Ways of new words appearing. Reasons for the appearance of neologisms in the Russian language

Electrical measuring instruments

Continued acquaintance with the lexical meaning of words. Working with various explanatory dictionaries, with the history of the appearance of new words in Russian language.

How many words are there in Russian?

It is hardly possible to give a reliable and accurate answer to this question, because even the largest dictionaries, numbering tens and hundreds of thousands of words, cannot contain, register and record all the words that exist in a particular language. And the point is not only that there are a lot of these words. The point is also that language is a living organism, it lives and develops together with society, therefore all changes (social, economic, political, cultural, etc.) that occur in society are reflected in language, primarily in vocabulary.
M. Gorky wrote: “The Russian language is inexhaustibly rich and is being enriched with amazing speed.” Indeed, new words appear in the language every day. This is what led to the need to create dictionaries of neologisms in the 60–80s of the 20th century. The first such dictionary, entitled “New Words and Meanings” (edited by N.Z. Kotelova), was published in 1971, the second in 1984. They recorded what was new in the language in the 60–70s years and was not yet reflected in the explanatory dictionaries available at that time. In the 70–80s, a whole series of issues “New in Russian Vocabulary” was published (edited by N.Z. Kotelova): “Dictionary materials – 77”, “Dictionary materials – 78”, etc., in which registered and described new words and phrases noted on the pages of the most popular periodicals at that time (for 3 months of the year). Thus, “Dictionary Materials – 80” contains 2,700 dictionary entries, and “Dictionary Materials – 82” contains more than 5 thousand. A simple calculation shows that more than 1000 words appear in the Russian language per month. And this is only according to official sources, according to dictionaries. In fact, much more new words appear.

In the 60s of the 20th century, the first words appeared with video-. The 1971 Dictionary of Neologisms records 6 words: video recording, video recorder, video tape recorder, video signal, video telephone, video telephone. In the 70s, a nest of words with video- is replenished significantly. Words appear like video library, video cassette, video film, videophone(17 new words according to the 1984 dictionary). Intensive development video industry at the end of the 20th century leads to the formation of even more words with video-. The model turned out to be so “convenient” and productive that “Explanatory Dictionary of the Modern Russian Language. Language changes at the end of the 20th century" (edited by G.N. Sklyarevskaya, St. Petersburg, 1998; M., 2001) already records more than 60 words ( video clip, video copy, video culture, video pirates...). Some words have not one but several meanings ( video material – 3, video monitor – 2, video console – 2, etc.). Most of these words do not need explanation, because the objects and phenomena that they represent have become firmly established in our lives. Proof that these words are actively used is the appearance of jargon like video, video.

Nest of words with video- shows in the best possible way that main reason the appearance of new words in the language - the need for nomination (names, designations, markings) new phenomena in the life of society .

Naturally, there are other reasons, among which we can note desire for a more precise designation of phenomena , and desire for self-expression (individual author’s neologisms, jargon, etc.).

What are the ways in which new words appear in the Russian language?

Analysis of dictionaries of neologisms allows us to determine the main trends in the development of the lexical system of the Russian language in the second half of the 20th century. What are they?
1. New formations as a result of word-formation (derivative) processes (for example, small things, informal, mental) –morphological method .

2. Semantic transformation of the word (the appearance of new meanings for the word: zebra- crosswalk, jungle- law of the jungle, pencil case– type of garage...) – lexical-semantic method .

3. Formation of words based on phrases (such as today now) – lexico-syntactic method , unproductive.

4. Transition from one part of speech to another (such as thanks to(whom?) – gerund, thanks to(to what?) – preposition) – morphological-syntactic method , unproductive.

One of the ways of word formation is borrowing (ikebana, consensus, know-how, plein air, felt-tip pen...) – external influence.

As researchers note, more than 90% of modern new formations are the result of word formation in the language itself.

The leader in word formation is morphological method.

As a result of morphological word formation, new phonetic-morphological words appear from stems and affixes already existing in the language. In this case, words are created by analogy, i.e. on the model of those already existing in the language. For example: avalanche dangerous- Similarly explosive, PR man- Similarly debater.

Summary of an open lesson in the Russian language on the topic: “How and why do new words appear? With the use of gaming technologies to develop speech culture skills among 4th grade students.”

