using special vocabulary, foreign words, archaisms that may be incomprehensible to the reader, writers often explain them with synonyms (Anarchy has begun, that is, anarchy). As a rule, synonyms are used to explain highly specialized terms in popular scientific literature (These are random, or, as they say, peculiar, speeds).

Synonyms can be used to compare the concepts they denote; in this case, the author draws attention to the differences in their semantics (invite a doctor, but call a paramedic).

In special cases, synonyms perform the function of opposition (He, in fact, did not walk, but dragged along without lifting his feet from the ground).

The most important stylistic function of synonyms is the function of substitution, when it is necessary to avoid repetition of words (The Oryol peasant lives in crappy aspen huts. The Kaluga quitrent peasant lives in spacious pine huts).

Words close in meaning that are not synonyms also help to diversify speech (Lord Byron was of the same opinion; Zhukovsky said the same). The need to avoid repetition of words arises especially often when conveying dialogue. Various verbs are used to indicate the fact of speech. When choosing new words to denote similar concepts, writers do not mechanically replace one word with another, but take into account their various semantic and expressive shades.

The open use of synonyms provides word artists with great stylistic possibilities. In emotional speech, stringing together synonyms serves to strengthen the attribute, the action. In two to three hundred years, life on Earth will be unimaginably beautiful and amazing. Synonyms, lining up in a row so that each next strengthens the previous one, create gradation. To strengthen a particular word, a writer can use a phraseological synonym next to it. Laugh at us! Show your teeth!

Synonymy creates wide possibilities for selecting lexical means, but searching for the exact word costs the author a lot of work. Sometimes it is not easy to determine exactly how synonyms differ, what semantic or emotional-expressive shades they express. And it is not at all easy to choose from a multitude of words the only correct, necessary one.

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12. Stylistic functions of synonyms

relevant scientific sources:

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    modern Russian language. National language and forms of its existence. Literary language as the highest form of the national language. basic concepts of stylistics. basic concepts of speech culture. Dictionary

Lexical synonyms and synonymous means of other levels of language form the basis of stylistics. The language has many words, grammatical forms and syntactic structures that are similar in meaning, providing the opportunity to choose the most accurate linguistic unit corresponding to a given style, genre, speech situation, etc. (Cf., for example, phraseological units between two fires, between a hammer and an anvil, between Scylla and Charybdis). The slightest, subtlest shades of meaning or coloring of a word can create a holistic and sublime idea of ​​the subject of speech, or, on the contrary, destroy this image and cause a negative attitude towards it. Therefore, it is so important to be able to choose from the entire huge arsenal of speech means the only one necessary, the most accurate and appropriate in a given case. This problem is always very acute for the speaker, and everyone solves it in their own way: depending on general erudition, depth of intellect, linguistic taste, moral qualities, etc. “The torment of the word” is especially well known to the masters of its artistic use - writers and poets, who also do not always immediately find the most accurate equivalents of their thoughts and feelings. For example, A.S. Pushkin, describing Dubrovsky’s impression of the meeting with the hostile Troyekurov, replaced the words spiteful And enemy in a sentence Noticed spiteful his smile enemy more precise synonyms poisonous And enemy. M.Yu. Lermontov in one of the parts of the novel “Hero of Our Time” - the story “Princess Mary” - also replaces the adjective lush in a phrase I stood behind one lush lady covered with pink feathers a harsher epithet thick , emphasizing his disdainful and ironic attitude towards the representative of the “water society”.

Note. As you know, the problem of synonymy is far from exhausted, although it has a long history, because “already in the most ancient collections of words, along with an explanation of obscure names, their synonymous replacements are given. In the 18th century the first special dictionaries of synonyms appear, for example, “The Experience of the Russian Estates” by D.I. Fonvizin (1783)” (56, p. 46), and in recent decades, in connection with the study of the systemic organization of vocabulary, has received more detailed development. In this manual, the names of the main types of synonyms are used based on their traditional classification.

