Standard form of technical specifications for the supply of standard industrial equipment

Calculation of wire cross-section


Subsection 1.1 Name

Subsection 1.3 OKP code



Subsection 4.1. Basic parameters and dimensions.

Subsection 4.2. Main technical, economic and operational indicators

Subsection 4.3. Requirements but reliability

Subsection 4.4. Design requirements, installation and technical requirements

Subsection 4.6. Requirements for stability of parameters when exposed to factors

external environment

Subsection 4.8. Requirements for instrumentation and automation

Subsection 4.9. Requirements for completeness

Subsection 4.10. Labeling requirements

Subsection 4.11. Packaging requirements

Subsection 5.1. Procedure for delivery and acceptance

Subsection 5.2. Requirements for transferring technical and other documents to the customer upon delivery of standard industrial equipment









Subsection 1.1 Name

Screw-cutting lathe 16K25 RMTs 2000

Subsection 1.2 Information about novelty

The supplied equipment must be new, produced no earlier than 2010, (not

used, not to be exhibition samples, free from the rights of third parties.

Subsection 1.3 OKP code


Model 16k25 machines are designed for a variety of semi-finishing and finishing turning operations on centers or chucks, as well as for cutting various types threads.



Subsection 4.1 Main parameters and dimensions

Accuracy class N

Maximum length of the processed product, mm - 2000;

Height of the center axis above the frame guides, mm – 250;

Spindle speed limits, rpm. – 12.5 – 1600;

Feed limits, mm/rev:

longitudinal – 0.05 – 2.8

transverse – 0.025 – 1.4;

The largest diameter of the product installed above the frame, mm – 500;

The largest machining diameter above the flat slide of the caliper, mm – 290;

The largest diameter of the workpiece above the recess in the frame, mm – 630;

The largest diameter of the rod passing through the hole in the spindle, mm – 53;

Limits of pitches of cut threads:

metric, mm – 0.5 - 112

modular, mod. – 0.5 – 112

inch, threads per 1 inch – 56 – 0.5

pitch, pitch – 56 – 0.5

Dimensions, LxBxH, mm – 3795х1240х1500

Weight, kg - 3775

Subsection 4.2. Basic technical, economic and operational


Normal operation mode in the mechanical area

Subsection 4.3. Reliability requirements

Service life 20 years. Maintenance and repair in accordance with the manufacturer's passport.

Guarantee period service 12 months from the date of commissioning.

Subsection 4.4. Design, installation and technical requirements


Not regulated

Subsection 4.5. Requirements for materials and equipment components

Not regulated

Subsection 4.6. Requirements for stability of parameters when exposed to

environmental factors

Not regulated

Subsection 4.7. Power Requirements

Type of current – ​​alternating, three-phase;

Current frequency – 50 Hz;

Power circuit voltage – 380/220 V;

Control circuit voltage – 110; 24V.

Subsection 4.8 Requirements for instrumentation and


Not regulated

Subsection 4.9 Requirements for completeness

Complete machine;

Replaceable gears Z =: 90; 80; 45; 48; 57; 86; 73; 60; 72; 66.

Maintenance tool – 1 set;

V-belts according to GOST 1284-68:

Main drive – 5 pcs.;

Lubrication pump drive 0800T-1 1 piece;

High speed drive A710T-1 1 piece;

Metrometric hard longitudinal stop 1 set;

Drive cartridge;

Three-jaw self-centering chuck with key and flange Ǿ250 mm 1 pc.;

Faceplate Ǿ500 1 piece;

Movable rest for products Ǿ from 20 to 100 mm 1 piece;

Fixed steady rest for products Ǿ from 20 to 160 mm 1 piece;

Thrust center according to GOST 13214-67:

For spindle 1 pc.

For tailstock quill 1 pc.

Rotating according to GOST 8742-62 1 piece;

Technical documentation:

Packing lists - 1 set;



Subsection 4.10 Labeling requirements

According to the manufacturer's passport

Subsection 4.11 Packaging requirements

Critical components and guides are preserved, the packaging is moisture-proof


Subsection 5.1 Procedure for delivery and acceptance

Place of delivery of goods:“Kursk NPP” is a branch of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC, Kurchatov.

According to the regulations on incoming control after delivery to the customer. A mark in the product passport about factory acceptance.

Subsection 5.2 Requirements for transfer to the customer of technical and other

documents for the delivery of goods

A passport with acceptance information and operating instructions are supplied together with the equipment in moisture-proof packaging.


acceptable modes of transport for transporting equipment;


The equipment must be supplied assembled, preserved and packaged


According to the manufacturer's requirements...



The warranty period is at least 12 months from the date of commissioning.




According to the manufacturer's operating manual.


According to the manufacturer's passport.


According to the “Rules for working with tools and devices” section 2.3.



Not required


Not required.





Completeness: 2 pcs.

