Tarot manara card meanings. Layout “Searching for the cause of loneliness”

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Relationships do not tolerate lies; it becomes difficult to hide true intentions, feelings, desires if you use Manara Tarot cards for fortune telling. The reliability of the partners’ judgments is confirmed by the meaning of the cards, which, when laid out, literally bring to light what motivates a person.

Milo Manara was born on September 12, 1945 in the Italian commune of Luzon in the province of Bolzano. Since childhood, the dream of becoming an artist conflicted with the realization that traditional painting would never be able to feed him. While assisting the sculptor Berrocal in Magala, Milo studied in great detail human body and became fluent in academic drawing. But painting did not win his heart, but the erotic comic book became the true embodiment of his dream. It only took a few years of working with screenwriter Francesco Rubino during the creation of the series “Yolanda” about the adventures of a female pirate to provide herself with a decent life.

His drawings are an excellent indicator of how a person’s thoughts and desires, like an equilibrist, balance on a fine line, on one side of which there is eroticism, on the other - gracefully “posing” hard porn. The censors pay tribute to the artist in admiration and say with one voice that, thanks to his skill, he never crossed this line. The embodiment of sexuality in cards is an incredible idea of ​​the author, which has fully justified itself. Decks with vibrant erotic works by Milo Manara appeared on sale in early 2000.

What are Tarot Manara cards?

The deck can be used by both beginners who are not familiar with the classic Tarot, and advanced tarot readers who want to improve their skill level and enrich their working tools. Although, only a strong person who is able to penetrate the sexuality of images will be able to find a common language with the Tarot deck. Relationships between people are a path that everyone needs knowledge about. Even if an idyll reigns, one of the partners still thinks about the true motives of the other. After reading the article, you will learn about the mechanisms of meaning formation, find your own meaning in oracle systems, and get real pleasure when viewing Milo Manara’s drawings.

Virgin love, wonderful feelings and sincerity do not exclude misunderstandings. For some, the problems that have arisen seem like an insoluble task; for others, they are ready to go to the end in order to expose their true feelings and intentions. Fortune telling with the Manara Tarot is one of the ways to understand relationships using a unique analysis of the current situation, to get to know the soul of your partner and find out advice for the future. Gallery of the master's works - a unique deck with stunning symbolism.

Manara Tarot cards do not tolerate complexities, stiffness, or hidden fears. You need to be completely open to the cards in order to know the truth.

A distinctive feature of the deck is the complete correspondence of the “beauty” of the meaning and image of the Minor Arcana to the Major Arcana. The artist adapted the classic suits in his own way, replacing them with four elements: Water, Fire, Air and Earth, each of which received its own symbol.

  • Fire personifies initiative, determination, and patronizes passionate, courageous and creative people.
  • Water symbolizes sexuality, sensuality and emotionality.
  • Air is a supporter of thinkers, ideological individuals prone to erotic fantasies, dreams and illusory prisms.
  • The earth pays tribute to stability and constancy, calm and pragmatic natures.

Remember! Tarot Manara gives answers only to questions regarding love relationships. Finances and health are beyond their control!

☞ Video description of the meaning of the cards

Tarot Manara for human feelings

Only a brave lover is able to talk about his feelings. But what to do with the “mute”, unable to show her true self through words and actions. Modesty, fear, and lack of understanding of oneself are common problems for those who do not clearly express their thoughts. It was created to expose feelings and understand the prospects for the development of relationships.
"Mystery of Love" layout.

It is quite simple, showing the course of love affairs, indicating possible difficulties, telling about the future with and without a partner.

Select 8 cards from the Manara Tarot deck that answer the questions:

  1. What are his thoughts about you?
  2. What does your partner need from an alliance with you?
  3. What is your attitude towards your partner?
  4. Developments in the near future.
  5. What will happen to your union after a few months?
  6. What will the relationship grow into in a year?
  7. Is the second ladle ready for marriage?
  8. Is it rational to continue developing the relationship?

Shuffle the deck, pull out cards in random order and arrange them in the form of an inverted triangle, the base of which consists of four cards (1, 2, 3 and 4) and is located at the top of the figure. Next, lay out 3 cards (5, 6 and 7). The vertex of the triangle is one card (number 8).

Focus on your partner and devote all of yourself to the fortune telling process.

☞ Video tips

Tarot Manara “Wife and Lover”

Misunderstanding between people, when a third person is (obviously) superfluous, requires timely answers, clarification of the situation in order to make the only correct decision. The 11-card layout is universal for both the wife and the mistress.

  1. The first card of the Manara Tarot tells about the personality of a man.
  2. The second shows who his wife is to him.
  3. The third answers the question “Who is a man’s mistress.”
  4. The fourth makes it clear a man’s attitude towards the simultaneous presence of two women in his life.
  5. The fifth will show what kind of relationship you will have with your wife in the future.
  6. The sixth will say what will happen to him and his mistress in the foreseeable future.
  7. The seventh will remove the scales from his eyes and show why the man is still with his wife.
  8. And the eighth is why he is still with his mistress.
  9. Here the fortuneteller will see the development of relations with his wife in the coming year.
  10. Here is what will happen to your mistress in the coming year.
  11. The eleventh and final card will indicate an unforeseen event that will happen to three people in the coming year.