Performed:Makarova Natalya Vadimovna , primary school teacher"MBU Gymnasium No. 39" city of Tolyatti.

Lesson type: getting to know new material.

Target: expand, deepen and consolidate junior schoolchildren’s knowledge of the Russian language, teach active verbal communication in Russian,introduce the concept of “neologisms” as a type of vocabulary , contribute to the development of creative abilities and enrichment of vocabulary in students.



    developing interest in the Russian language as an academic subject;

    awakening students' needs for independent work over knowledge of the native language;

    development of creativity and enrichment of vocabulary.


    fostering a culture of handling books;

    formation and development of students’ diverse interests and culture of thinking.

Developmental :

    develop ingenuity and intelligence;

    develop visual memory and spelling vigilance;

    develop the ability to use a variety of dictionaries;

    teach the organization of personal and collective activities when working with a book.


    Prevention of mental overstrain by changing types of activities, physical education.

Technologies : game and activity method.

This technologyfundamentally changes the role of the student in the classroom: now he is not a listener, a contemplator, but a researcher, an organizer of his activities.

The use of this learning technology allows students to advance one more step in mastering learning activities, i.e.:

    learn to learn (“I know how to teach myself”)

    develop cognitive activity (“I love learning, everything is interesting”);

    maintain internal motivation (“I understand why I’m studying”)

    improve basic reflexive qualities (“I can accept a teacher’s assessment, I evaluate my own activities”).

Equipment and materials for the lesson: interactive whiteboard for demonstrating a multimedia presentation; didactic Handout; cartoon by K. Chukovsky “From two to five.”

Form of conduct – “workshop”, “word laboratory” - contributes to the development of the ability to use knowledge in a non-standard situation, develops children’s independence and initiative in choosing the necessary means of solving a learning problem.

Forms of work: collective,group, individual.


    Communication : Establish working relationships, collaborate effectively, and promote productive cooperation.

    Cognitive: find answersto questions in the text, dictionary, illustrations.

    Regulatory UUD: Studyexpressyour assumption (version) based on working with the material,workaccording to plan, checking your actions with the goal,adjustyour activities; in dialogue with the teacher, develop assessment criteria anddeterminethe degree of success of one’s own work and the work of others in accordance with these criteria, process and transform information from one form to another (make a plan, table, diagram).

    PWhen completing tasks, cognitive universal learning actions are formed: extracting and presenting information.

    The tasks contribute to the formation of communicative skills of business cooperation: negotiating, listening to someone else’s point of view, comparing different points of view, distributing responsibilities.Communication UUD:draw upyour thoughts in oral and written form (at the level of a sentence or small text); build reasoning.

During the classes.

Organization of the lesson.

Setting a goal.

Today I propose to start this lesson with a lexical riddle. What word are we talking about?

    It comes from the Latin word laboro.Do you have enough information to guess?

    It is derived from the Latin word laboro and is translated as “I work.”Is there enough information now? Your guesses.

    It denotes an equipped room adapted for special experiments and research.Can you guess what word we are talking about? This is a laboratory.

Today we will take a trip toword laboratory .

Working with an explanatory dictionary

    Do you think the word laboratory has one or more meanings? ?

    What source can we turn to to give an accurate answer to the question posed? ?

Let's turn toOzhegov's explanatory dictionary.

LABORATORY : inner side creative activity. Writer's creative laboratory.

LABORATORY : an institution, department where scientific and technical experiments, experimental studies, and analyzes are carried out. Problem laboratory. Educational laboratory.

    Which of these meanings can be attributed to the combination of the word laboratory?

    Group work (check on slide)

Let's try to interpret the combination “laboratory of the word.” To do this, pay attention to how the significance of some laboratories is explained.

    What can a laboratory be?An institution, a center, and even an airplane!

    What do they do in the laboratories?Testing, researching, working out .

    So, we are in the word laboratory. Our goal is to find out “How and why new words appear?” What are your guesses? (Individual answers). Yes, that’s right, we are familiar with the way of forming new words using prefixes, suffixes, and roots. There are other ways, the first one is on the screen (watching the cartoon “From Two to Five”). What conclusion can you draw (answers, after consultation, are given by one of the team).

    Think of a way to quickly memorize this vocabulary word.

    Independent work with text.