In the popular book “Speak Right” by E.V. Yazovitsky accurately determines the reason for the coexistence in the language of words with similar meanings: “Reflecting the essence of some phenomenon (hurricane, typhoon, storm - storm) or object (luggage, burden, baggage - cargo), synonyms do not so much replace each other as serve to clarification of thoughts or attitudes towards what is being discussed” (105, p.225). Therefore, synonyms are rarely absolute (as linguistics - linguistics, here - here, everywhere - everywhere etc.) Usually synonyms differ either in shades of meaning (then they are called semantic), for example, words storm, hurricane, gale have the general meaning of “strong, destructive wind”, but Hurricane- a very strong storm, and storm– storm at sea, => stormdominant of this synonymous series (i.e. most accurately, semantically and stylistically neutrally expressing general concept word); or differ in stylistic coloring (they are called stylistic), For example: sleep(neutral dominant) – rest(book) – sleep(colloquial), or both signs (=> semantic-stylistic), For example: work - work hard(work with great tension and a lot; colloquial word). All these differences must be taken into account when using words correctly. Therefore, for example, the phrase My eyes hurt(instead of eyes) and, on the contrary, this word is quite appropriate in artistic speech - for example, in A. Fadeev’s novel “The Young Guard”: “She had not eyes, but eyes"(about Ulyana Gromova). Eyes are large, bottomless eyes, the mirror of the soul (i.e. a semantic-stylistic synonym for the word eyes).

D.E. Rosenthal identifies the following functional and stylistic aspects of the use of synonyms in speech (see: 70, pp. 71 – 72):

· From the point of view of use in a particular style of language: go(neutral) – trudge(colloquial) – parade(book).

· From the point of view of belonging to one or another group of vocabulary located outside the literary language: speak(common) – talk(dialectal) – chatter(colloquial) – talk(from the thieves' argot).

· From the point of view of attitude towards the modern Russian language, for example: actor(active stock word) – actor(obsolete).

· From an expressive-emotional point of view: scoundrel(mean, low person) – scoundrel(softening of a sign; playfully insulting colloquial) – scoundrel(strengthening of a sign; offensive neutral) – bastard And scumbag(extreme degree of attribute; colloquial swear words).

The existence of synonyms makes speech more flexible, expressive and varied. The synonymous richness of the individual style of the artist of the word testifies to the high degree of his skill and ingenuity. Synonymy is a sphere of endless possibilities for speech creativity and the basis of various stylistic techniques. First of all, synonyms help to avoid tautology. This property has been known for a long time; it is used not only in author’s works, but also in folklore works - for example, in a fairy tale: Tsar felt sadSpun up Ivan Tsarevich, saddened... I sat down on the soft grass and got sad ("Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf"). They skillfully used synonymous means of the classic language, for example, A.S. Pushkin in Lensky’s speech: Someday|| Let's stop by to them; you will oblige them;||And then, my friend, judge for yourself:||Twice looked in, and then||Go to them you can't show your nose .

They help eliminate the monotony of speech by not only dictionary synonyms, but also contextual ones, for example, generic concepts instead of specific ones: Nikolai had scurvy. Disease was in very severe form or When crossing the bridge carriages the wheel broke. Crew needed to be repaired.

When using synonyms indicating different degrees of manifestation of a characteristic, it is recommended to arrange them in increasing order, for example: Today you read a poem Fine, even Great, well just perfect! The gradation of synonyms is one of the effective artistic techniques: Sometimes I imagined that I saw in front of me huge, gigantic spider, the size of a person (F.M. Dostoevsky); It seemed to me that my old love for the only land I I'll strengthen, I will strengthen, I'll push it to the limit only having experienced the despair of these barren spaces(K.G. Paustovsky)

Another well-known stylistic device is the contrast of synonyms. It has long been used in folklore ( Stingy looks like he won’t give it to someone else, but greedy looks like he might take it from someone else; Slander and lies are not the same thing: lie it happens simply, but slander always with intention), and in the speech of a speaker, publicist or artist of words. Evaluate how skillfully K.S. used this technique. Stanislavsky, when he needed to expose and ridicule the deliberate mannerisms of the actors’ performances:

Let's start with the solemnly measured gait of the actors. After all, they don't walk, A are marching on stage, not sitting, A are seated, Not lie, A reclining, Not are worth, A posing. The same thing happened with the movements and with the general acting... Are the actors lift hands on stage? No. They them lift up. Actor's hands fall, not just go down; they are not snuggle to the chest, and are entrusted at her, no straighten up, A extend forward. It seems that the actors have no hands, A ruci, Not fingers, A fingers, to such an extent their movements are figuratively solemn.

