How to brew fresh rose hips. The healing properties of rosehip decoction

Electrical measuring instruments

Rosehip is a healthy berry. Few people know that a simple decoction or infusion can treat not only colds, but even cancer. The fruits of wild roses are easy to dry and store to make delicious drinks.

Rosehip is a well-known bushy plant with lush flowering and subsequent red fruits in the form of longitudinal berries. Rosehip is very often and abundantly used in traditional and alternative (folk) medicine because it has a number of advantages along with other medications. In terms of vitamin content, rosehip is often the champion, which makes it a useful plant.

When making numerous teas, decoctions and infusions from rose hips for medicinal purposes, you also need to know that there are some precautions for using it. But there are not as many of them as the beneficial properties of this plant. Most often, by subjecting the berries to heat, decoctions and infusions are prepared from rose hips.

Decoction of rose hips, benefits and harm

Benefits of rosehip decoctions and infusions:

  • This drink can have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. in particular, he can strengthen the walls of blood vessels, as a result of which they become more elastic. For this reason, you don’t have to be afraid of such serious diseases as atherosclerosis
  • Heart function improves with regular drinking of teas, decoctions and infusions of rose hips. In addition, rosehip normalizes a person’s blood pressure and makes him feel great.
  • Rosehip is a champion among other plants in terms of content vitamin C. This vitamin plays an important role in the life and health of the human body. Its abundance allows you to strengthen your immune system and make it resistant to colds and infections. In addition, if the human body regularly receives a supply of vitamin C in the required quantity, the person feels cheerful and energized.
  • Rosehip decoction is also good because it can provide beneficial effect on the functioning of the gallbladder. Rosehip removes bile very well and very effectively and therefore can be called a powerful choleretic agent.
  • It is also not unimportant that rosehip has a positive effect on liver function
  • In rosehip and its decoction contains sufficient amount of iron, which in turn protects a person from developing anemia. If this disease is present, rosehip decoction fights it, replenishing the required level of hemoglobin in the blood
  • Rose hip decoction has a positive effect on the functioning of the genitourinary system. Thanks to this drink, you can provide powerful prevention and treatment of the bladder and kidneys.
  • Rose hip decoction is powerful antiseptic. This drink will have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body of any nature on any internal organ.
  • High vitamin content will allow rose hips to effectively fight many colds, improving the human condition. For the same reason, the drink is very useful for children, pregnant women and young nursing mothers
  • Rosehip decoction is a powerful antioxidant, Thanks to this feature, the drink will preserve not only health, but also beauty, and also prevent the development of any cancer.
  • An amazing feature of rosehip drinks is the ability reduce bleeding. This drink is very useful for people prone to heavy bleeding, nosebleeds and women with heavy menstruation.
  • Rose hips are able to remove urate salts from the body, which provoke the development of gout.

harm that a drink made from rose hips can cause

If rose hips are used incorrectly or if you do not pay attention to contraindications, it can be harmful.

Possible harm of rosehip decoctions and infusions:

  • In a separate case, if a person has a serious cardiovascular disease - endocarditis, thoughtless and excessive consumption of rosehip drinks can lead to negative consequences and complications
  • People with a tendency to poor circulation have the possibility of developing blood clots as a result of thoughtless use of rosehip decoctions
  • Make sure that the water-salt balance of your body is not disturbed and only then drink rosehip drinks in large quantities so as not to get any negative consequences
  • Excessive consumption of rosehip drinks is prohibited for those people who have congenital or acquired renal pathologies, as well as renal failure
  • Those who have serious urolithiasis should not drink rosehip drinks in large quantities.
  • People who have gallstones should not drink decoctions and infusions of rose hips in large quantities.
  • The use of decoctions and infusions of rose hips is prohibited for those people who have stomach ulcers and duodenum, due to the fact that such drinks can increase acidity
  • Rosehip drinks are prohibited for those who have gastritis and high acidity
  • Due to the fact that these drinks are highly acidic, they should not be drunk by people who have too thin tooth enamel, as well as too much sensitivity of the gums and teeth.

It is worth knowing that harm can be caused not only by contraindications, but also by the abuse of rosehip drinks. Drinking rose hips in too large quantities can cause frequent and severe stomach pain. It is possible that a person may become allergic to this product. Rose hips contain too much vitamin C, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of tooth enamel. Also, excessive consumption of vitamin C can have a negative effect on the uterus during pregnancy and increase its tone.

Excessive consumption of rosehip decoction can cause stomach pain

How to properly brew dried rose hips in a thermos to preserve vitamins?

Rose hips are often dried in order to be able to brew tasty and healthy tea during the off-season. Dried berries do not lose their beneficial properties, but on the contrary, they are a kind of concentrate. It is recommended to store dried fruits in a canvas bag in a well-ventilated area to prevent any insects from infesting it. You can store the fruits in this state for several years, but it is best to dry exactly as much rose hips as you need for the winter and a new harvest.

Brewing dried berries is very simple. This requires only your effort and a thermos that can retain heat for a long time.

dried rose hips for brewing in a thermos

Brewing dry rose hips in a thermos:

  • For brewing you will need about fifteen berries. This amount is the daily norm for a person (two tablespoons, no more)
  • For such a quantity of berries you will need a small thermos and about half a liter of boiling water
  • The thermos should be scalded with boiling water before brewing.
  • Dry, clean berries are poured onto the bottom of the thermos and poured with boiling water.
  • The thermos should be left in this state overnight.
  • It’s good if you additionally wrap the thermos with a terry towel, so it will protect its heat longer
  • After time has passed, you should strain the drink from the berries and husks
  • The resulting drink can be drunk warm or cold several times throughout the day.

Brewing rose hips in a thermos this way will preserve all the vitamins and make the most healthy drink for you.

How long to infuse rose hips in a thermos?

The simplest way to brew rosehip in a thermos is to brew it overnight, that is, for about twelve hours. However, the minimum amount of time that the berries should spend in hot water is seven hours.

Proper brewing of rose hips involves:

  • Having a high-quality thermos that can retain heat
  • Presence of boiling water at least 80 degrees
  • Brewing without sugar or honey (sugar and honey can be added to the finished drink)
  • Pre-scalding of a thermos to maintain a hot temperature for a long time (the cold walls of the thermos absorb the temperature of the water and make the brewing poor quality)
  • Preliminary scalding of dry rose hips to wash off excess dirt and dust from them during storage

thermos for brewing dry rose hips

How to brew rose hips without a thermos: in a slow cooker?

The presence of modern kitchen appliances makes it easier to prepare many dishes, including simple brewing of rose hips. For this purpose, you will need a regular multicooker.