Guys, this type of formation of new words is called (on the slideOccasionalisms) . Think about the meaning of this word and decipher it (invented with opportunity, that is, in an unusual situation).

Do you think you know how to do this? Of course you can! Before you is a text, you need to change the words in it to ordinary ones that everyone can understand. (Children use the words in the prompt, work on A4 sheets, check on the slide).


Hai! My dear, go for a walk with me. Or maybe Mimi wants to stare at her TV. P.Zh, go for a walk, in kind, everything will be a bundle!

Syabki and pakeda.


Hello! My beautiful one, come with me for a walk. Or maybe the sweetheart wants to look at her phone. Please, let's go for a walk, everything will be fine!

Thank you and bye.

SMS- __________________.

Hi-____________! Nyashka-____________ is mine, go-__________ with me for a walk. Or maybe Mimi-___________ wants to stare-____________ at her TV-____________. P.Zh-___________________, go-______________ for a walk, in nature-__________________, everything will be a bundle-__________________!

Syabki-_____________ and pakeda-______________.

Check the spelling of words in a spelling dictionary. Find the meaning of “letter” in the explanatory dictionary.Is it nice to receive such a letter? Why? (this letter is not imbued with kindness, gratitude, respect for the addressee) When we compose a letter, we must remember that the letter should bring joy. Modify the letter using the norms of literary language.

    Creative work in pairs. Game "Come up with a word."

Bag for flash drive –sumflash (check on slide)

What word did you get? This is a complex word, it was formed by adding two roots. Try to compile a dictionary of new words on the topic “Writing SMS.”

    Work in groups.

    Why do you think there was a need to form complex words?

In the age of technological progress, the Russian language is actively replenished with new words. Complex words in a language are very convenient because they allow you to more accurately and concisely name an object or phenomenon. The emergence of new words did not bypass the word laboratory.I would like to congratulate you, you have created a new type of words - these are neologisms. Try to find the correct pronunciation of this word in the dictionary. Think of a way to quickly memorize a word to spell it correctly.

    Here are neologism words. Read these words.

    Which of them can you explain the meaning of? Match the words with their lexical meaning and explain their method of formation.


a software tool designed to combat viruses, the main tasks of which are:

    preventing viruses from entering a computer system;

    detecting the presence of viruses in a computer system;

    eliminating viruses from a computer system without causing damage to other system objects;

    minimizing damage from viruses.


one who flies in outer space on aircraft; astronaut

star explorer

(from the English flash mob - flash - flash; moment, moment; mob - crowd; translated as “instant crowd”) is a pre-planned mass action in which a large group of people appears in a public place and performs pre-agreed actions (scenario) and then diverges

flash mob

self-propelled sled equipped with an engine with a pushing propeller (propeller), which is driven by an internal combustion engine

Dictionary check.

    Which of these words are not in demand by you?

    Is it advisable for a word laboratory to devote its attention to words that are rarely found in our speech?

    Which of these words do you use in your speech?

    Do parents use these words? What about grandparents?

    Do your loved ones feel discomfort because they cannot always understand your speech? How can you help? (One of the options is a project, creating a lexical dictionary of neologisms, but we will do this in another lesson).

    Solving problems. Teamwork .

And I would like to show you two more types of words that are new and at the same time old for us.

Work on slides: historicisms and archaisms. (Tasks on slides)

Clues on the board on cards.

Summary of the lesson. Reflection

    Let's summarize our work.

    How and why do neologisms appear in the Russian language?

    What are neologisms needed for?

Neologisms enrich the Russian language. Their appearance is caused by two reasons:

    the need to name a new object;

    the need to give a new, more successful name for what is already designated in the language.

    What methods of forming words did you use?

What interesting and useful things did you learn from the lesson today? Which task did you find difficult? Why? What should you pay attention to? I look forward to seeing everyone at the next lesson.

The Russian language is a living language, and therefore is constantly evolving. Some words are going out of active use, and more and more new words are appearing, to which our grandparents have such difficulty getting used to. Based on this, we can logically answer the question of what neologisms are.

Neologisms are new words or expressions that appear in the language along with the emergence of new objects, phenomena, concepts, processes in social life.

When you know what neologisms are, it’s not at all difficult to find examples:
genome, clone, management, manager, logistics, virtual, interactive, image maker, bowling, etc.

How do neologisms appear?