The scheme is complex, but interesting. Place three Tarot Manara cards in two rows one below the other. In the top row of cards from left to right: 6, 4 and 5. In the bottom row, respectively, 3, 1 and 2. Place card 8 to the left of these rows between them, card 7 to the right. Place the third row of three cards under the second: card 11 in the center under card 1; card 9 is under card 8, and card 10 is under 7.

☞ Video story

Relationships and triangle

A love triangle is the most complex situation that arises between people. Someone invades the lives of two, capturing the attention of one of the partners. Some find it difficult to control themselves and resolve the issue in their favor while minimizing losses for others. You can’t tell this to a friend or girlfriend - they will laugh, the psychologist will dig deep and very painfully. All that remains is to surrender to chance or try to curb your emotions and lay out the Manara Tarot “Love Triangle” deck.

All 78 cards are used, their upright and inverted meanings are taken into account, which makes the prediction accurate and clear. Introduce your partner, develop feelings for him. Shuffle the deck, draw the first eight cards towards you with your left hand and arrange them in the shape of a triangle. At the top of the figure place card number 8, below put three cards (from left to right): 4, 7 and 3. At the base of the figure there are 4 cards (from left to right): 5, 1, 2 and 6.

☞ Video information

Other fortune telling on Tarot Manara

There are many options for card layouts. The same images carry different meanings in different combinations.

  • The “Two Hearts” layout is needed only for analyzing existing relationships: the partner’s expectations, prospects in intimate and joint life, hidden misunderstandings that can develop into serious problems.
  • The “Lado” layout will provide clarity to the eyes and heart, will show the “true face” of the relationship, which is seen only by those around them, whose opinion is far from reality. He will indicate compatibility with a partner or lack thereof, and will tell you about measures that should be taken to improve mutual understanding.
  • The “Analysis of Loneliness” layout is suitable for devoted and disappointed people who are withdrawn into themselves, and who find it difficult to admit that the reason for loneliness lies in the depths of their own hearts. It is important for them to see the event that laid the seed of detachment from love. A secret will be revealed that will initially bring severe mental pain, which will be replaced by relief and calm.
  • Layout "Compatibility in bed." “Opposites attract”? Not at all! The difference in temperament of friends can play a cruel joke on him in bed. Intimate life requires balance and full compatibility. Diversify your relationship, add new experiences, so that your partner feels a new wave of interest.
  • The “Parting” layout is necessary for those who do not understand why the desired meeting cannot happen. Perhaps someone is not fully aware of what is happening. Fortune telling with Tarot Manara cards will allow you to renew relationships if the soul sincerely wishes to open up to the partner again. Otherwise, it's a simple waste of time and effort.
  • For more accurate answers to questions, prepare for a fortune-telling ritual. Meditation is the best way to tune in to the energy of the Manara Tarot cards. Establish a connection by holding the deck between the palms of your hands. If you're playing the cards on feelings and love for your partner, be open-minded. The cards feel the mood and if it is far from good, postpone the prediction for later.
  • Remember that the future is determined by the person himself; the deck predicts only one of the probable events. Take control of fate, the prediction may not happen at all.
  • If you have any doubts about the Manara Tarot cards, make an additional spread for clarification.
  • Don't joke with cards, take predictions seriously. Once doubt arises, it will take root and a harmless game will become the beginning of serious problems.

Not everything is said in our article. Tarot Manara fortune telling is a long, interesting, fascinating process that is interesting to those in love, those who are in love, those who are still looking for a partner in whom to dissolve, those who have experienced betrayal and the grief of a relationship. Everyone will find a layout for themselves that will answer the questions that torment the soul. Well, we will continue the story from the perspective of the Italian artist Milo Manara in our new articles!

Want to learn more about tarot card readings? In this article we will tell you about the features of the layouts and interpretation of the Manara Tarot, and also give several popular types of fortune telling in the love sphere of life. Enjoy reading!

Features of the Manara deck

The main task of Tarot Manara is a deep study of a person’s love relationships. When doing fortune telling, the features of the image of the Arcana and their interpretation can cause mixed or contradictory feelings - delight, confusion, rejection, etc.

The author of the deck is Milo Manara, a native of Italy. He gained fame thanks to the creation of erotic comics. Illustrations of the Major and Minor Arcana balance on the verge of pornography and eroticism. The feminine orientation of the deck is emphasized by its main characters and the Queen, who stands a position higher than the King.

The purpose of the deck is to display everything hidden, intimate, located in the subconscious of a person, pulling it out. If a fortuneteller is not afraid to find out the “undisguised” truth about himself and the people around him, we suggest attending courses at the Russian Tarot School, where he can learn detailed information about this type of Tarot cards.

Popular Tarot Manara layouts for relationships

Let's look at several popular Tarot Manara layouts for relationships. Detailed diagrams and interpretations of fortune telling are given below.

Alignment &Relationships&

It is a popular fortune telling that allows you to assess the level of relationships between two people. Shuffle the cards thoroughly, mentally holding the image of your loved one in front of you, and then lay out the Tarot according to the diagram below.

Pay attention to the right column of cards - the querent's card, the left, respectively, to the person of interest. If the situation is viewed by a disinterested person, the meaning of the columns can be determined arbitrarily

A detailed interpretation of each position is given below.