Brewing rose hips in a slow cooker:

  • To prepare such a decoction, you should prepare a full glass of rose hips.
  • Dried berries must be doused with boiling water in order to wash off dust from them during storage.
  • After this, they pour out to the bottom of the multicooker bowl.
  • This number of berries is poured with two liters of clean cold water.
  • If desired, you can add sugar to add sweetness to the drink.
  • If desired, you can also add a slice of lemon, which will add a pleasant sourness to the rosehip drink.
  • After this, you need to find the “quenching” mode in the multicooker and turn it on for two hours (you can do it for an hour)
  • Of course, the resulting drink can be drunk immediately, but it is best to let the multicooker cool without opening the lid. This way the drink will infuse and acquire the most pleasant and rich taste.
  • Only the cooled drink pours out of the multicooker bowl. It should be drunk several times throughout the day.

how to brew dry rose hips in a slow cooker?

How many times can you brew rose hips?

The benefits of drinks made from rose hips are difficult to overestimate. Its sour taste is liked by many; it can give pleasant sensations and help to recover from many diseases. You can brew both fresh and dried rosehips, but perhaps everyone would like to know how many times they can be brewed:

  • It is best to brew rose hips in a thermos, this way you will preserve the benefits of the berries and you will not have to somehow monitor the brewing process
  • It is best to brew new berries into a decoction or tea each time.
  • With each subsequent brewing of the same berries, their benefits are lost.
  • It is worth noting that if you brew the same berries twice, the taste and richness of the drink will not deteriorate.
  • You can diversify the drink and brew other berries together with rose hips: prunes, dried apricots, raisins (but this is at everyone’s request)
  • Do not add sugar during brewing, much less honey. Any additives are good after the main brewing process
  • The finished drink can be diluted, drunk warm or cold, or mixed into drinks

How many times can you brew the same rose hips?

The combination of rose hips and hawthorn berries is extremely tasty. You can even throw dry or fresh rose hips into the most ordinary teapot or even a cup, covering it with a saucer and leaving it for fifteen minutes for high-quality steaming.

How to prepare a decoction of rosehip roots?

Few people know that to prepare a delicious drink you can use not only rose hips, but also the root of the plant. Rosehip root is a well-known medicinal remedy that helps cope with many diseases:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract
  • malfunction of the liver and kidneys
  • for removing stones from the kidneys and gall bladder

You can prepare a healthy root with your own hands, or you can easily purchase it at a pharmacy (this action makes your work easier and provides a quality product with detailed description brewing on the package).

rosehip root for brewing

Preparation of rosehip root infusion:

  • Preparing a decoction from the root is very similar to preparing the fruit of the plant
  • The required amount of crushed root (about two large spoons) should be poured into a glass of boiling water.
  • You can make this infusion in a thermos, or you can leave it to boil over low heat for 20 minutes.

It is worth knowing that the darker your rosehip root drink turns out, the healthier it will be for you. The dark drink contains the maximum concentration of substances.

Rose hip decoction with sorbitol for weight loss

Surprisingly, in addition to the fact that rosehip gives a person health, it also helps fight excessive obesity. Everything happens thanks to the unique chemical composition of the fruit, which helps to “burn” extra pounds.

In addition to all that has been said, rose hips are a low-calorie product. One hundred grams of berries are only 100 kcal. What is the secret of rose hips in losing weight? Everything is very simple, first of all, this product normalizes the human digestive process. Well-established digestive system It works without failure, thoroughly breaks down food and gets rid of toxins accumulated over many years.

Rose hips help you lose weight thanks to:

  • Potassium content. Potassium helps normalize the water-salt balance in the human body, removes excess fluid naturally
  • Drinking rosehip drinks often has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and prevents the deposition of cellulite.
  • Vitamin C, which is very abundant in rose hips, qualitatively improves blood circulation, which is important in the process of losing weight

rosehip for weight loss

It is not uncommon to use sorbitol to lose weight:

  • Three large spoons of berries are first poured with half a liter of boiling water. The berries are infused in a thermos all night
  • Sorbitol (three large spoons) is diluted in an infusion of fruits
  • The remaining drink should be drunk during the day without sorbitol, after 20 minutes and after 45

Only after the entire amount of the drink has been drunk can you start eating.

Oatmeal jelly with rosehip decoction: recipe

Oat jelly is an unusual drink, but extremely healthy. It can not only help a person recover, but also thoroughly cleanse his body of waste and toxins. Such jelly can improve the body's metabolism and even help with weight loss.

Such jelly, together with rose hips, will become not just medicine, but a real delicacy. It is ideal for breakfast or a simple snack during the day.

Preparing jelly:

  • As a basis for such jelly, you must use a pre-prepared decoction of rose hips.
  • Brewed rose hips should be boiled and poured over the prepared oatmeal
  • You will need about 200 grams of flakes
  • The hot broth is poured over the flakes for fifteen minutes.
  • After the flakes have brewed, the entire brewed mass should be squeezed out either through a sieve or through cheesecloth.
  • After this, the infusion procedure must be repeated twice. The same flakes and broth are used, which is brought to a boil each time. This is necessary in order to “wash” all the “starch” from the oats.
  • After the third procedure, the resulting jelly is allowed to drink
  • It is recommended to put the squeezed drink in the refrigerator for half an hour to make it more pleasant and tasty. You can also add a small amount of sugar to a hot drink to improve the taste.

how to make jelly from oats and rose hips?

How to drink rosehip decoction for pancreatitis?

Pancreatitis is a serious disease; it is an inflammatory process in the pancreas. How is rosehip useful for pancreatitis?

  • rosehip reduces pain
  • rose hips will eliminate spasms
  • Rosehip improves the regeneration of healthy cells in the body
  • Rosehip reduces inflammation in the body
  • Rosehip improves metabolism in the body
  • Rosehip improves human immunity, which gives a chance for a favorable recovery

Rose hips will help a person get rid of pancreatitis

Rosehip for gout: recipe

In the treatment of gout, rosehip tincture, which should be taken three times a day, thirty drops before each meal, is extremely effective.

Preparation of rosehip tincture:

  • 100 grams of rose hips (dried fruits) need to be washed from dust and dirt
  • The rosehip should be steamed a little; to do this, keep it in boiling water for about 15 minutes
  • after that, drain the water and add half a glass of sugar to the bowl (glass jar)
  • all ingredients are poured with half a liter of vodka
  • The drink should be infused for about two weeks in a cool, dry place.

Rosehip tincture effectively helps in the treatment of gout

Rosehip to increase hemoglobin: recipe

Regular consumption of a drink made from rose hips will help replenish excess iron and hemoglobin in the blood. To do this, you will need to prepare a simple decoction:

  • pour two tablespoons of fruit with two glasses of boiling water
  • infuse the berries for seven hours
  • add sugar to the drink if desired
  • drink 100 ml of the drink before each meal

For variety, you can prepare compotes from rose hips and other dried fruits, enjoying them several times a day.