Product delivery time: V within 180 calendar days from the date of prepayment.




Not required.

In Soviet times, foreign technological equipment was purchased exclusively by line ministries. The equipment to be purchased underwent mandatory examination at industry technological institutes and industry design organizations. Based on these examinations, one of the specialized all-Union foreign trade associations prepared a contract and purchased equipment. In parallel, the design organization carried out the necessary parts of the project for organizing the site, workshop, plant and ensured its approval by health authorities, state supervision, state technical supervision, etc.

This methodology made it possible, in most cases, to avoid gross errors and risks associated with the purchase and subsequent operation of equipment, because At all stages, each specific project was carried out by a large group of the most qualified specialists. Nevertheless, unsuccessful or not entirely successful projects did happen. Their reasons for failure were both subjective errors made by procurement participants and the state of the problem itself. Often the manufacturer and customer strive to implement the latest technological advances, but this may also involve some risk. When purchasing serial equipment, these risks are naturally lower.

Currently, the responsibility for organizing the procurement of equipment lies with the manufacturing enterprises themselves. However, new market relations do not cancel the old, proven methodology.

There are three essential elements to organizing procurement:

  • A - it is necessary to correctly draw up a task for prospective suppliers
  • B - it is necessary to involve the design organization in a timely manner
  • B - it is imperative to systematize the information received from prospective suppliers (in a competitive sheet) and subject it to thorough analysis.

This work does not fit into any strict framework and requires a creative approach, but some general recommendations are given below. The need to include a particular section or clause in the technical specifications is determined by the drafter of the technical specifications. The task of the technical specification is fundamentally simple - to briefly and clearly explain to the supplier (and to oneself) what, in fact, is supposed to be accomplished.

Composition and content of technical specifications for the purchase of equipment

1. General Provisions

This section provides brief information on the quantity, types and parameters of the main sets of equipment, the supply of which is required by the Customer. In cases where equipment is purchased to complete a facility under construction (reconstruction), it is necessary to indicate the availability of design documentation and the presence of an expert opinion.

2. Place, term and conditions of equipment delivery

In this section it is necessary to indicate the place, period and basic conditions for the supply of equipment, which will subsequently be reflected in the contract.

3. Limit prices for complete supply of equipment and provision of related services.

This section may indicate the limit price of equipment, both under the contract as a whole and for individual types of equipment, and the cost of related work/services. The limit price of equipment can be calculated based on previously completed similar deliveries, by conducting marketing research, etc.

4. List of sets of supplied equipment.

The list of equipment packages is compiled in order to provide sufficient information about the quantities of upcoming shipments so that requisitions can be prepared efficiently and accurately.

5. List of supplied equipment and materials, scope of commissioning and testing of equipment

The list of supplied equipment is compiled on the basis of the project and/or technological conditions. Scope of Execution commissioning works and testing of equipment must correspond to the completeness of the equipment. This section may also contain a requirement for the need to coordinate samples with the Customer when delivering specific equipment.

6. Technical requirements. Explanatory notes, drawings.

Precise and clear technical requirements are a prerequisite for the supplier to respond to the Customer's request with realistic and competitive technical and commercial proposals without significant reservations, deviations or additional conditions.

Technical requirements for the supply of equipment are carried out separately for each type of equipment and must include:

  • text of technical requirements;
  • table of technical indicators.

The text of the Technical Requirements includes the basic data for the supplied equipment. According to technical requirements, the purchased equipment and materials used in this equipment must be new, not previously used and represent the latest or modern models, and also take into account the latest advances in designs and materials.

Technical requirements must be drawn up in such a way as to ensure the widest possible competition and at the same time provide a clear understanding of the required safety standards, workmanship, materials and performance characteristics of the purchased equipment, transportation, packaging and storage conditions of the equipment.

When drawing up technical requirements, it must be taken into account that they should not be restrictive. The standards and technical specifications specified in the tender documents must ensure that the basic technical requirements and other requirements for the purchased equipment are met. The requirements must contain information about the climatic design and categories of placement of equipment according to GOST, about the degree of protection according to GOST, about the level of vibration, noise, about the layout, placement and service areas of equipment, about the weight of equipment, installation, scheduled and major repairs of equipment, conditions its service. As far as possible, the technical requirements indicate specific standards accepted in international practice, which the purchased equipment must comply with, or Russian standards (GOST R).

Specifications should be developed based on the relevant performance requirements of the purchased equipment.

The Technical Requirements may contain references to GOSTs and other general purpose standards. References to factory specifications, trademarks, factory marks, catalog numbers and other materials of a specific manufacturer of this equipment, as well as indication of a specific name or brand of product (if it is not provided for by GOST) are not recommended.