  • First. The type of relationship, its state at the current moment in time. It is a test lasso. The layout is considered to be carried out correctly if the map reflects the real state of affairs. If not, you should postpone the fortune telling until another time or identify the error
  • Second, seventh. Mutual thoughts about each other - what are they?
  • Third, sixth. The state of the emotional background of a relationship - sensations, feelings, fears, etc.
  • Fourth, fifth. How the partners’ feelings are expressed (what really is, how it is demonstrated to the other)

Note. The process of analysis gradually moves from the spiritual sphere to the sensory, then to the physical. The presence of an imbalance indicates problems in the relationship between two people - there is something to work on

Layout &Two Hearts&

The following fortune telling is used in a number of the following cases:

  • Ways to develop existing relationships
  • What does each partner expect from the union?
  • Events affecting the harmony of communication

The alignment will indicate to the fortuneteller actions that will make the union more harmonious. Can be used to characterize relationships between friends, relatives, friends, lovers. The diagram and interpretation of fortune telling are given below.

The interpretation of the received positions is as follows:

  1. What are the relationships between people now?
  2. Compatibility with loved one/friend/acquaintance
  3. The querent's expectations from the union with his partner
  4. The object's expectations regarding the fortuneteller
  5. How will the union develop in the foreseeable future?
  6. What to do to improve relationships
  7. Will the union worsen from external events?
  8. Extraneous influences on the development of relationships, their presence/absence in the life of a fortuneteller

Videos of Tarot Manara layouts will help simplify the fortune telling process several times. Be sure to check them out!

Fortune telling with Tarot Manara on a person's feelings

Here are several popular Tarot Manara love spreads that allow you to determine the truth of the feelings, intentions, and emotions of another person in relation to the querent.

Layout &Mystery of Love&

This fortune telling on the Tarot Manara for a person’s feelings allows you to find out the truth of the intentions of your loved one, get answers to questions related to the love sphere (readiness for marriage, duration of the relationship, etc.). The alignment is especially relevant for relationships in the “embryo” stage. The diagram and interpretation of the positions are shown below.

Prepare for fortune-telling in advance, discarding extraneous thoughts, imagine the face of your loved one. Shuffle the deck thoroughly, randomly take out eight cards, laying them out as shown in the diagram.

Find out the meanings of the cards and make your first Tarot spreads with the book by Sergei Savchenko &Evening tea by candlelight and Tarot cards&

The decoding of the positions is as follows.

  1. Answer to the question from Tarot Manara & What does he think about me&. Shows an objective picture in a sexual, sensual, emotional context
  2. The truth of existing intentions
  3. How does the querent feel about his significant other?
  4. The course of events in the foreseeable future
  5. State of the Union a few months later
  6. Review of the situation a year later
  7. Partner's readiness for marriage
  8. The final map indicates the rationality of continuing the relationship, the level of compatibility between partners

Layout &Test of love&

Checking the feelings of the Tarot Manara is a simple layout that reveals all the hidden intentions of the chosen one / chosen one regarding the fortuneteller. You will be able to find out your partner’s plans, his true feelings for you.

The entire deck is used for fortune telling. Shuffle the deck, visualize the image of your loved one, move the cards towards you with your left hand, look at the interpretation of the positions below.

  1. Feelings of the other half regarding the querent
  2. Hidden emotions known only to your partner
  3. How will the relationship develop?
  4. The most likely prospects for the union

Please note: In fortune telling, ONLY straight card positions are used!

Fortune telling using Tarot Manara for the future of relationships

Tarot Manara fortune telling for the future of relationships predicts options for the development of a union between lovers. Suitable for people who have recently started dating. The layout will help you find out the weaknesses/strengths of your partners and find answers to other troubling questions. The diagram and interpretation of fortune telling are given below.

After shuffling the cards and laying them out according to the specified pattern, look at the values ​​of each dropped position.

  1. What are the current relationships based on?
  2. Is the current union comfortable for a fortuneteller?
  3. How does one feel about the beloved/beloved relationship?
  4. What will happen in the near future
  5. Your feelings, thoughts regarding the course of the relationship
  6. Your partner’s feelings and thoughts regarding the union with you
  7. Bottom line for the querent
  8. The result for the other half
  9. Estimated future of the union

Interpretation of the cards of the Manara deck in fortune telling for love

Below is a brief interpretation of the Tarot Manara layouts for the Major and Minor Arcana.

Major Arcana

  • Jester: A relationship that does not promise anything serious or good. Your partner doesn't know what he wants
  • Magician: Confrontation of mind with feelings, manipulation
  • Priestess: Having complexes, &double game&, forbidden feelings
  • Empress: Serious rival, dominance of the fair sex
  • Emperor: Misunderstanding of partners, squabbles, fears
  • Priest: Condemnation, rash actions
  • Lovers: Non-reciprocal feelings - selfishness/complete dissolution in a person
  • Chariot: Fear of mistakes, repeating past mistakes, etc.
  • Strength: Sexual incompatibility of partners
  • Hermit: Anger, dissatisfaction, lack of mutual understanding
  • Mirror: Narcissism, narcissism
  • Justice: Interest in a married person
  • Punishment: Relationships that are mentally/physically painful
  • Death: A crisis is coming, a fading of feelings, an attempt to hold on to the past
  • Moderation: Comfortable connection with an older partner
  • Devil: Jealousy, mutual passion, sexual addiction
  • Tower: Difficult relationships, lack of intimacy, limitations.
  • Star: Platonic relationship with an unattainable person, waiting for a character from a fairy tale
  • Moon: Understatement, illusion
  • Sun: Romanticism, falling in love, self-sufficiency
  • Court: Transformation of relationships, feelings, emotions. The neighboring Major Arcana will help you understand the map.
  • World: Open relationship, no obligations to each other