Rosehip for bronchitis: recipe

In the treatment of bronchitis, rose hip syrup can be useful, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, or you can prepare it yourself:

  • 1,5 liter jars fruits should be washed and prepared for cooking
  • Only clean and whole berries are useful for making syrup.
  • this number of berries should be poured into two liters of water and put to boil
  • The broth should be boiled for forty minutes over low heat
  • After boiling, the dishes should be wrapped in a terry towel and left to cool
  • After cooling, the broth is filtered, the berries are passed through cheesecloth
  • sugar must be added to the strained broth in the amount of 1.5 kilograms
  • you need to put the dishes back on the fire and continue boiling
  • Boiling should be carried out for another thirty minutes
  • after this, the syrup is poured into jars for storage and used to treat bronchitis

how to prepare rosehip syrup to treat bronchitis?

Rosehip for prostatitis: recipe

Rose hips can have the most effective effect on the treatment of prostatitis:

  • To prepare a medicinal infusion, you should first grind three large spoons of fruits
  • The most common pliers will help you easily and quickly chop the berries (they must be pre-treated with alcohol)
  • After this, the crushed fruits should be poured with two glasses of boiling water, preferably in a glass thermos
  • This drink should be infused throughout the night (at least ten hours)
  • The resulting drink should be drunk in one day: in about two doses

This procedure should be repeated daily for one to two months. After this, you should take a short break for a couple of weeks and repeat the course again.

Rosehip will help men cure prostatitis

Rose hips for Staphylococcus aureus: recipe

Staphylococcus is a pathogenic bacterium that can cause quite a few diseases in the human body. A simple rosehip decoction recipe will help you get rid of it:

  • To do this, pour a glass of boiling water over a spoonful of dried rose hips and a spoonful of hawthorn fruits.
  • It is advisable to make the infusion in a thermos, as it will allow you to maintain the temperature for a long time
  • the resulting infusion can be sweetened if desired
  • it must be drunk in two doses: morning and evening
  • A similar drink must be taken daily for one to one and a half months for complete recovery.

Pine needles, rose hips and onion peels for oncology: recipe

Due to the fact that rose hips contain a huge amount of vitamins and antioxidants, this plant is almost miraculous and can cure many from cancer in the early stages of their development.

You can try to prepare a special infusion, for this you will need the following ingredients:

  • pine needles - they contain a lot of useful essential oils, ascorbic acid, tannins
  • Rose hips - contains the maximum concentration of vitamin C and antioxidants
  • onion peels - high in vitamin E and quercetin


  • add a pinch of onion peel to a glass of water and boil, cook for 10 minutes
  • the resulting decoction should be poured into a tablespoon of rose hips and a spoonful of pine needles
  • ingredients should be poured into a thermos prepared in advance
  • The drink should be infused overnight, that is, at least 10 hours
  • the finished drink should be taken one tablespoon before each meal

Any treatment with decoctions and infusions of rose hips requires careful brewing of the fruits and only regular use of medicinal drinks. You can dry the berries yourself, but at any time of the year they can be purchased at the pharmacy.

When steaming fruits, it is best to use an old-style thermos with a glass flask inside. This feature will allow you to retain heat for as long as possible, which means you can brew the berries better.

Video: “Rose hip decoction in a thermos”

Rosehip is known for its healing properties. The fruits of this plant are used in folk and traditional medicine to treat many diseases.

The drink helps boost immunity not only for adults, but also for small children; the main thing is to prepare the rosehip decoction correctly so that all the beneficial microelements are preserved.

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It is not difficult to prepare a healing elixir; the only ingredients you need are water and dried berries of the plant. It is possible to add honey and a sweetener to improve the taste. At the same time, the drink does not lose its properties, but rather acquires new taste and medicinal qualities.

The decoction requires the following components:

  • dried berries – 100 g;
  • water – 1 l;
  • sugar or honey – 50 g.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. Before preparing a decoction of dried rose hips, they should be washed with plenty of running water.
  2. Place in a saucepan, pour hot water and cover.
  3. Place on a hot stove and boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat and leave to infuse.

The drink is ready for use after 12 hours. Experts advise brewing a rosehip decoction, and you can take it in the morning.

Ripe rose hips

How to take it for the benefit of the body?

Many people do not know how to drink rose hip decoction, so they try not to use it. It is worth saying right away that it is possible to take this remedy on your own only for the purpose of preventing various diseases and maintaining the immune system in proper condition. For medical purposes, only a doctor can correctly draw up a dosage regimen based on individual data.


  • You need to drink the decoction before meals three times a day, half a glass;
  • if an infusion is used, then 150 ml 10 minutes before meals;
  • You can take 35 drops of alcohol tincture 4 times a day.

If the acidity of the stomach is increased, then the body may react negatively to the medicine - rose hips contain a lot of acid. You should not refuse treatment, as you can take the healing elixir immediately after eating.

Are there any contraindications and is there any possible harm?

The benefits of rosehip decoction for the body are obvious. It can help with numerous diseases, but it also has contraindications, for example:

  1. Individual intolerance to components.
  2. Exacerbation of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
  3. Tooth enamel suffers greatly from constant, uncontrolled consumption of the drink - the acid contained in the berries corrodes it. Doctors recommend drinking the decoction through a straw or rinsing your mouth with clean water after each dose.

Before starting treatment with rosehip decoction, you need to study what benefits and harm it can cause and learn how to take it correctly. With proper use of this healing drink, it will help get rid of many diseases, increase immunity and strengthen your general condition. Before starting the course, consult your doctor.

Gynecologists often advise expectant mothers to drink rosehip decoction during pregnancy. Why is it useful:

  • improves metabolic processes;
  • blood pressure decreases;
  • diuretic effect - swelling goes away in pregnant women.

Rosehip decoction, like a magic elixir, helps to improve the health of the mother’s body and nourishes the baby with vitamins and microelements.

How to properly prepare rosehip decoction during pregnancy:

  1. Rinse dry rosehips well.
  2. Crush 2 tbsp. l dried fruits.
  3. Pour a glass of boiling water over the mixture.
  4. Leave for about 30 minutes.
  5. Strain.
  6. Add a glass of boiling water to the pulp again and boil for 5 minutes.
  7. Strain the broth through a cloth and combine with the infusion.

As a result of these manipulations, you will get a drink that contains vitamins from the infusion and minerals. You need to drink the healing elixir before meals three times a day, half a glass. Even therapists advise pregnant women to drink this drink if they suffer from severe swelling.

How is rosehip useful for humans?

Our ancestors also knew how beneficial rosehip decoction is for the human body; it can help with many diseases.

Adaptogenic properties

Rosehip stimulates the immune defense system, has a general tonic effect and normalizes processes in the nervous system. Thanks to these properties, rose hips can be used as a prophylactic against viral and bacterial diseases, with increased fatigue and high stress load.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

For heart diseases, take in small doses. After the course of treatment, you should take a month's break. The fruits of the plant contain potassium, which supports the main organ of the human body. This component helps strengthen blood vessels, but does not deprive them of elasticity.

Daily use of 40 g of rosehip powder for 6 days reduced blood pressure in obese people by 3.4%. A slight decrease in blood pressure was also observed in those patients who ate fresh berries.