If it is necessary to indicate a trademark or a specific manufacturer in order to clarify (supplement) technical requirements, after such a reference you should add “or an analogue (equivalent).”
It should be taken into account that the standards for materials and equipment specified in the Technical Requirements are only descriptive and not mandatory for foreign participants in the competition. The foreign supplier may present alternative standards, international or national, in its technical and commercial proposal, provided that the replacements made are substantially equivalent to or superior in quality to the products specified in the Customer's Technical Requirements.

All standards and criteria mentioned in the Technical Requirements are minimum. In each case, the supplier must prove that the equipment provided by him complies with regulatory documents Russian Federation.

The customer's technical requirements should, to the maximum extent possible, ensure that technical and commercial proposals received from different suppliers can be comparable in terms of specific indicators adopted as evaluation criteria.

This practically means that the technical part of the competition documentation must clearly, specifically and unambiguously set out all the Technical requirements, conditions, nomenclature and scope of work, which, in accordance with the competition documentation, must be reflected in the competition sheet, and stated in such a way that all participants in their applications they presented the relevant materials, firstly, in a unified form, and secondly, in a form that would contain indicators for all the criteria by which the applications participating in the competition will be assessed. In this regard, it is preferable, where possible, to use a tabular form of presenting the material.

For the most complete picture of the purchased equipment, all available materials, including explanatory notes and drawings, must be included in the technical specifications.

7. Attracting sub-suppliers.

If the Customer allows the equipment supplier to engage sub-suppliers, this section must indicate the conditions for their engagement. For example, the maximum percentage of the total supply volume for which subsuppliers can be involved may be specified. A condition may be specified - the inadmissibility of engaging sub-suppliers, or engaging them only with the written permission of the Customer.

8. Safety and environmental requirements.

If the contractor, in the process of fulfilling the contract, is required to carry out liability insurance to third parties, or if supplies and related services are associated with a possible danger to human life and health or environmental damage, this section must provide the corresponding necessary requirements.

9. Requirements for quality, reliability, manufacturer’s warranties, product certification

This section may contain references to rules and regulations, standards or other regulatory documents relating to the quality of equipment (if necessary). The following equipment indicators can be indicated here: average service life; resource between major overhauls; resource before write-off; mean time between failures; availability factor, not less; conditions for meeting reliability indicators.

10. Requirements for operation and maintenance of purchased equipment

This section may provide information on the warranty period of operation of the equipment, warranty operating time (within the warranty period of operation), and the guarantee of the correct choice of auxiliary equipment included in the package. A list of spare parts and accessories for the period of warranty operation of the equipment and for a five-year period after the end of its warranty operation may also be provided here.

If necessary, the Customer must establish requirements for the costs of operation and maintenance of the equipment.

11. Forms of reports on the progress of equipment delivery. Quality control and compliance with equipment delivery deadlines

In order to avoid disputes during the execution of the contract, the documentation must indicate how the Customer will control and accept the equipment, and in what form reports on the progress of deliveries and the use of funds are required. Sample forms of various reports can be attached in this section.

12. Approximate form of technical specifications and competitive sheet for the supply of equipment

Competition list is a system trade document that summarizes data on prices, technical and economic indicators, quality and commercial conditions for the sale of exported and imported products. Competitive sheets are an important source of materials for justifying, developing proposals and determining foreign trade prices when exporting and importing products, as well as during negotiations with partners to agree on a contract price. The content, quality and reliability of the information contained in competitive lists, the possibility of its effective use to determine prices for specific types of exported and imported products largely depend on the variety of accumulated data.

Indicator values

Indicator values
Names of indicators required proposed
com No. 1
com No. 2, etc.
1. General information about the object
1.1. Name
1.2. Type of work
1.3. Location (republic, region, region, district)
1.4. general characteristics object
Brief description, list and characteristics of the installed main equipment, equipment layout, basic architectural and construction solutions, climatic conditions, seismicity
1.5. Possible types of transport to the construction site and around the territory
1.6. Unloading point
2. Quantity, completeness, delivery time of equipment
2.1. Quantity, sets
2.2. Delivery time
2.3. Contents of the complete delivery equipment
2.4. Delivery limits
3. Purpose, requirements for purpose
3.1. Purpose
3.2. Intended use requirements
4. Basic specifications.
4.1.2. etc.
5. Technical requirements for design, manufacture and materials
5.1. Nominal values ​​of environmental climatic factors according to Russian standards
5.2. Climatic design and placement category according to Russian standards
5.3. Installation height above sea level, m
The magnitude of the seismic impact intensity at which the equipment remains operational
5.4. Degree of protection according to Russian standards
5.5. Other requirements (vibration level, noise level, etc.)
5.6. Equipment layout requirements
5.7. Equipment placement
5.8. Equipment installation mark and maintenance site mark, m
5.9. Equipment location.
5.10. Weight of equipment. Mass of the heaviest element during installation and repair, tons
5.11. Dimensional installation drawing
5.12. Installation and repair
Conditions for installation and major repairs
Frequency and scope of planned repairs
Terms of service
5.13. Control methods
Manufacturing quality control (acceptance tests, tests during repairs) 6. Manufacturer's guarantees
6.1. Warranty period
6.2. Warranty operating time within the warranty period
6.3. Guarantees of the correct choice of auxiliary equipment supplied
7. Reliability requirements
7.1. Average service life
7.2. Resource between major overhauls
7.3. Resource before write-off
7.4. Mean time between failures
7.5. Availability factor, not less
7.6. Conditions for meeting reliability indicators
8. Safety requirements
9. Environmental requirements
Noise levels, emissions levels, etc.
10. Transportation, packaging, equipment storage conditions
10.1. Transportation
Type of transport, need for special platforms, trailers
10.2. Type of packaging and labeling
10.3. Warehousing and storage conditions
11. Product certification information