Minor Arcana

  • Ace: Energy attachments, vampirism, cheating for sexual pleasure
  • 2: Predominance of instincts, ostentation
  • 3: Mismatch between partners' temperaments
  • 4: Secret Relationship
  • 5: Having conflicting feelings
  • 6: Inequality of relationships, frivolity of intentions of one of the partners, suffering
  • 7: Union fatigue
  • 8: Communication at a distance via telephone, Internet
  • 9: Common interests, but difference in worldview
  • 10: Pickiness, aggressiveness, dissatisfaction
  • Servant: Workaholic, tired, apathetic, relationships with colleagues
  • Horsewoman: Long-distance relationships (one partner on a trip/business trip)
  • Queen: Deflowering, passion, sexuality
  • King: Candy-bouquet period with a Casanova man
  • Ace: Desire for adventure, romance, new, interesting acquaintances
  • 2: Manipulations associated with separation - one does not let go of the other
  • 3: Every man for himself, respect for personal space
  • 4: Restraint in expressing feelings, excessive vigilance
  • 5: Desire for proof of a partner’s love, maximalism in relationships
  • 6: Curiosity, desire to understand the zest of a partner
  • 7: Fear of sexually transmitted infections, fear for relationships
  • 8: Attentions, jealousy
  • 9: Awareness of desires, lingering feelings for a previous partner
  • 10: Dreams, desires for more, desire for prospects
  • Servant: Friendship that doesn't turn into falling in love
  • Horsewoman: Stagnation of relationships
  • Queen: Lack of mutual understanding, everyone to themselves
  • King: Seduction, passion, lust
  • Ace: Dreams, compliments, starting a relationship
  • 2: Coolness of feelings, presence of manipulations
  • 3: Unfounded grievances, separation
  • 4: Recent acquaintance, immaturity, fantasies, dreams
  • 5: Disappointment in your partner
  • 6.: An attempt to endow a partner with the necessary qualities, window dressing
  • 7: Lack of feelings, fantasy
  • 8: Reluctance to closeness, far-fetched fears
  • 9: Surprise (its color depends on neighboring cards), the beginning of a relationship
  • 10: Desire for novelty, pickiness in choosing a life partner
  • Servant: Pleasant communication, euphoria
  • Horsewoman: Affection, friendship.
  • Queen: Reluctance to long-term, serious relationships, flirting
  • King: A man is an overgrown child, a tendency to idealize relationships
  • Ace: Calculation, stability
  • 2: Studying a partner for your interests
  • 3: The framework of the relationship, may mean the desire to get married
  • 4: Treason, betrayal
  • 5: Desire to find common sense, low self-esteem
  • 6: Relationships based on pragmatic calculation
  • 7: Unjustified hopes, longing for the past of current relationships
  • 8: Forced break in the union, rest from the partner, apathy, depression
  • 9: Fear of not matching up with your partner
  • 10: Peace, loneliness, desire for illusory relationships &as they say in the book&
  • Servant: Jealousy, possessiveness, deception, spying
  • Rider: Desire to maintain relationships, self-sufficiency, lack of interest in the activities of a loved one
  • Queen: Uneasy breakup, fear of loneliness, despair
  • King: Sexual assertion, perversion, hidden intentions. Partner provocateur

We are confident that the information offered will help to better understand the secrets of the Manara Tarot deck. All the best and good luck on your Life Path!

In order to find out about future events or understand the current situation, many people use card fortune telling. They help you learn a lot useful information. If you want to find answers to questions about your personal life, then it is better to choose Tarot Manara, which were created in early 2000.

Manara Tarot Cards

The presented Tarot deck was drawn by an artist from Italy Milo Manara. The card design was created at the request of the famous publishing house Lo Scarabeo. The author never had a goal to draw the Tarot, but he could not refuse the interesting offer. Since Milo's main direction is erotic comics, this was also transferred to the drawings on the cards. The result was the erotic Tarot of Manara, which captivated astrologers and fortune tellers with its accuracy. The main focus of this deck is personal life.

Tarot Manara - deck review

This erotic deck contains 78 cards, just like in classic tarot, and 22 of them are the Major Arcana (plot set) and 56 cards are the Minor Arcana of the emotional set, which are divided into subcategories:

  1. Element Air– cards belong to the suit of Swords, and they can tell about a person’s secret dreams and fantasies.
  2. Element Fire- they are compared with the Wands, and with their help you can learn about actions and actions.
  3. Element Water- the personification of the suits of Cups, and the main meaning of the Manara Tarot cards is associated with the thoughts and experiences of a person.
  4. Element Earth- is equivalent to the suit of Pentacles, and this group will tell you whether the plans made will become a reality or not.