The decoction is taken to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Honey can be added to the slightly cooled drink to taste.

Fatty liver

In experiments on mice, rose hip extract was shown to increase the rate of fatty acid oxidation in the liver. This leads to a decrease in the accumulation of triglycerides in this organ, which is useful for fatty liver degeneration of various origins. And .

Joint diseases

Taking 2500 mg of rosehip powder twice a day for three months has a beneficial effect on people suffering from arthritis of the knee and hip joints. There is a decrease in pain that appeared during moderate physical activity.

Long-term use of rosehip decoction has a positive effect on the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. All the above examples are only a small part of the diseases that rose hips relieve. It has a beneficial effect on every organ and the body as a whole.

Review Reviews

Numerous reviews speak about the benefits of rosehip decoction. Everyone declares its undeniable benefits. Some give it to their child for colds, others drink it themselves in order to boost immunity or recover from some disease.

There are women who claim that rose hips helped them lose weight, although this is not surprising. Rosehip decoction improves digestion and metabolism. Against this background, weight loss occurs.

Many pregnant women note that this drink helped them get rid of swelling, dizziness went away, and blood pressure normalized.

As for older people, many drink the drink instead of tea and note a general improvement in well-being and a surge of strength. If we consider the negative reviews from patients, some experienced gastrointestinal upset, accompanied by nausea and diarrhea. When the dose of the drug was reduced and the rules of administration were revised, these symptoms completely disappeared.

Other recipes

There are a huge variety of ways to prepare a healthy and vitamin drink from rose hips; it is impossible to list them all in one article. We will try to consider the most popular recipes for making tea and rosehip infusion from dried fruits.

Prepared in a thermos. To do this, 60 g of fruits are washed, poured into a container and filled with 250 ml of liquid heated to 80 degrees, left for 6-8 hours, shaking the thermos periodically.

The elixir turns out rich with great taste and a dark shade.

Instead of a thermos, you can use a multicooker

In order to brew tea, rose hips need to be prepared. The berries are washed, cut in half and the seeds and lint are removed. The resulting mass is transferred to a colander and washed again - this will completely remove the hairs.

Then grind the berries in a mortar to a homogeneous consistency. Tea is prepared as follows: pour 2 tbsp into a steamer. l of fruit, pour boiling water and leave for 15 minutes - the tea is ready.

The berry infusion can be prepared with both water and alcohol. The water infusion takes 12 hours to prepare. To do this, pour boiling water over the fruits and let it brew for 2-3 hours. Then place it on the stove and simmer for about half an hour, without letting it boil. Remove from heat and leave for 10 hours.

Young children love to drink rosehip syrup. Usually give 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. It helps strengthen the immune system and speed up recovery from colds.


  1. The fruits of wild roses have no equal in their content of beneficial elements for human health, which help with diseases of the liver, heart and joints.
  2. Rose hips can be considered as a herbal adaptogen, the intake of which has a beneficial effect on well-being, stimulates the immune system, helps normalize metabolic processes and get rid of excess weight.
  3. For rosehip decoction to really help, it should be taken in long courses with short breaks in treatment.

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The fruits of wild roses have a powerful immunostimulating effect due to their high content of vitamin C. Therefore, rose hips are used in folk medicine as a natural remedy for the prevention of viral and respiratory diseases. And if you brew rose hips in a thermos, then you can, say, take the healthy, fortified drink with you to work and enjoy its pleasant taste at any time of the day, increasing the protective properties of your body. Or brew it this way for the whole family, thereby taking care of the health of your loved ones.

Classic rosehip drink
It is best to brew rose hips at night. Before the morning it will have time to reveal all its taste properties and give away vitamins. You can drink it instead of morning tea or coffee, thereby boosting your immunity without medications. If you brew rose hips in a thermos in the classic way, you will get a tasty and healthy drink not only for adults, but also for children:
  • take a thermos and pour boiling water over it;
  • pour the dried fruits into a thermos;
  • add sugar to taste, but to get a moderately sweet drink, just add 8 tsp. per liter of water;
  • Fill everything with hot boiled water and close the thermos tightly.
Rosehip needs 6-8 hours to brew, which is why it is brewed overnight. Depending on how rich you want the drink to be, you need to take 40-60 grams of dry fruits or 2-4 handfuls per liter of water. You should also remember that vitamin C, which is important for maintaining immunity, is destroyed at very high temperatures. Therefore, rose hips should not be brewed with boiling water; you need to wait until the water has cooled to 80-90 degrees.

Vitamin drink made from rosehip and ginger with honey
This drink contains a powerful dose of vitamins, so you can brew rose hips in a thermos this way during the cold season, which will help the body fight diseases faster and increase the body’s protective function. To prepare such a healthy drink you will need:

  • rose hips - 2 handfuls;
  • grated fresh ginger - 1 tsp;
  • honey - to taste;
  • hot water - 900 ml.
  1. Scald the inside of the thermos with boiling water.
  2. Place rose hips and ginger in it.
  3. Fill the thermos with hot water and close it tightly.
  4. Let the drink brew for at least 6 hours.
It is better to add honey to a ready-made and slightly cooled drink, since in very hot water honey loses all its beneficial features. You can take this decoction 3 times a day. It perfectly warms and gives strength in cold or rainy weather.

Rosehip drink with mint
If you brew rose hips in a thermos along with mint leaves, you will get a vitamin drink with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which can be taken during illnesses, for example, with sore throat, runny nose, diarrhea, as well as with increased nervous excitability and headaches. To prepare the drink you will need:

  • rose hips - 2-3 handfuls;
  • dry crushed mint leaves - 1 tsp;
  • hot water - 900 ml;
  • sugar to taste.
  1. Scald the inside of the thermos.
  2. Pour rose hips and mint into it, add sugar. If desired, sugar can be added to the already brewed drink.
  3. Fill with cooled boiling water and close the thermos tightly.
  4. Leave to brew overnight.
You can drink this drink yourself throughout the day, or give it to children. But before giving it to your child, the decoction should be diluted with boiled water 1:1. You can reduce the brewing time for rosehip to 3-4 hours, but to do this, it must first be crushed.

A rosehip drink should be included in your diet a week or two before colds and epidemics, so that by this time the immune system has time to increase and become stronger.

It has long been known that rose hips are a storehouse of useful components, which are used both in folk and official medicine in the treatment of many diseases. In order to obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, it is necessary to brew and drink rose hips, taking into account certain features, otherwise the decoction will not bring the expected benefit.