The importance of carefully working out all sections of the technical specifications is associated with the following three circumstances

  • in the course of writing the technical specifications, the customer begins to better imagine the subject of purchase and, in general, the goals and objectives of the project,
  • technical specifications allow the supplier to more accurately understand what exactly the customer wants and eliminates many problems of mutual misunderstanding,
  • the technical specifications, after agreeing on all issues with the supplier, are attached to the contract in the form of mandatory “Technical Conditions”, and become the basis for joint work between the customer and the supplier in the subsequent period of delivery, installation, commissioning and operation of the purchased machines.

The peculiarity of carrying out large transactions for new and, especially, non-serial equipment is that wishes made verbally during technical and commercial negotiations “cannot be translated into action” later, especially during the claim period. The technical specifications must reflect all the fundamental points and each sheet must be initialed by both parties. The supplier often wants to keep his hands free, the buyer has the right, in principle, to defend and secure his interests within reasonable limits.

1. The technical conditions attached to the contract may have another name. It is important that you are satisfied with their content and that they are understandable to the supplier.
2. However, technical specifications still cannot replace a painstaking negotiation process with the supplier to clarify all the necessary details. In this sense, a pre-designed questionnaire is also desirable.

I would like to once again draw attention to the need to involve a certified local design organization in the procurement of equipment at an early stage and carry out the necessary examinations of the project in order to avoid problems in the future (sanitary issues, fire safety, etc.).

There is some difficulty in writing the technical specifications itself, because... This job requires some experience. Here I recommend using, for example, as a sample the general and special technical conditions for the purchase of AvtoVAZ equipment and tools, which contain in finished form a large number of ready-made formulations (for all occasions), as well as standards and specifications for the corresponding types of products.

Technical task

for the supply of equipment for the development of information and technological infrastructure of the fire service and emergency response service.

Subject of the government contract : Supply of equipment for the development of information and technological infrastructure of the fire service and emergency response service.:

Name of product


Unit of measurement (pieces)


Part of the equipment

    Crypto gateway and firewall;
2. Node PBX; 3. Terminal PBX; 4. HF radio communication complex; 5. Videoconferencing codec Crypto gateway and firewall Requirements: 1. A compact crypto gateway and firewall that allows you to safely connect any network equipment to a virtual private network built using ViPNet products and reliably protect transmitted information from unauthorized access and substitution. operation in unattended mode with the possibility of 100% remote control, impossibility or impracticality of installing software protection directly on the equipment itself. 2. Hardware platform powered by adapter alternating current 220V or source direct current 5V/6A 3. Operating conditions t – 0..+60 °C, humidity 0..90% 4. Dimensions (WxHxD) no more than 170x123x56 mm 5. Weight no more than 1 kg (without AC adapter) 6. Operating system , adapted with Operating system C Linux 7. Number of network ports 2 x RJ 45 Ethernet 10/100 8. Compatibility with other programs - with any VPN products from the ViPNet CUSTOM line versions 2.8 and 3.0 9. Tunneling protocols: encapsulation of any IP traffic applications in IP #241 and UDP) Encryption/Authentication Encryption according to GOST 28147-89 (256 Kbit), Authentication for each encrypted IP packet based on symmetric key distribution technology and a unique identifier Encryption performance: at least 20 Mbit/s (TCP) Key infrastructure: pairwise symmetric encryption keys providing guaranteed high encryption strength. Automatic distribution of symmetric key information when new users appear on the network, new connections are created in the Network Management Center or existing connections are deleted, keys are compromised, or standard procedures for changing key information. Routing: Static routing. Transparency for NAT devices (for secure traffic). DHCP support. In addition to the main functions of tunneling traffic between local networks and with remote network equipment, it can serve as an access server for remote VPN clients with ViPNetClient software. Automatic adjustment of MSS parameters in TCP sessions to eliminate unnecessary traffic fragmentation that can occur when transmitting long packets. Ability to work when changing your own IP addresses, IP addresses of NAT devices, ability to work behind devices with dynamic NAT rules. Possibility of cascading in segmented networks for the purpose of access control. Ability to assign virtual IP addresses to any remote hosts. Dynamic NAT function for open packets (organizing access of workstations or network equipment to an open network/Internet)
    Availability of a transport envelope router server
Filtering: Packet filtering by source and destination IP address (or range of IP addresses), port numbers and protocol types, ICMP message types and codes, packet direction, client or server in a TCP connection. Control of fragmented packets, prevention of DoS attacks. Support for open initiative connection mode (invisibility mode for external hosts). Supports separate filtering for open IP traffic (firewall function) and encrypted IP traffic (cryptogate function). Anti-spoofing. Configuration and management Remote local configuration via a specialized ViPNet console; Remote configuration of basic parameters via ViPNetAdministrator; SNMP trap support for remote event notification; Remote IP packet log request (via Windows products ViPNetCoordinator and Client); Java applet for monitoring the current state; Maintaining syslog on a remote computer. Support for QoS IP TOS mapping over encrypted IP packets (IP #241 or UDP), that is, traffic classification for protected packets is preserved, priority processing of voice and video traffic. Availability and reliability Using a flash drive with an extended temperature range as a data storage device (OS, ViPNet software and settings). Fanless design using the case as a passive cooling radiator.