It is worth noting that the Aces, personifying the behavior of a woman, are of particular importance in the Manara Tarot. For correct interpretation these cards, you need to learn to feel the person asking. It is important to understand that there is a deep meaning hidden behind the eroticism of the drawings. It is especially easy to learn how to interpret the Tarot Manara layouts, which will be both good and imaginative for people.

Rules for fortune telling using Tarot Manara

After purchasing a new deck, you need to charge it with your energy. For this purpose, you need to hold them in your hands for a while and do a short meditation, imagining how the energy passes through your hands into cards. It is important to treat fortune telling responsibly, and not as a joke, otherwise the meaning of the Manara Tarot will be deceptive. Another rule regarding fortune telling for another person is that in order to obtain a true result, it is recommended to be unbiased during the reading. You should not start fortune telling if you are in a bad mood or feeling bad.

Fortune telling Tarot Manara

Each card in this erotic deck is a symbol of a different interpersonal relationship, so fortune telling is carried out in order to find answers to questions related to the opposite sex. Fortune telling with Tarot Manara cards can determine important details and compatibility of partners, as well as the causes of problems. The layout can be done for a difficult situation, for choosing between several partners, for determining the cause and for receiving useful advice. The meaning of the Manara Tarot cards can be found here.

Tarot Manara fortune telling for relationships

Using the popular “Two Hearts” layout, you can find out options for the development of relationships, what to expect from a partner, as well as events that, to a greater or lesser extent, affect the harmony of the union. The Tarot Manara layout for relationships will be some kind of indication of actions that can improve mutual understanding between lovers. It is worth noting that the “Two Hearts” layout can be used not only to understand the relationship between lovers, but also relatives, colleagues and friends.

Take the Manara Tarot deck, shuffle it and make a layout. After this, proceed to the interpretation:

  • card No. 1 – what is in the relationship at the moment;
  • card No. 2 – compatibility level;
  • card No. 3 – the fortuneteller’s expectations about relationships;
  • card No. 4 – the expectations of a lover;
  • card No. 5 – possible prospects in the near future;
  • card No. 6 – tips on how to improve relationships;
  • card No. 7 – which can negatively affect relationships;
  • card No. 8 – whether there is outside influence or not.

Tarot Manara fortune telling for the future

To find out about future events related to relationships, you can use the “Wheel of Fate” layout. Tarot Manara will tell you about the potential of relationships, and they can also show what can be obtained from an alliance with your chosen one. In addition, the alignment will help to understand for what purpose the meeting took place from the point of view of karma. Shuffle the deck and perform the layout, and then interpret the Tarot Manara:

  • card No. 1 is a karmic lesson that explains why relationships are needed and for what purpose people met;
  • card No. 2 – what is currently happening in the relationship;
  • card No. 3 – a fortuneteller in a relationship;
  • card No. 4 – partner in a relationship;
  • card No. 5 is a critical point that will help you understand whether the potential will be realized;
  • card number 6 is the maximum that can be obtained from the union.

Fortune telling with Tarot Manara on a person's feelings

Using a simple layout, you can conduct some kind of test of feelings. He gives answers to questions related to the development of relationships, and will also talk about the thoughts, feelings and emotions of his partner. To test your feelings, you must first hold the Manara Tarot in your hands for a while and clearly imagine the image of your lover. After this, shuffle the deck and make a layout. The interpretation of Tarot Manara cards is carried out as follows:

  • card No. 1 – the lover’s thoughts related to intimate life and feelings;
  • card No. 2 – his real intentions;
  • card No. 3 – the fortuneteller’s feelings towards the object of feelings;
  • card No. 4 – how personal life may change in the near future;
  • card No. 5 – what the union will be like in a couple of months;
  • card No. 6 – what will happen in a year;
  • card No. 7 – do partners have thoughts about marriage;
  • card No. 8 is the result, reflecting the compatibility and rationality of further relationships.

Tarot Manara fortune telling for career

Although the Manara deck is believed to provide answers to questions related to personal life, it can also be used to learn about career prospects. For this purpose, there is a “Path” layout that will help you analyze the situation in the team and learn about the possibility of career advancement. Shuffle the deck and lay out seven cards as shown. The interpretation of Tarot Manara cards is as follows:

  • card No. 1 – the essence of the issue and prospects for solution;
  • card No. 2 and 3 – description of the mental background;
  • card No. 4 and 5 - tips on how to change the behavior of the fortuneteller, taking into account the situation;
  • card No. 6 – recommendations for adjustments;
  • card No. 7 – conclusions that need to be drawn from the current situation.


Today we have a rather delicate topic on our agenda - the erotic Manara Tarot deck. I've heard so many opposing opinions about these cards! Someone scolds them for their vulgarity and does not consider them to be Tarot at all, someone calls this deck the most sensitive, responsive and amazingly accurate in matters of personal relationships, and someone looks at the illustrations on the Internet with interest, but does not dare to make such a purchase . I’ll say right away: I work with Manara confidently and understand her message perfectly, although at first I also doubted for a long time whether I needed such cards. As it turned out, they are very necessary. But let's talk about everything in order.