Chemical composition of rose hips (per 100 grams of product):

Component name Quantity Action
Ascorbic acid 650 mg A powerful antioxidant, the maximum amount of which in the plant ensures the potency of rosehip preparations. Strengthens the walls of capillaries, promotes good absorption of iron, stimulates the immune system.
Vitamin A 434 mcg It has a positive effect on the functioning of the reproductive system, improves skin condition, and maintains normal vision.
Vitamin B1 0.05 mg Acts as a catalyst for the conversion of fats and carbohydrates into ATP, indispensable for the normal functioning of the nervous system.
Vitamin B2 0.13 mg Participation in metabolic processes, hemoglobin production, ensuring the normal functioning of the internal secretion organs.
Vitamin E 1.7 mg Participates in the functioning of the nervous system, gonads and heart muscle.
A nicotinic acid 0.7 mg Vasodilating, hypolipidemic, hypocholesterolemic effects.
Beta carotene 2.6 mg Provitamin of vitamin A, which has an antioxidant effect.
Calcium 28 mg Construction material bone tissue.
Potassium 23 mg Contained in 50% of the fluids of the human body, it ensures water-salt balance, transmission of nerve impulses and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
Magnesium 8 mg Ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system; without this element it is impossible to carry out many chemical reactions in the body.
Sodium 5 mg Found in extracellular fluids and bone tissue. Normalizes the water-salt balance of the body.
Phosphorus 8 mg Ensures normal development of bone and dental tissue.
Iron 1.3 mg Necessary for hematopoiesis, as it is the basis of hemoglobin. It also provides oxygen transport to organs and tissues.
Organic acids 2.3 g By entering into oxidation reactions, water and alkali are formed, which leads to the ridding of the body of heavy metal salts and toxins. They nourish the organs with water, ensuring saturation and quenching thirst.
Dietary fiber (fiber) 10.8 g They prevent the formation of gallstones, help reduce cholesterol, and remove radionuclides and toxins from the body.
Monosaccharides 19.4 g A group of substances that, if necessary, will quickly provide the body with energy reserves.
Starch 3 g Starch is converted into glucose in the body, so its effect is to provide energy.
Squirrels 1.6 g These substances are the basis of the human body, ensuring its normal functioning.
Fats 0.7 g Reserve energy reserve.
Carbohydrates 22.4 g Providing energy to all organs and systems.

The calorie content per 100 grams of product pulp is 109 kcal.

Considering this list of nutrients, as well as their benefits in combination, a decoction of rose hips has the following effect:

  • diuretic and anti-inflammatory;
  • bacteriostatic and healing;
  • stimulates the immune system during colds;
  • enhances hormone production;
  • improves tissue regeneration, which accelerates the healing of wounds, burns and frostbite;
  • improves metabolic processes;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • increases bile secretion;
  • reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • strengthens the wall of blood vessels and capillaries.

Tincture of the petals is used as a fixative, for mouth rinsing and for dermatological problems.

A decoction of the leaves of this plant also contains a large amount of vitamin C, so it is often used for colds.

Among the people, infusions of roots and fruits are most popular for diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, inflammation of the genitourinary system, especially if there are stones in the kidneys.

Methods for brewing rose hips

The main raw material for the preparation of medicinal drinks is considered to be rose hips; the roots, petals and leaves of this plant are also used for medicinal purposes. Although to a lesser extent than fruits, these parts carry a lot of useful properties. The preparation of preparations based on one or another component has its own characteristics, therefore, in order to correctly answer the question of how to properly brew and drink rose hips, you need to know which part will be used.

Decoction of dried rose hips

In order to preserve more useful components in the product, it is not recommended to cook rose hips. Even if a decoction is being prepared, the raw materials are simmered in a water bath. To do this, crush about 30 grams of dry fruits, add 400 ml of boiling water to them, cover and simmer in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain out the solid part, and then use boiled water to replenish the lost volume of liquid. Take 1/2 cup of rosehip decoction 2 times a day for 14 days if your immune system is weakened.

You can find many recipes that claim that to obtain a rosehip decoction, you need to boil the fruits over low heat for some time. Undoubtedly, this will not bring any harm, but it will also benefit. Due to cooking, the berries will only lose a significant amount of their healing properties.

Rose hips in a thermos

The most used recipe is rosehip infusion, which is easiest to brew using a thermos. Cooking according to this recipe takes a long time, thanks to which the fruits release the maximum amount of valuable components.

Preparation: first scald the thermos with boiling water, only then pour 4 tbsp into it. whole washed fruits, pour boiling water over them and leave to brew overnight. Reuse of raw materials is allowed, but no more than two times.

If it is necessary to shorten the cooking time, the fruits can be chopped. Then two hours will be enough to infuse. But with such a recipe, it is necessary to carefully strain the infusion to avoid the ingress of villi, which irritate the mucous membranes.

It is useful to consume the finished infusion with lemon juice or honey. Take 200 ml per day before meals, warm or cold as desired.

The resulting drink is a powerful vitamin remedy with a pronounced choleretic and diuretic effect. Useful for people with liver, kidney and gastrointestinal diseases.

Dry fruits without thermos

A rosehip-based drink can be prepared without a thermos. However, the concentration of such an infusion will be weaker. In this case, you will need a non-metallic container in which you need to place 1 tbsp. crushed raw materials and 1 cup of boiling water. Cover the mixture and insulate, leave to infuse for 1 hour. Then strain the infusion thoroughly and drink 200 ml per day, divided into 2 doses.

Fresh rose hips

The difficulty of preparing a decoction or infusion of rose hips from fresh fruits is that there is very little time for their use - 2-3 weeks in September, when the berries have reached full ripening.

How to brew and drink fresh rose hips?

  1. It is possible to use both whole and crushed fruits. In the second case, it is recommended to divide the berries into halves and remove seeds and lint to prevent irritation of the mucous membranes.
  2. Place 1 teaspoon of fruit in a steaming container or thermos and pour into a glass hot water.
  3. Let it brew for an hour, strain thoroughly using a filter made of several layers of gauze. Reuse of raw materials is allowed.
  4. Drink up to 200 ml of the drink per day, divided into 2-3 doses. In the morning, you can add lemon for a tonic effect, and in the evening, a warm infusion with honey.

Rose hips in a slow cooker

With this method of preparation, the drink turns out rich, long-lasting and slightly tart. In this case, it is possible to use a multicooker from any company: Redmond, Polaris, etc., because the infusion will simmer in the automatically programmed “Quenching” mode.


  • rose hips (dry or fresh) – 1 cup;
  • water – 2 liters;
  • lemon – 1 slice.

Place the washed raw materials in the bowl of the device, add lemon and the required volume of water. Set the “Stew” mode for cooking time 1 hour. It is advisable to do this at night so that the drink remains infused in the slow cooker until the morning, so the fruits will give out maximum benefits.

Rose hip root

To prepare infusions, dry roots of the plant are used: 1 tbsp. l. When the raw material is crushed to a powder form, pour 250 ml of boiling water, insulate it with a blanket and leave for 5 hours. Filter the resulting drink. Take 30 minutes before meals in equal portions throughout the day.

This infusion is indicated for inflammation of the bladder, intestinal disorders, to improve bile secretion, relieve pain and spasms.

Rosehip petals

To prepare the infusion, you need to pour 1 tbsp. carefully crushed plant petals with one glass of boiling water. Leave it covered and filter after half an hour.