Module software update Centralized remote update of ViPNetCoordinatorLinux software in the module via ViPNetAdministrator with update control.

    Install the equipment in the customer’s 19’ telecommunications cabinet and connect it to the customer’s router (Appendix No. 2 to the Technical Specifications).

    Launch and initialize the equipment, integrate the equipment into the secure corporate data network of the Government of the Samara Region.

    Conduct testing of traffic flow between the objects specified in Appendix No. 1 to the Terms of Reference.

    Document the test results.


2 Central automated telephone exchange (ATS)

Station requirements:

1. Frame no more than 6U, for installation in a 19` rack.

2. SIP support (128 channels G711, 64 channels G729), echo cancellation g.168, port - SS7,

port – ISDN PRI, at least 4 Ethernet 10/100 ports.

48V power supply from power system

Supply system:

frame no more than 3U, for installation in a 19` rack. Power supply module, 220 W, 48 V with independent voltage converters (at least two pieces).

Cross to at least 50 station and 50 subscriber ports.

Installation and commissioning work:

    Configure the SIP protocol with terminal PBXs (step 3). Test the flow of calls between the main PBX and the terminal PBXs at the sites, in accordance with No. 1 to the Technical Specifications. Document the test results.


3 Terminal automated telephone exchange (ATS) ATS Requirements for the station: 1. At least 2 ports for connecting system terminals. The line length is at least 1 km with a cable cross-section of TPP 2x0.4 2. At least 8 ports for connecting remote subscribers. The line length is at least 4 km with a cable cross-section of TPP 2x0.4 3. At least 4 ports for connecting subscribers. Line length is at least 1 km with cable cross-section TPP 2x0.4 4. At least 4 SIP/H.323 IP trunks with support for codecs G711, G729, G722 Size 19 inches, no more than 2 units 5. At least 2 system terminals with at least 16 speed dial keys (each). 6. Set of amphinols (at least 2)

7. Cross to at least 50 station and 50 subscriber ports.

Installation and commissioning work:

    Perform initial assembly and configuration of equipment.

    Install the equipment in the customer’s 19’ telecommunications cabinet and connect it to the customer’s router (Appendix No. 2 to the Technical Specifications) via PRI stream.

    Register the internal numbers of the PBX. Mount the cross-connect, connect amphinols to station ports and connect subscribers to the subscriber cross-connect at the customer’s facilities (Appendix No. 1 to the Technical Specifications). Check the passage of calls from the internal numbers of the terminal PBX inside the station and to the internal numbers of other terminal PBXs installed at the customer’s facilities (Appendix No. 1 to the Technical Specifications). Document the test results.


4 HF radio communication complex HF radio communication complex consisting of: Stationary set: Radio station, power supply, stationary antenna included Mobile radio station: Radio station, car antenna, tuner Main technical characteristics of radio stations: frequency range RX/TX 1.6-29.999 MHz; The number of channels is at least 400; Modulation type J3E, J2B, A3E, F1B,A1A ; Supply voltage, V 13.6; Current consumption, A - transmission 15 - reception 3 - standby 0.5 Operating temperature –10…+60; Sensitivity, µV J3E, A1A -0.5; A3E -100; Output power not less than 120 W; Data transfer capability ALE, Selcall function. Installation and commissioning work: Programming and configuration; Manufacturing and approval of AFU; Execution of a mobile communication switching unit and docking with the equipment of a mobile complex; Configuration and coordination of AFU stationary kit; Optimization of communication channels; Setting up the data transfer function