History of the deck

Italian artist Milo Manara is known as the author of erotic comic novels. In essence, his Tarot is fragments of the journey of the heroes he created, most of whom are women. The deck cannot be called very young - after all, the first edition was published 18 years ago - in the year 2000, which is already quite distant from us. Surprisingly, these frank, impartial cards quickly found their fans, so the Manara Tarot was reprinted four more times - in 2003, 2005, 2006 and 2012. Today, Manara is called the best deck for viewing all the subtleties and nuances of love relationships, although there are still ardent haters of these cards who call them nothing more than vulgarity, debauchery and meaningless pictures. Well, how many people, so many opinions. Personally, I worked well with Manara, but more on that later.

Key features of the deck

Unlike traditional decks, the suits here are named after the elements: Fire, Water, Air, Earth. Naturally, the meanings of the Manara Tarot cards are tied to these elements. So, for example, the subjects of Fire are full of passion, sexuality, desire, Water - emotions, feelings, Air - dreams, fears, thoughts, Earth - everyday situations, affairs, practical issues. Each card also has its own astrological connection. Astrological correspondences are essentially the same, with the exception of court cards. The numbering of the Major Arcana is similar to Crowley's (Jester - 0, Strength - 11, Justice - 8), but two Arcana received their own names: thus Milo Manara's Wheel of Fortune turned into a Mirror, and the Hanged Man - into Punishment. The names of the court cards are also slightly different from the classics: Queens, Kings, Horsewomen, Servants. The Minor Arcana are plotted and carry no less significant meaning than the Senior Arcana.

Deck symbolism

If you look at the Manara Tarot gallery, you will see that the main feature of the deck is its focus on the relationship between a man and a woman. Each scene in one way or another shows us a certain behavior of the characters, their experiences, feelings, thoughts, interactions with each other. The pictures of Tarot Manara are very lively, dynamic, but all of them in one way or another reflect not so much an event plan as a psychological one: we see what the heroes feel and think about, and this allows us to significantly expand the symbolic field of each Arcana, bringing out more and more new ones semantic subtleties.

In the pose of the characters, gestures, details of their clothing, surroundings, and background, you can find many amazing clues. Usually, opponents of this deck do not pay attention to these moments, believing that there is nothing else in it except sex and erotic scenes. But thinking like that is a mistake. The closer you get to know this amazing deck, the more interesting and unknown side it reveals to you.

Finding the meaning and interpretation of the Manara Tarot cards is a very exciting journey, because there is another interesting point here. It consists of identifying on the cards which character the person in question is playing. This applies to illustrations where we see both a man and a woman. A woman will not always take exactly a female role, and a man will not always take a masculine one, sometimes they can change. On the one hand, this may confuse you, but on the other hand, if you carefully examine the neighboring cards, you will definitely find the answer to your question.

Major Arcana

In this review of the erotic Tarot of Manara, I want to move away from my usual scheme and show you several semantic messages of each card at once, so we will consider a smaller number of Arcana, but each one in as much detail as possible. I do this especially for those who do not see “the forest for the trees” and consider this deck to be nothing more than a set of candid pictures.

So, from the Major Arcana for analysis, I chose the cards Jester, Lovers and Chariot.

Jester. On this map we see the exciting play of a young girl with a wooden doll that comes to life. Let's draw analogies that are more understandable to the residents of our country - let's call the heroes Malvina and Buratino. Pinocchio is nothing more than a toy in the hands of a young girl. He is fascinated by her charm, experience, trustingly settled on her lap and does not even suspect what these adult games can lead to. Malvina is now passionate about her new toy, but she is essentially manipulating it, because it is just a wooden doll. I’ll play around, and if I get tired of it, I’ll throw it into the fire and find another one, business as usual!

And here we immediately see that the person for whom the alignment is being carried out can be either Pinocchio or Malvina. If our case is the first, then the client is clearly being manipulated, and she perceives everything that happens at face value. She completely and completely trusts her partner, relying on his experience and does not feel the hidden danger of the situation. If we decide that the client is Malvina, it means that the woman is cleverly leading someone by the nose and using her for her own purposes.

But the interpretation of the Arcana Shut Tarot Manara does not end there. If we want to describe the psychological state, we can say that in one case the person himself does not know what he needs, perceives what is happening too frivolously and carefree, in the other, he pretends to be a wise person, constantly trying to teach his partner something. If the card turns out to be a significator of relationships, then one partner manipulates, and the other unconditionally falls for it and allows himself to be controlled. A person who is in the role of Malvina can easily and without regret part with his “toy,” but the neighboring cards will tell you how this will turn out for Pinocchio.

Describing feelings, the card can convey a certain lightness, carelessness, play, lack of obligations, irresponsibility. If we are talking about the physical state, this is infantilism, the fragility of the connection. If we perceive Arcanum as a warning - this is a hint to think about whether you are a toy in someone’s hands, if you ask the cards for advice - Manara advises allowing your inner child to open up, treating what is happening as an exciting game.

And if we pay attention to the astrological correspondence - Uranus - then we will immediately understand that we are talking about an element of spontaneity, surprise, but at the same time the partners are very different in spiritual terms.