At the time of its appearance, each word is a neologism, since it means a new, newly emerged concept. Over time, it becomes commonly used and enters the active vocabulary of the language. In other words, words retain their status as neologisms until they become commonly used, inherent in the vocabulary of as many native speakers as possible.

Now it’s hard to believe, but such words as metro, cosmodrome, television, lunar rover, genotype, refrigerator, perestroika, privatization were also neologisms in the Russian language at one time.

Along with lexical neologisms (new words), many semantic neologisms appear (words that already exist in the language, but acquire new meanings). For example, such modern neologisms: a kettle is not a device for heating water, but a person who does not understand anything at all; a pirate is not only a sea robber, but also a person who uses works of science, culture and technology protected by copyright without the permission of the authors, which is a violation of the law.

Another reason for the appearance of neologisms is the desire to give a more vivid name to an existing object or phenomenon. A title that matches the author’s worldview.

Types of neologisms

Thus, modern neologisms in the Russian language are divided into general linguistic and individual (author's) ones, which can be found in the works of writers or scientists.

For example, V. Mayakovsky used words such as lyubyonochek, and hasten, turn blue. Such words are rarely in active use, but there are exceptions. Not everyone knows that such familiar words as industry, falling in love, absent-mindedness, touching are the author's neologisms of N. Karamzin.

Who knows, maybe it’s thanks to you that our language will be even more enriched with neologisms?

New words (neologisms)

Ways to explain outdated words in the text

Outdated words included in a literary text in some cases require explanation. It can be done:

1) in a footnote or in the dictionary after the text;

2) sometimes an explanation is given in parentheses (see the article by Yuri Shatalov “The First Tomb of the Holy Prince” in Appendix 30);

3) more complex ways of interpreting outdated words, included in the artistic presentation itself.

06let us return to the book by V. Kataev “Broken Life, or the Magic Horn of Oberon” , in which the word is for the author the same object of memory as the people, things and events that surrounded him in childhood. Therefore, the meaning of the word is revealed in detail and lovingly, through a specially specified parallel with a modern word or through a living picture - a description of the object:

“I really loved it when my mother took me shopping with her to the Dwarf store. I must add that the Dwarf himself always wore a bowler hat, partly reminiscent of ragpickers, since all the ragpickers in our city wore bowlers and were called not ragpickers, but “ragpickers.” », “We immediately - without wasting any time - ran to the basement of Zhenya Dubasty’s house and quickly found a lot of all sorts of things there... and among other things, a tube of universal glue “syndeticon”, which was very popular in that distant, distant time. ... “Syndeticon” really tightly glued a variety of materials, but in particular it made fingers stick together, which were then very difficult to unstick. This thick, smelly, amber-yellow glue had the ability to stretch into infinitely thin, infinitely long hair threads that stuck to clothes, furniture, walls, so careless, hasty use of this universal glue was always accompanied by a lot of troubles...”

New words that appear in a language as a result of the emergence of new concepts, phenomena, qualities are called neologisms (from gr. neos- new + logos- word).

Neologisms are divided into two types:

1) lexical neologisms indicate the appearance of new things, phenomena, qualities in life (for example, virgin land worker, lunar worker, astronaut, etc.);

2) semantic neologisms– a new name for something that already has a name (for example, the background is the lining of a peasant shirt, the hype is gold leaf, etc.).

A neologism that has arisen together with a new object, thing, or concept is not immediately included in the active composition of the dictionary. After a new word becomes commonly used and accessible to the public, it ceases to be a neologism. For example, words have gone this way Soviet, collectivization, collective farm, link, tractor driver, Komsomol member, pioneer, Michurinets, metro builder, virgin soil worker, lunarnik, cosmonaut and many others.

Consequently, due to the continuous historical development of the lexical composition of the language, many words, even in the 19th century. perceived as neologisms with an abstract meaning (for example, fiction, liberty, reality, citizenship, humanism- humanity, idea, social, equality etc.), in modern language they are part of the active vocabulary.

And some words that arose quite recently (tax in kind, surplus appropriation, ukom, nepman, komchvanstvo, party maximum, party minimum, people's commissar etc.), managed to become obsolete.