5 Videoconferencing codec Design: video terminal with a separate controlled (PTZ) video camera Transmission speed of at least 2 Mbit/s Video communication protocol H.323 V4 Video compression protocols: H.263, H.263++, H.264 Audio compression protocols: G.711, G .728, G.722, AAC-LD Protocol for connecting video of subscribers of private/public networks: SNP Resolution of the transmitted video image CIF and 4CIF Resolution of the transmitted graphic image is at least 1280x1024 pixels Video update 25 frames/s, 50 fields/s Transmission of a double video stream according to the standard H.239 and DualView. Overlaying titles (text messages) on a video image. Transmission and reception of streaming video signals (multicast). At least three video outputs with S-Video, RCA and SXGA interfaces At least three video inputs with S-Video, RCA and SXGA interfaces Linear audio input with RCA interface Support for redundancy on access lines: E1+IP IntelligentRateControl (IRC) technology for intelligent rate adaptation; SuperErrorConsealment (SEC) error suppression technology; Video conference management functions using a video terminal should include: 1) Selecting and setting up a conference mode: “Selector”, “Lecture”, “Forum”, “Continuous Presence” (Continuous presence of participants on the screen), “Voice activation”, “Auto review”. 2) Changing the composition of conference participants: deleting and adding new objects. 3) Turn on/off the sound and microphones of conference participants. 4) Extending time and ending the conference Requirements for a PTZ video camera: Video resolution: at least 470 TV lines Color rendition: PAL Horizontal rotation angle: at least 170 degrees. Vertical tilt angle: -30 - +90 degrees. Video output: S-Video, RCA Control interface: RS-232, Visca protocol At least 10x optical zoom. Requirements for the microphone panel: Type: microphone panel with a capture angle of at least 360 degrees. Capture radius: no less than 6 m Frequency range: no less than 100 Hz ~ 20 kHz Microphone activation button and indicator Line input, RCA interface. Wall mount for video conferencing codec. Installation and commissioning work:
    Wall-mount a videoconferencing codec. Connect the videoconferencing codec to the Customer’s router (Appendix No. 2 to the Technical Specifications) Configure the equipment. Check the passage of video calls with video conferencing codecs at the customer’s facilities (Appendix No. 1 to the Terms of Reference). Document the test results.


Note: Deviations in overall dimensions and weight are possible within the functional tolerance. Requirements for warranty service: The warranty applies to all supplied goods and materials. The warranty period is at least 24 months from the date of signing the acceptance certificate - transfer of goods. Ensuring the presence of the Supplier's representative no later than the next business day after sending the application from the Customer to carry out diagnostics and repairs or transport faulty equipment to the Supplier's service center. All transport costs are paid by the Supplier. Delivery of equipment from repair is carried out by the Supplier’s transport to the Customer’s addresses in accordance with Appendix No. 1 of the Technical Specifications. Maintenance and repairs must be carried out in accordance with the regulations and recommendations of the manufacturers, using original spare parts. Elimination during the warranty period of all detected faults within no more than 5 working days after sending the notice of fault, and, if necessary, within the period established by agreement with the Customer. If it is impossible to carry out repairs on the Customer’s territory, provide (during the warranty period) a replacement with similar equipment from the Supplier’s reserve fund for the duration of the repair. All components that the Supplier installs on the equipment during the warranty period must be manufactured by the same manufacturer as the original components. Requirements for equipment characteristics: All supplied equipment must comply with the requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation, regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation, state standards, in particular:
    Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 68 FZ “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies”; Federal Law of December 21, 1994 No. 69 FZ “On Fire Safety”; Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149 Federal Law “On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection”; Fire safety rules in the Russian Federation (PPB 01-03), approved by order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated June 18, 2003 No. 313; GOST 12.1.030-81 “Electrical safety. Protective grounding, zeroing"; PUE – “Rules for the construction of electrical installations”; SNiP 3.05.06-95 “Electrical devices”; SNiP 2.01.02-85 “Fire safety standards”; SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for video display terminals, personal electronic computers and work organization.”
The operation of all supplied equipment requiring power supply must meet the safety requirements in accordance with GOST 12.2.003. The supplied system must meet the general safety requirements in accordance with GOST and GOST 12.2.006. System radiation levels must comply with the standards and safety requirements established by GOST 12.1.006, GOST 12.1.040. All supplied equipment and materials must be officially supplied to the Russian Federation and have Certificates of Conformity of GOSSTANDART of the Russian Federation and GOSEPIDEMNADZOR of the Russian Federation. All equipment must be new and unused. All products must meet or exceed the performance and ergonomic requirements of the Specification. All necessary User Manuals must be in Russian. Technical documentation must be in Russian or English language. In all cases, it is unacceptable to provide Technical Documentation and User Manuals in the form of photocopies. The software must be licensed, certified in the Russian Federation and fully Russified. The software used for the cryptographic protection and information encryption system must be compatible with the VipNet hardware and software systems installed in the existing CSPD nodes of the Government of the Samara Region. When supplying equipment, the following requirements must be met: All equipment must be a legal product of the manufacturer and must be supplied with a license agreement ( upon delivery); all necessary user manuals must be in Russian; provision of user manuals in the form of photocopies is unacceptable;

the supplied Goods must be delivered complete, preserving the manufacturer’s original (undamaged) packaging;

The supplier must provide Contact phone numbers, through which the Customer could contact qualified personnel of the Supplier or its representative in case of detected defects in the operation of the software.