Area of ​​application: as an anesthetic and disinfectant in dermatology. Also effective for inflammatory eye diseases.

Popular recipes

Tea with rosehip

Making tea with the addition of fruits is much easier than preparing a rosehip decoction. In this case, several berries of the plant are added to the main brew. If you use a fresh product, three pieces per cup will be enough; dried ones will need 2 times more. Leave for up to 10 minutes.

You can try different variations to find the right drink for you, for example:

  • just brew the fruits of the plant without tea leaves. Here, for a rich taste, 1 tsp is needed per cup of boiling water. dry crushed raw materials. Brewing time – up to 10 minutes;
  • tea can be combined with various berries, depending on what effect is needed. For colds, viburnum or cranberry in tandem with rose hips will have a strong anti-cold effect. The drink will warm you up, reduce fever and headaches. It is recommended to drink it warm at night;
  • For insomnia or nervous stress, rosehip tea with hawthorn will have a sedative effect. Pour a teaspoon of the mixture of crushed fruits in the same amount with a glass of boiling water and leave under the lid for 10 minutes, drain. Drink the drink in one go.


This delicacy will appeal to both adults and children. A fresh drink relieves fatigue, stimulates brain performance, improves high-quality composition blood and has an anti-inflammatory effect.


  • dried rose hips – 1 cup;
  • purified water – 1.5 liters;
  • sugar or honey - optional.

Cooking method:

To cook a healthy compote, you will first need to lightly mash the fruits. Then pour the required amount of water into the pan and bring it to a boil. Only after boiling, add rose hips, cook for about 5-10 minutes. Then remove the container from the stove and leave to infuse. Strain off the solid part and sweeten to taste.

For this drink you can use not only dried, but also fresh fruits. Also, rose hips in compote go well with fruits: apples, pears, a slice of lemon or orange.

Weight loss and rose hips

Rose hips are not able to cope with extra pounds alone. No matter what beneficial properties the plant has, it is unrealistic to “burn” subcutaneous fat by taking only drinks based on the plant, without additional diet and exercise. But while losing weight, drinking rosehip decoction is very useful, as it will improve the functioning of the stomach, remove toxins, waste, and heavy metal salts that have a toxic effect on the body. As a result, you will still be able to get rid of a few extra pounds.

How to properly prepare and take rosehip decoction for weight loss? For these purposes, it is advisable to use an infusion that will retain most of the beneficial components.

Preparation: 3 tbsp. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over whole berries and leave overnight (preferably in a thermos). The next morning all that remains is to strain the solid part. For the best effect, you need to drink the drink in small portions, but often - 5 times a day, 1/2 cup before meals.

Oats with rose hips

This combination of products, at first glance, may seem strange, but it can cleanse and improve the functioning of a number of organs, and primarily the liver. Among folk remedies, liver cleansing with oat decoction occupies one of the leading places in terms of effectiveness. And in combination with rose hips, a beneficial effect on the pancreas and spleen is added, as well as a general strengthening effect due to the vitamin composition of the berries.

Classic recipe


  • Unpeeled oats – 1 tbsp;
  • dry rose hips – 1 tbsp;
  • purified water – 1 l.

Grind the ingredients in a blender or coffee grinder until powdered. Pour the resulting powder into a glass thermos and pour boiling water over it. Leave for 12 hours. The result is a swollen mass of oats and rose hips, which must be strained and the solid part squeezed out.

Drink 1 glass of warm infusion on an empty stomach or 2 hours after meals for ten days. Then a two-week break is taken. Three such courses are enough for preventive liver cleansing.

Features of application

How to drink drinks based on this plant correctly? If the use of compote or tea is meant, that is, low concentrations of the product, there are no strict restrictions. It is allowed to be taken daily as hot tea or, conversely, as a cooling drink.

When treated with a concentrated drink, the course is 10-14 days with a mandatory one-week break to prevent severe stress on the liver. In this case, it is not recommended to drink rose hips every day instead of tea, but to carry out therapy exclusively in courses.

A few more subtleties:

  1. Adults can drink rosehip-based drinks 200 ml per day.
  2. For hypertension, it is appropriate to take water-based products, as they have a sedative effect and reduce blood pressure, and for hypotension, an alcohol tincture will improve blood flow and slightly increase pressure.
  3. For chronic diseases of the heart, kidneys, and liver, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of the decoction to 50-100 ml per day, divided into 2-3 doses.
  4. To protect tooth enamel, rosehip-based drinks are recommended to be drunk through a straw. And after taking them, rinse your mouth with clean water.
  5. Treat with caution with rose hips for high acidity, stomach ulcers and gastritis.
  6. If, after drinking a rosehip decoction, your mouth tastes bitter, this is a sign that there is stagnation and an outflow of bile has begun.

If you have gallstones, treatment with a plant-based decoction can cause blockage of the bile ducts. Before starting therapy, it is necessary to determine whether there are stones and their size.

What to make - a decoction, infusion, tincture based on rosehip, and how exactly, directly depends on the indications for use. For example, in order to strengthen the immune system and for colds, you should drink a decoction prepared in a steam bath. In this case, it is correct to take a daily dose of rosehip decoction at night (a few hours after eating).

When brewing berries in a thermos, maximum benefits are obtained. This infusion improves gallbladder motility, bile quality, and gastrointestinal function. The choleretic effect will be manifested by a warm drink, drunk in the morning on an empty stomach.

Improper use of products based on rosehip root can cause constipation, so it is recommended to simultaneously drink decoctions of herbs that prevent increased gas formation (fennel, dill).

Rosehip for children

Berries are allowed to be introduced into a child’s diet no earlier than six months. For this purpose, less concentrated drinks are suitable - compotes or teas, in pure form or in combination with other fruits. Often in pediatrics, rosehip preparations are used not for treatment, but as an additional source of vitamins. But if there is a need for therapy with such means, then only after consulting a pediatrician, as there is a risk of an allergic reaction.

As your child gets older, you can include:

  • add heat-treated berries in the amount of 1-2 pieces per day to porridge or puree from 8 months, observing the baby’s reaction;
  • infusions and decoctions after a year, 30-50 ml, every other day or in courses - drank for a week, and the next break;
  • from 8 months you can introduce combined drinks (for example, with an apple). No more than twice a day, 50 ml;
  • concentrated juices and syrups are allowed for children over 3 years old;
  • oil and alcohol tinctures with caution only from 12 years of age.

Rosehip during pregnancy

Aqueous solutions of rose hips during pregnancy help strengthen the body and fight viruses. The diuretic effect of the decoction will prevent swelling of the legs, especially in hot weather. In the absence of specific contraindications, expectant mothers are completely allowed to add a cup of a healing drink based on medicinal fruits to their diet. How long can you drink rose hips in this case? 1-2 cups of tea or compote per day is enough. More concentrated drinks (infusion, decoction) should be taken in ten-day courses followed by a break. Everything is good, but only in moderation, and rose hips are no exception.