Other examples:

But Alexander Ivanovich did not ate, A ate. He is not had breakfast, A carried out the process of introduction into the body proper amount of fats, carbohydrates and vitamins(I. Ilf and E. Petrov);

And then a smile appeared on Mona Lisa’s lips, precisely a grin, not a smile (Yu. Nagibin).

In fiction, to give greater expressiveness to a statement, the technique of stringing synonyms is often used. For example, M. Voloshin skillfully uses contextual speech synonyms:

It’s over with Russia...In the last days

Her we chattered, chattered,

They slurped, drank, spat,

Got dirty in dirty areas.

Sold out on the streets: shouldn't

Who wants lands, republics and freedoms,

Civil rights? And the people's homeland

He was dragged out to rot like carrion.

Oh my God, open up, waste away,

Send fire at us, ulcers and scourges,

Germans from the west, Mongol from the east,

Give us into slavery again and forever,

To atone humbly and deeply

Judas' sin until the Last Judgment!

Sometimes synonyms are used to give the speech an ironic character, for example: On the street are marching beggars, cripples, freaks(instead of more appropriate colloquial verbs trudge, trudge or neutral are coming).

The abundance of synonyms in the Russian language requires a particularly careful attitude to the word. It is important to know not only what brings synonyms together, but also how they differ, since from many words that are similar in meaning, you often have to choose the only one that in a given context will be better and more accurate.

An unsuccessful choice of a synonym is the cause of semantic or stylistic inaccuracy. For example, one newspaper wrote : Now our press introduces significant space for advertising,and we don't care impresses. In this case, instead of the word space it would be better to use its synonym place(edit options: Advertising takes up a lot of space in our print media. or Advertising plays a significant role in our press.). The word is a synonymous root impresses also requires synonymous replacement : ... and we don't like it. Another example: instead of Ekaterina was delivered to the throne better to say Catherine was enthroned or put on the throne.

Often, as a result of an inaccurate choice of synonym, lexical compatibility is disrupted. Examples: Many animals in the desert rush hibernating(instead of fall into); Prince Andrey sincerely falls in love to Natasha Rostova(you can love sincerely, but fall in love – strongly, passionately, etc.); The old sailor went for a walk in his on in-line tunic(it’s better to say about the jacket front door, and the look of a sailor can be elegant).

Often in speech there is an unjustified connection or stringing of synonyms, which leads to verbosity: They get into my head sad And sad thoughts(union And instead of a comma); During the session, it is difficult for those students who have a lotpasses And absenteeism, spaces And not done well current . Stringing synonyms can lead to errors in constructing the gradation. Thus, the famous Russian lawyer A.F. Koni, describing the performance of a bad speaker, gives an example: Gentlemen of the jury! The defendant's position before committing the crime was truly hellish. It cannot but be called tragic in the highest degree. The drama of the defendant's condition was terrible: it was unbearable, it was extremely difficult and, in any case, at least uncomfortable.

It is quite logical to complete short review stylistic qualities of synonyms with three wise pieces of advice from the popular book by the famous linguist V.I. Kodukhov “Stories about synonyms”:

There are three basic rules for choosing synonyms.

The first rule says: choose a word that more accurately characterizes a phenomenon or action, an object or a person, emphasizing the side you need in it. For example, the word error means: wrong action or action. However, there are different errors - error may be insignificant (then it is better to say error), extremely annoying (then they say blunder), random (this is oversight), unintentional ( miss).

The second rule indicates: choose the word that best suits the style of your speech, your story, your performance. Remember how Mayakovsky uses words fatherland(not the usual homeland), glorify(but not praise), three times(not a phrase three times) in order for his statement to sound ... more solemn and weighty: “I glorify the Fatherland, which is, but three times - which will be.”

The third rule reminds us: words not only name objects and events, but also evaluate them, expressing a positive or negative attitude towards them. For example, the words clique And kicker, joke and irony - warrior, approval and admiration - eagle(O a brave man And boldly). Don’t forget: a word can inspire, but a word can also hurt (38, p. 139).