The supplier must provide a registered distribution kit and a form for the supplied equipment as part of software and hardware systems on electronic media (CD or DVD). Requirements for equipment certification: Certification: Certification according to the requirements of the FSB of the Russian Federation: certificate of conformity of the FSB of Russia No. SF/124-1459 dated 05/09/10 according to the requirements for CIPF class KS3. Certificate of Conformity of the Federal Security Service of Russia No. SF/515-1530 dated 10/04/10 for requirements for devices such as firewalls in security class 4 for use to protect information from unauthorized access in information and telecommunication systems of government bodies of the Russian Federation. Certification according to the requirements of FSTEC RF

compliance with the requirements of the FSTEC of Russia for devices such as firewalls for class 3 and level 3 for monitoring the absence of undeclared capabilities. According to the totality of requirements so that it can be used when creating automated systems up to level 1B and in defense information systems processing of personal data up to class 1 inclusive.

Equipment supply requirements: Delivery within 70 calendar days from the date of conclusion of the contract by the Supplier’s forces and transport to the Customer’s addresses specified in Appendix No. 1 to the technical specifications. The Supplier must carry out tests with the Customer to determine their quality characteristics as stated in the auction documentation and compliance with their technical specifications. The Supplier must install and commission the equipment at the Customer’s facilities, as well as demonstrate the operation of the equipment in test mode. The supplier is obliged to ensure full interfacing of the supplied equipment and software with the automated information and management system of the RSChS region Appendix No. 2 to the Technical Specification and the corporate data transmission network of the Government of the Samara Region. Additional requirements for participants in placing an order: Participants in placing an order as part of the second part of the application must provide:
    FSB license for activities related to the distribution of encryption (cryptographic) tools (cryptogate and firewall); FSB license to operate maintenance encryption (cryptographic) tools (cryptogate and firewall).
The Contractor undertakes to ensure the confidentiality of information that becomes known to him during the performance of work.

Appendix No. 1

to the Terms of Reference

List of equipment installation objects


Name and address of the object

Equipment list

State Institution of the Samara Region “Center for Civil Defense, Fire Safety and Emergency Situations”, Samara, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 12

p.p. 1;2;3; 4; 5;according to technical specifications

Fire and Rescue Squad No. 15

With. Bogatoe st. Lenina, 2

Fire and Rescue Squad No. 34

Kinel, st. Suvorova, 17

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Fire and Rescue Squad No. 35

Pokhvistnevo, st. Vasilyeva, 1

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Fire and Rescue Squad No. 36

Neftegorsk, Neftyannikov st., 4

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Fire and Rescue Squad No. 37

Oktyabrsk st. Kuibysheva, 17

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Fire and Rescue Squad No. 39

With. Kinel-Cherkassy, ​​st. Druzhby, 14

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Fire and Rescue Squad No. 40

With. Sergievsk, st. Sovetskaya, 26

Fire and Rescue Squad No. 41

With. Krasny Yar, st. Sovkhoznaya, 1a.

p/p 1; 3; 5; according to technical specifications

Fire and Rescue Squad No. 42

With. Chelno-Vershiny, st. Prolomnaya, 4

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Fire and Rescue Squad No. 43

With. Shigony, st. Kooperativnaya, 17

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Fire and Rescue Squad No. 45

With. Spasskoye, st. Shosseynaya, 19

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Fire and Rescue Squad No. 47

p. Varlamovo, st. Kooperativnaya, 17

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Fire and Rescue Squad No. 48

With. Borskoe, st. Pervomaiskaya, 107

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Fire and Rescue Unit No. 115

village Bezenchuk, st. Sovetskaya, 28

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Fire and rescue unit No. 116

With. Alekseevka, st. Pervomaiskaya, 61

p/p 1; 3; 5; according to technical specifications

Fire and Rescue Unit No. 118

With. Isakly, st. Leninskaya, 75

p/p 1; 3; 5; according to technical specifications

Fire and rescue unit No. 119

With. Klyavlino, st. Voroshilova, 85

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Fire and rescue unit No. 120

With. Kamyshla, st. Vostochnaya, 5

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Fire and rescue unit No. 121

With. Khvorostyanka, st. Pervomaiskaya, 3a

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Fire and Rescue Unit No. 125

With. Pestravka, st. Zavodskaya, 2a

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Fire and rescue unit No. 126, Krasnoarmeyskoye village, Shosseynaya st., 24

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Fire and rescue unit No. 129