Reasons for the appearance of new words:

1) In everyday speech, we create new words for the following purposes:

1. Using a new word, we name new objects and phenomena: Dutik boots, Dnepryanka wheat variety.

2. However, we can create a name for a phenomenon that is well known, but does not have a verbal designation in the language. For example, it is not at all new for viewers to leave the theater when they do not like a film, but we do not designate this phenomenon with a special word. But one Sverdlovsk resident stated: “ The hall was splashing».

3. Words are also created when we want to more clearly designate a phenomenon that has a name; instead of intricate, Thuringian porcelain is said to be fancy, the sealant is called a sticker.

4. You can play with words. This is readily done by children who are mastering the language, but adults are sometimes not averse to making up some little words for fun: “If there is a fountain pen, there must also be an autoleg. There is neither a new object here nor an old phenomenon without a name. There is word creation here for fun and entertainment.

2) What is observed in everyday speech occurs in artistic or journalistic speech. Here new objects created by the artist’s imagination receive new names: cybers at the Strugatskys, best in V. Zorin et al.

New words are divided into two groups depending on the reasons for their appearance in the language. Neologisms are new words created to represent new phenomena. All the rest are occasionalisms.

In addition to neologisms, which are the property of the national language, new words formed by one or another author are highlighted. Some of them entered the literary language, for example, drawing, mine, pendulum, pump, attraction, constellation, etc. (at M. Lomonosov), industry, love, absent-mindedness, touching(from Karamzin), fade away(from F. Dostoevsky), etc.

Others remain part of the so-called occasional authorial formations. They perform figurative and expressive functions only in an individual context and, as a rule, are created on the basis of existing word-formation models, for example, mandolin, unsmile, sickle, hammerfist, chamberlain and many others (by V. Mayakovsky); stormed, turmoil ( from B. Pasternak), mokhnatinki, Ant country And Muravskaya country ( from A. Tvardovsky), magic, cellophane(from A. Voznesensky), side-bodied, unfamiliarity, overworld, inflexible and others (by E. Yevtushenko), etc.

Reasons for the emergence of new words

In our age of industrialization, scientific and technological progress, intense socio-political life, full of events of international significance, the process of lexical enrichment of the language is constantly underway.

All changes and processes occurring in social life are directly reflected in the languages ​​of all countries of the world, and French, naturally, is no exception in this regard.

The vocabulary of a language directly reflects reality. The main purpose of a lexical unit is the naming function.

The term “lexicon” itself comes from the Greek “ lexis » word, and denotes the vocabulary of the language. Vocabulary is a complex system that is an integral part of the general system of language. Speaking about the systematic nature of vocabulary, we mean that the members of the lexical system are integrally formed and separately formed lexical units, are interconnected by certain relationships.

Speaking about the continuous replenishment of vocabulary, it should be noted that every new phenomenon discovered in science, the invention of certain machines, vehicles, medicines, household items - all of this receives its own names, while either new words and phrases are created, or the old ones are used words with new meaning.

The emergence and development of new sciences is accompanied by the emergence of new terms denoting these sciences, such as: bionique, é cologie, information, astrogé ologie.

Many of the technical terms gradually become elements of everyday language and become widely used. For example, nowadays everyone understands words such as: laser, cosmodrome, cosmonaute, masse- media.

Protest movements in capitalist countries take various forms. These phenomena are directly reflected in language. Thus, the protest movement among young people against the dominant way of life in France gave rise to the word contestantisme - challenging , contestataire – challenging. These words appeared on the basis of a less common word - contestant .

The French fascination with English words, which reached the point of Anglomania, is responsible for the appearance of the words franglais- from fran (ç ais) And ( an)flais , franglicisme , franglaisant .

The formation of a large number of words offers a wealth of word-formation means and a developed system of word formation.

The French language has a complex and diverse system of word-formation means. New lexical units are created using means of all levels of language - phonetic, morphemic, lexical-semantic and syntactic. Sometimes several are used in various ways simultaneously.

Depending on the language level to which word-formation means belong, there are three main types of word formation: phonetic, morphological, semantic. Morphological and semantic word formation are the most important means of forming new words.

In phonetic word formation, new words are created through onomatopoeia (for example, coucou). Phonetic word formation also serves to create interjections, that is, words expressing different emotional states (for example, chut, pst .).

During semantic word formation, the form of the word does not change, only its meaning or function changes, for example, voler – to fly , voler – to steal .

In preparing this work, materials from the site http://www.studentu.ru were used