Those in love with Tarot Manara are the artist and his Muse, talent and admirer. Who is which of the partners - we look at the surrounding maps or known facts. What can be said about this relationship? People certainly cannot live without each other, but one constantly has to sacrifice himself for the other. The artist is a narcissistic person, the main thing for him is creative ecstasy, self-realization, Nature admires the Master and worships him.

But who would the Artist be without his faithful fan and submissive, patient model, willing to endure any bullying in order for her beloved to create another masterpiece? Please note: the girl’s back is all striped with deep scars. Are these marks from the whip that the Master gave her to paint a realistic picture, or are the scratches simply painted with his brush?

But why does the girl put up with this? Is it because he really wants to get closer to the image of the ideal that appears on the canvas? The card is very deep, which can speak of an extreme degree of self-sacrifice, and of the strongest egoism, and of the mystical attraction of partners to each other, when from the outside the relationship seems very strange, but in reality people simply cannot exist separately: she is his Muse, without which life will lose meaning, he is her ideal, without which her soul will yearn, since there will be no one else to serve, no one to care about. Sexual ecstasy on this card occurs through creativity: one person in bed completely submits to the fantasies and desires of another.

By the way, my Lovers card often falls on relationships in which a woman lives with a man who drinks or raises his hand to her, but does not go anywhere - “where will I go, he will be lost without me?”

Chariot. The Seventh Arcana of the Manara Tarot differs from the previous two in that here we see only one heroine. Pay attention to an important detail that appears more than once in the plots of this deck - this is a movie camera. This is a kind of symbol of retrospective, immersion in the past, or a hint of a scripted game, the inevitability or repetition of any events or actions. The girl straddling the movie camera, with her thoughts not actually in the present moment, but somewhere there, in the distant past, where she felt very good.

If the classic Chariot usually rushes forward, then in the Manara Tarot everything is the opposite: as befits crustaceans (Cancer is the astrological correspondence of the card), the girl moves back, returns to her past. Most often, this Arcanum shows absorption in memories, or regular repetition of past mistakes. As a significator of relationships, it most often shows either a connection that lasts for many years, or an affair with a person from the past, or a repetition of mistakes that have already been made.

Minor Arcana

Since the review is already too long so as not to bore my readers, I will try to give descriptions of the Minor Arcana more briefly, but so that you can think for yourself about their possible meanings.

Let's start with the suit of Fire. This is the energy of fatal passion, pleasure and pain, sexual desire and games in bed. Most often it is a creative approach to building relationships, initiative, determination, courage, and activity. Let's look at the Three of Fire.

Here we see a man who, unsuspectingly, was relaxing on a bench in the park. And then, out of nowhere, a passionate beauty appeared, who instantly took off her clothes and threw herself on our hero’s lap. What associations does this Manara Tarot card evoke for you? Personally, I see in one partner (woman) frantic activity, which does not always appear on time, and secondly, surprise, unpreparedness for such suddenly changed circumstances. The girl does not think at all about whether her partner wants her attention - for her, her own desire comes first. And he, although surprised by such a strong pressure, still put his arm around her waist and did not try to push her away. In essence, the general meaning of the card is inadequate expression of one’s desire, active seduction, difference in temperaments, different ideas about relationships and sex.

The Water suit is a journey through the expanses of our sensuality, it is a whirlpool or a calm flow of emotions, sometimes a search for our inner self. For example, let's look at the Two of this suit.

It seems to me that our heroine ran away from the castle that we see in the background, because it turned out to be too cramped, gloomy, and boring for her. She decided to plunge into the refreshing waters of her feminine sensuality, but her ex-lover caught up with her and does not want to let her go. According to this card, for me personally there is always some kind of mutual misunderstanding, an obsessive desire of one partner to escape, and the second to bring him back at any cost with the help of blackmail, manipulation or banal hysterics. I look at the surrounding cards to see exactly how this person behaves. The partner acting as a woman has a strong desire to renew the relationship, to bring some kind of fresh spirit into it, but at the same time, something actively suppresses this impulse, preventing her from going beyond such boring boundaries. In general, this is a rather complex and unpredictable relationship, where each of the couple is stewing in a cauldron of their own feelings, where one is terrified of losing the other, and the other demands proof of this love.

The element of Air in the Manara Tarot is dreams, dreams, fantasies, illusions and everything that happens exclusively inside our own heads. Look at the heroine of the Eight of Air. She is running headlong not from a man at all, but from some of her inner fears. Why did I decide that my fears were far-fetched and not real? Check out the whimsical card background, the flying crows, and the frame that makes this illustration look like something out of a book.

However, sometimes Arkan can show real intimidation by one partner of another, but it still does not come to the point of carrying out the threat. This fear is rather internal, like a premonition of trouble.

The Earth suit reflects the desire for constancy, the desire for stability, and sometimes practical calculation and pragmatism. In general, the subjects here are more everyday, earthly. Let's take a closer look at the Earth Four.

There are no longer two, but several heroes, so in order to figure out who is who, you need to pull out additional cards. But in general, the message, I think, is clear to everyone: a married couple in a public place encountered their husband’s secret mistress. The wife is horrified, the man is shocked, and the mistress is humiliated, trying to prove that this man belongs to her, reaching out to him, persistently trying to hold him. This card is most often used love triangles when the truth about the betrayal comes out, and the partner who went to the left tries in every possible way to “excuse himself” from his affair.