With. Cats, st. Komsomolskaya, 28a

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Fire and rescue unit No. 131

With. Shentala, st. Vokzalnaya, 65

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Fire and rescue unit No. 132

With. B. Glushitsa, st. Kirovskaya, 23

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Fire and rescue unit No. 133

With. B. Chernigovka, st. Microdistrict, 22

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Fire and rescue unit No. 137

With. Elkhovka, st. Sovetskaya, 25

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

EDDS g/o Samara

Samara, st. Stavropolskaya, 88

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Federal Fire Service Detachment No. 7

Syzran, Ulyanovskaya, 44

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Federal Fire Service Detachment No. 10

Zhigulevsk, st. Pervomaiskaya, 2

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Federal Fire Service Detachment No. 11,

Chapaevsk, st. Krasnoarmeyskaya, 1

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Federal Fire Service Detachment No. 31

Tolyatti, st. 40 years of Victory, 94

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Federal Fire Service Detachment No. 38

Otradny, st. Sovetskaya, 101

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Fire station of the Federal Fire Service No. 15

Novokuibyshevsk, Kutuzova str., 16

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

State institution "Search and Rescue Service of the Samara Region" Samara, st. Novo-Vokzalny deadlock, 13 A.

p.p. 1; 3; 5. according to technical specifications

Appendix No. 2 to the Terms of Reference

List of equipment and software

Name of equipment

Server equipment

Chassis c3000 Rack Enclosure, Single-Phase with 4 Power Supplies, 6 Fans with 8 Insight Control Suite Trial Licenses

PSU 1200W 12V Hotplug AC Power Supply P+

Switch GbE2c Layer2/3 Ethernet Blade Switch for c-Class BladeSystem

BL460cG6 E5530 (2.4GHz-8MB) QuadCore 1P, 6GB

ProLiant BL460c G6 E5530 (2.4GHz-8MB) Quad Core Processor Option Kit

2GB 2Rx8 PC3-10600R-9 Kit

Additional network card HP BLc NC326m NIC AdapterOptKit

500GB 3G 7.2k SFF SATA Hot Plug Midline (MDL) Drive

VMware vSphere ENT 1P 1yr9x5 Nm Lic

VMware vCntr STD for vSphere 1yr Nm Lic

iLO Advanced Nm 1-Svr Licincl 1yr TS&U SW

MS W2008 Srv R2 Std 5CAL RU

Storage System

MSA2324i G2 Dual Controller (SFF)

300GB Hot-Plug 10K 2.5" DP 6G SAS Enterprise (ENT) Drive

MSA2000 Dual I/O 3.5 inch 12 Drive Enclosure

MSA2000 1TB 7.2K rpm 3.5 inch SATA HDD

HP SAS to Mini 1m Cable

Power supply

UPS Smart-UPS 3000VA/1980W, 230V, RackMount, 3U height, Extended Runtime, Line-interactive, user repl. batt., SmartSlot, PowerChute, BLACK


Wardrobe and accessories

Universal Rack 10642 G2 Pallet Rack

Walls 10642 G2 SidepanelKit

Stabilizer (weight)10K G2 600W HvyDty V2 Stabilizer

Socket block 1U 8 sockets with switch

horizontal cable organizer, size 1U

Fastening kit (100 pcs.)


SQLSvrStd 2008R2 RUS OLP A Gov


ExchgSvrStd 2010 RUS OLP A Gov

ExchgStdCAL 2010 RUS OLP A GovUsrCAL

WinSvrCAL 2008 RUS OLP A GovUsrCAL

SQLSvrStd 2008R2 RUS DiskKit MVL DVD

ExchgSvrStd 2010 RUS DiskKit MVL DVD

PAK based on PC ViPNetCoordinator 3.xx (55 tunnel licenses)

ViPNetClient 3.xx

Telecommunications equipment

Router CISCO1811/K9

ACS-1800-RM-19 Cisco 19-inch Rack Mount Kit for Cisco 180X / 181X

MEM1800-64CF Cisco 64MB 1800 Series Compact Flash Memory

modem ZyXEL P-791R v2 (or equivalent)

Multiplexer FM16-9-8E1-CE-LCD-NOPS (SingleOptic client multiplexer (20 km) 8E1 RJ48C, 1U 19 LCD, LAN SNMP control, without B/P)

Multiplexer FM16-9-8E1-CO-LCD-NOPS (SingleOptic client multiplexer (20 km) 8E1 RJ48C, 1U 19 LCD, LAN SNMP control, without B/P)

FM16-9-AC-PS (single power module 220VAC)

FM16-9-ETH (100BaseT Ethernet Bridge Module)

Optical cross-rack rack KRS-16-FC(ST), steel, with splice cassette Guidelines

Appendix 1. Regulatory legal, guidance and methodological documents on the creation and use of reserves of material resources for the liquidation of emergency situations……….

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