Despite all the benefits of the vitamin plant, there are still contraindications to its use:

  • allergy;
  • individual intolerance to one of the components;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • surgery to remove the gallbladder (you can’t drink a lot of concentrated decoction for a long time);
  • hypervitaminosis of vitamin C;
  • decompensated diabetes;
  • thrombophlebitis and tendency to form blood clots;
  • inflammation of the heart muscle;
  • severe kidney disease.

If you have chronic diseases, only a doctor will tell you how much and how you can drink rosehip-based drinks. In this case, you should not self-medicate and take too many medicinal infusions. But from time to time a cup of tea with the addition of a few berries of the plant will not harm anyone.

How to brew rose hips to preserve everything medicinal properties berries? A properly prepared drink will help strengthen the immune system, improve the condition of blood vessels and heart function; it is useful for children and pregnant women. But this useful medicine also has some contraindications that must be taken into account.

Rosehip has many beneficial properties

Beneficial properties of brewed rose hips

effective remedy for treating colds and strengthening the immune system. But the drink also has other beneficial qualities that help improve the functioning of many internal organs and systems.

Medicinal properties of rosehip decoction:

  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the development of atherosclerosis;
  • helps normalize blood pressure, eliminate signs of chronic fatigue, reduces the likelihood of developing heart disease;
  • reduces the body's susceptibility to colds due to the high content of ascorbic acid;
  • has choleretic properties, improves the functioning of the gallbladder, liver, kidneys;
  • prevents the development of anemia, increases hemoglobin levels;
  • removes salts from the body, reduces the likelihood of developing gout.

Infusion, decoction and tea from rose hips have a strong antiseptic, antioxidant and general strengthening effect; drinks are used for the treatment and prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system, and to prevent the development of vitamin deficiency.

The berries contain rare vitamin K, which improves blood clotting; rose hips are indispensable for people prone to severe bleeding.

Methods for brewing rose hips

Dried rosehip is most often used for brewing; it retains all the beneficial properties. But fresh and frozen berries are suitable for making drinks.

How to brew in a thermos

It is best to prepare medicines for drinking from wild roses in a thermos - prolonged heat helps to maximize the disclosure of all the therapeutic qualities of the raw material.

How to brew rose hips correctly to preserve vitamins:

  1. Rinse 15 berries.
  2. Pour boiling water over the thermos and put fruits in it.
  3. Pour 500 ml of boiling water, you can wrap the thermos with a thick woolen cloth.
  4. Infuse for 7–12 hours; it is better to prepare the drink before bedtime.
  5. Strain the infusion.

In the process of brewing in a thermos, rose hips retain vitamins

Divide the drink into 5-6 equal parts and drink it warm or chilled throughout the day.

When brewing berries in a thermos, do not add honey or sugar.

How to cook without a thermos

You can prepare rosehip decoction without a thermos; for this you will need enamel or glass containers. The optimal proportions of ingredients are 100 g of berries per 1 liter of water.

How to prepare the decoction:

  1. Bring 1 liter of water to a boil, cool for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Add 100 g of whole or chopped fruits.
  3. Place on low heat and cook for half an hour. As the liquid evaporates, water can be added.
  4. Leave in a saucepan covered for an hour.

In a slow cooker, rose hips will retain their properties longer

How many times can you brew rose hips? It is better to use a new portion of fruits each time; when you reuse raw materials, the taste of the finished drink does not change, but the amount of nutrients decreases. Some experts say that raw materials can be used 2-3 times.

Brew fresh rose hips

Fresh wild rose fruits are available for no more than a month, this time is enough to complete a full therapeutic or preventive course.

Brewing stages:

  1. Remove hairs from 12 g of berries, crush into puree.
  2. Place the mixture in a thermos or glass container, add 270 ml of water, the temperature of which is 55–60 degrees.
  3. Leave for 45–55 minutes, strain through several layers of gauze or a fine sieve.
  4. Pour 500 ml of water over the cake, cook over low heat for 30 minutes, filter.
  5. Mix both liquids, add a little honey or sugar.

Do not use very hot water - high temperatures destroy calcium and other beneficial microelements.

Chop the rose hips before brewing

Dried rose hips

You can make tea from dry berries - the preparation process does not take much time, it contains many useful elements, and it invigorates no worse than coffee. Grind 30 g of fruits, put in a preheated kettle, add 12 g of black or green tea, pour 1 liter of water, the temperature of which is no more than 85 degrees. After 1–2 minutes, the drink is ready; there is no need to dilute it with water.

Dry rosehip produces aromatic tea

A recipe for a medicinal infusion – helps with colds and strengthens the immune system. Place 10 chopped wild rose berries in a small enamel bowl, add 400 ml of water, and after boiling, keep on low heat for 3 minutes. Add 10 g of rosehip petals, currant leaves and strawberries to the hot liquid, leave in a closed container for a quarter of an hour. Drink instead of tea all day.

Is it possible to brew frozen rose hips?

Rose hips can not only be dried, but also frozen - this method of harvesting does not in any way reduce the amount of useful substances in them.

For the decoction, you need to grind 20 g of raw materials, add 240 ml of water, and simmer on low heat under the lid for 7-10 minutes. Leave covered for 2-4 hours, drink three times a day. The fruits do not need to be crushed, but then the drink must be brewed for at least 15 minutes; brewing will take 10–11 hours.

Rosehip brewing recipes

Drinks made from wild rose berries are used to treat various diseases; they also help in the fight against excess weight, and with their help you can reduce the risk of developing malignant tumors.

Wild rose fruits for children

Rosehip drinks are recommended for children to normalize sleep and appetite; they are useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis, colds, and they are especially useful during teething. A child can take medicine from wild rose fruits as early as 5 months.

Rosehip decoction is very beneficial for children's bodies.

For the infusion, you need to brew 10 g of crushed raw materials with 250 ml of hot water, leave in a closed container for 4-5 hours, strain well.

A decoction is prepared from 40 ml of water and 40 g of berries, simmer the mixture in a steam bath for 12 minutes, cool, filter. It can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 48 hours.

The decoction contains minerals, and the infusion retains the maximum amount of vitamins.

How to drink rose hips during pregnancy

Wild rose is an excellent remedy for pregnant women. Rosehip drinks will help cope with swelling, they improve kidney function, prevent the development or exacerbation of cystitis, and strengthen the defenses of mother and baby.

Rosehip has a beneficial effect on the health of the expectant mother

It is better for pregnant women to drink rosehip tea - it is suitable for long-term and regular use, since the concentration of active substances in it is low. Pour 300 ml of hot water 1 tbsp. l berries, close the cup, after a quarter of an hour you can drink.

To strengthen the immune system, treat colds

To protect the body from viruses and bacteria, you need to prepare tea from 500 ml of water and 50 g of rose hips. Adults can drink 400–500 ml of the drink, children can drink no more than 75 ml per day. For preventive purposes, you need to take the medicine for 15–20 days.