Court cards

Since I have already significantly exceeded the scope of my review, I propose to go over the court cards of the Manara Tarot very briefly. As I already said, their names are as follows: Queen, King, Horsewoman and Servant. If you worked according to Crowley’s system, then you know that for him Knights are the fire part of the element, Queens are the water part, Princes are the air part, Princesses are the earth part. Those. The Prince of Wands is the Air of Water, the Queen of Swords is the Water of Air, the Knight of Disks is the Fire of Earth, and so on. Milo Manara presents us with a different vision of the court cards. The fiery part in the court Arcana of the Tarot Manara is occupied by the Queens, symbolizing women who take on male roles in modern society, the Kings represent the water part, the Horsewomen represent the air part, and the Servants represent the earth part. It is according to this scheme that the corresponding astrological changes were made. But figuring this out won’t be too difficult.

If we characterize them briefly, we get the following. Fire Court: The Queen is a young inexperienced woman, the King is a shaman, the Horsewoman is a hussar girl with an independent character, the Servant is a doctor walking along the hospital corridor.

Water court: The Queen is a sensitive, understanding woman who has withdrawn into herself and is not afraid of loneliness, The King is a demonic hero-lover, The Horsewoman is an Amazon who got off her horse and got stuck in a swamp, The Servant is a faithful friend, always ready to help.

Court of Air: Queen - a playful, fiery, but somewhat superficial girl, King - a big child, philosopher and romantic, Rider - a girl with a flexible mind and fantasies that have a real basis, Servant - a symbol of creative flight, fireworks of delight and blissful joy.

Earth's Court: The Queen is a cornered woman in a pose of despair, The King is a symbol of secret vices, The Horsewoman is a young businesswoman of the ranch, The Servant is the “ugly duckling” archetype.

Features of card interpretation

When interpreting Tarot Manara cards, you should pay attention to all the details: behavior, postures, gestures of the characters, their clothing, surroundings, objects, background. Astrological references also matter. Personally, I can’t imagine how you can read these cards upside down. I’m not a supporter of “shifters” at all, but even if I used them in my work, this would definitely not be required for Manara. With a straight map you can find so many nuances of meaning that the need to turn them over simply disappears.

What questions is the deck suitable for addressing?

Tarot Manara is not a universal deck. It is, after all, designed specifically for viewing personal relationships, psychological problems, sexual component. But, oddly enough, it is quite possible to consider business issues on it, and it is not for nothing that someone once said that “in business, someone always has someone.”

Who is the card data suitable for?

The Manara Tarot deck is an excellent choice for:

  • Tarot readers looking for a powerful tool for readings on personal relationships
  • Collectors of erotic decks
  • Fans of Milo Manara's work

On working with this deck in Russian you can find only three books: “Erotic Tarot of Manara” by Anna Kotelnikova in collaboration with Elena Gerasimova and two books by Dmitry Nevsky - “Tarot of Manara. The magic of love”, “Tarot Manara. All the colors of love.” Personally, I liked Anna Kotelnikova’s book much more. I don’t agree with many of Nevsky’s visions of the cards, and besides, he also describes inverted meanings, which I don’t see at all in this deck. Recently a new two-volume book “Manara. Business on the verge of sex” from Elsa Khapatnyukovskaya and Dmitry Bakhaev, describing working with the deck precisely in the context of professional activities, but there is very little information about the book so far, so I cannot judge its usefulness.

On my own behalf, I’ll add that in the very first months of its use, the deck rose to second place in the ranking of my favorites, and to first place in matters of relationships. The only thing I want to recommend is: if you decide to buy, don’t buy the “Russian Series” - give preference to the more expensive edition, since after eight months of active use, the paint on the “Russian Series” cards has already begun to peel off. And, of course, leave your reviews about Tarot Manara in the comments.

Tarot Manara is a special deck of cards in every sense. You won't find another like it anywhere. This is a deck for those who have already become adults. It is not suitable for fortune telling for children or teenagers. Although, it’s no secret that for the first time some of us picked up cards when we were twelve or fourteen years old. It is at this time that all mentally healthy people, without exception, begin to fall in love for the first time. Girls like boys, boys like girls. And that's okay. There is nothing reprehensible in this.

At the same time, the first interest appears, the first desire to lay out the cards and find out something more about your sweetheart. Find out something that others don't already know. I would like to know absolutely everything about him (her)! And that's okay too. After all, the one (or she) who makes the heart beat faster seems to be some very special creature, seems to be an alien from other worlds. Everything about this little man is special, everything is different from others: eyes, hands, movements, speech, habits. Everything is special!

In such cases, you can take any solitaire game, any deck of cards, or just some kind of online fortune telling and hit the road for answers. There will be answers, no doubt! It's a completely different matter when a person becomes an adult. His life was filled with new aspects that were not there before. intimate relationships are one such area. So what then? Other Oracles come to the rescue! And the first of them is in front of you!

Tarot Manara, the meaning of the cards we are pleased to offer you, will answer all questions related to the hidden part of an adult’s life. With that part of him that is not customary to be shown. In any case, if we are talking about feelings behind which there are intimate relationships, then no one will shout about it on the street corners. This deck of cards will help you understand more about your partner, get to know him better, and as a result, build a more harmonious relationship with him.