Honey and rosehip decoction will strengthen the immune system

At high temperature, at the first signs of a cold, this drink should be drunk warm, add 10–15 ml of honey to each serving. The last dose of tea should be immediately before bedtime.

This tea can be used to wash the eyes for blepharitis, conjunctivitis, carry out the procedure twice a day.

Rosehip for weight loss

The fruits of wild roses contain components that help cope with excess weight - potassium removes excess fluid, eliminates swelling, ascorbic acid improves blood circulation. With regular consumption of the drink, the condition of the skin improves and cellulite disappears.

Recipes for rosehip drinks for weight loss:

  1. Pour 220 ml of water 1 tbsp. l berries, simmer over low heat after boiling for 8–10 minutes, leave for 12 hours in a closed container, strain. Drink 70 ml of the drink three times a day 30 minutes before meals.
  2. Pour 3 tbsp into a thermos. l. fruits, add 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours. Drink 800 ml of warm drink per day.
  3. Brew 75 g of berries with 500 ml of boiling water in a thermos and leave overnight. In the morning, dissolve 3 tbsp in 200 ml of infusion. l sorbitol, drink the entire drink at once on an empty stomach. Drink the rest after 20 minutes, no need to add sorbitol, have breakfast after 45 minutes. This remedy helps cleanse the liver, improves intestinal and kidney function, and accelerates metabolic processes. You need to do 6 cleansing procedures with an interval of 2 days.

Before using rose hips as a means of losing weight, you must first consult with your doctor.

For the treatment and prevention of anemia

Rosehip will help eliminate iron deficiency and normalize hemoglobin levels.

To prepare the infusion, add 2 tbsp. l. fruits 400 ml of boiling water, close the container and wrap it, leave for 7 hours. Strain the warm drink, add 30 ml of honey. Drink 100 ml of medication before each meal; for children, the dose should be halved.

This drink can be used to treat the kidneys, liver, and used as a hair rinse.

Rosehip decoction is useful for anemia

Help with heart and vascular diseases

Rose hips help cope with many cardiovascular pathologies - normalizes myocardial function, cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol, and eliminates disturbances in heart rhythm.

Useful recipes:

  1. If cardiac activity is impaired, you need to prepare an infusion of 1 liter of water and 100 g of rose hips, add 50 g of crushed St. John's wort to it. Keep the mixture in a water bath for 10 minutes, strain after 30 minutes, add 120 ml of honey. Drink 55 ml 40 minutes before meals.
  2. For tachycardia, atherosclerosis - brew 250 ml of hot rosehip infusion, 12 g of hawthorn inflorescences, wrap the dishes, leave for 2 hours. Take 4-5 days, 50 before each meal.
  3. For arrhythmia - mix motherwort, hawthorn inflorescences, and valerian roots in equal proportions. Pour 3 g of the collection into 230 ml of hot wild rose infusion, leave for 30 minutes, put the mixture on high heat, hold for a minute, pour into a chilled container. Drink 30 ml of medicine before meals.

St. John's wort combines well with rose hips to treat cardiovascular diseases

Does rosehip increase or decrease blood counts? Decoctions, teas and infusions are useful for hypertension; hypotensive patients should take an alcohol tincture.

Treatment of male diseases

The fruits of wild rose eliminate inflammation and congestion in the pelvic organs, normalize blood circulation, so it is useful to take them to get rid of prostatitis, prostate adenoma, and for preventive purposes.

How to prepare a medicine for prostatitis:

  1. Crush 3 tbsp. l. dry fruits, put in a glass container or thermos.
  2. Pour 450 ml of boiling water over the raw materials.
  3. Leave for 10 hours.
  4. Drink the drink during the day in 2 doses.

Before preparing the decoction, the rose hips need to be chopped

The duration of the course is 1–2 months, after which it is necessary to take a break for 14 days and continue therapy.

For prostate adenoma, you need to add 20 g of crushed burdock leaves or roots to 1 liter of warm rosehip infusion. Keep the mixture in a water bath for 12 minutes, leave for 2.5 hours in a sealed container. Drink 30 ml three times a day for a month.

Getting rid of Staphylococcus aureus

Staphylococcal bacteria are the cause of many serious diseases; a decoction of rose hips will help eliminate pathogens.

Rosehip and hawthorn will quickly get rid of Staphylococcus aureus

Mix 25 g of dried wild rose and hawthorn fruits, put in a thermos, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 6 hours. Divide the medicine into 2 servings and drink throughout the day. The child should be given 50 ml of the drink at a time, you can add a little sugar. Duration of treatment is 4–6 weeks.

Treatment of cancer in the early stages

A large amount of vitamins and antioxidant effects allow the fruits of wild roses to be used for the treatment and prevention of cancer.

How to cook:

  1. Pour 220 ml of water into 20 g of onion peels and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
  2. Mix 25 g of rosehip berries and pine needles, pour onion broth.
  3. Leave for 12 hours.
  4. Drink 15 ml of medicine before each meal.

Onion peels and rose hips are good for the prevention of cancer

In the treatment of serious diseases, rosehip decoction is used as an additional general tonic; it must be taken with basic medications.

How often can you drink rose hips?

Drinks made from wild rose berries must be taken in courses, the maximum duration of which is no more than two months. For prevention, you can drink rosehip decoctions and infusions twice a year, preferably in autumn and spring.

  • 5–12 months – 5–10 ml;
  • 1–3 years – 15 ml twice a day;
  • 3–6 years – 30 ml 2 times a day;
  • 6–14 years – 75 ml 2 times a day;
  • adults – 150–200 ml, the dose should be divided into 4–5 parts.

You can drink rosehip decoction from an early age.

To avoid the destructive effects of rosehip drinks on your teeth, after taking them you should thoroughly rinse your mouth with clean water.

Contraindications for custard rosehip

If you drink drinks from wild rose berries incorrectly and violate the recommended dosages, then the medicine may cause harm, rather than benefit, to the body. In some cases, you should refrain from consuming rose hips.

Main contraindications:

  • serious pathologies of the heart and blood vessels, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • violation of water-salt balance;
  • renal failure;
  • increased acidity, duodenal ulcer, stomach ulcer, gastritis.

If you have thrombophlebitis, taking rose hips is contraindicated.

Drinks made from rose hips negatively affect tooth enamel, so they are not suitable for people with hypersensitive gums and teeth. Unwise consumption of drinks made from wild rose berries can cause frequent and severe pain in the epigastric region, allergic reactions.

Berries, inflorescences, and rose hip root are an effective and affordable remedy for the treatment and prevention of various diseases; the raw materials can be collected and dried yourself, or purchased at a pharmacy. But it should be remembered that decoctions, teas and infusions are not just tasty, but also medicinal drinks - before taking them, you need to consult a doctor and strictly adhere to the treatment regimen recommended by a specialist.