The main directions for improving the system of incentives for military service in the Russian Federation. Failure of the social development strategy on the financial front Social development strategy of the Russian Armed Forces before

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“The Social Development Strategy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020” (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy) was developed to meet the social needs of military personnel, civilian personnel, military pensioners and members of their families and was approved on March 28, 2008 by a decision of the Board of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. It was planned to implement the Strategy in three stages, the first stage covering 2008-2012.

The leadership of the Russian Federation pays special attention to the social development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it would seem that everything that is done within the framework of the Strategy should be known not only to all military personnel, but also to the entire society. However, the text of the Strategy was published in a secondary edition (see below). Military railway worker. - 2008. - No. 19 and No. 20). On the website of the Ministry of Defense only the title of the document is indicated. Civilian specialists can find it on a specialized website or on the ConsultantPlus website, where the order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 28, 2008 No. 241 is posted.

At the same time, the Strategy provides for the solution of a number of important tasks in various areas of social policy in the following order:
1) culture and leisure, physical education and sports, information and trade and consumer services;
2) military education;
3) healthcare;
4) increasing the security of military service;
5) solving the housing problem;
6) increase monetary allowance(DD) and pensions;
7) provision of social protection.

It seems to us that the procedure for solving problems in the listed areas should be different, since the size of the budget is of greatest importance in improving the material support of military personnel. However, the preparation of management decisions on DD is delayed. An increase in the size of the DD should have entailed an increase in military pensions, but changes in this area are even more problematic and therefore are being postponed.

The main conclusions on the problems of improving the DD of military personnel and military pensions boil down to the following:

  • Currently, the problem of decent DD has been solved only for military personnel of the Central Apparatus of the Ministry of Defense and, selectively, for a minority of regular army officers;
  • the problem of increasing the salary of the majority of military personnel has not yet been resolved, and in the period remaining before the promised deadline for its solution, it may remain unresolved;
  • With regard to military pensions, there are trends of both a steady decline in its level compared to the pensions of military personnel, and convergence with the standards of pension provision for the majority of the population of the Russian Federation.
The second most important social problem for military personnel is providing them with housing. The following results are obvious:
  • in recent years, families of military personnel and military pensioners have been provided with an unprecedentedly large number of apartments to own (up to 100 thousand annually);
  • On the official website of the Ministry of Defense, a section “Housing for military personnel” appeared, which contains information about ready and under construction housing with reference to regions, legislative and regulatory acts relating to the provision of housing. An important innovation of the section was the creation of a Unified Register of military personnel recognized as needing housing;
  • Providing military personnel and their families with apartments should be considered as the most important action of the state, having a “dual (military and civilian)” purpose, contributing to the growth of the well-being of the entire people;
  • housing for military personnel, which is attractive to corrupt officials, can become an area for developing a number of effective mechanisms for introducing public control to combat corruption.
For other areas social problems military personnel are also characterized by certain achievements and problems, but compared to the two considered, they fade into the background.

E.V. Trofimova- Ph.D., senior researcher laboratory of military economics

Prospects for the development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

“...We must protect our country from any form of military-political pressure and potential external aggression. And in this regard, the most important task remains the modernization of our Armed Forces...”

Russian President V. Putin

Wars and armed conflicts of the future

The large-scale changes taking place in the Armed Forces, associated with their radical restructuring within the framework of the main provisions of the military reform, have been completed. Today, the construction of the Armed Forces is underway on the basis of the legal, political, organizational and structural prerequisites created in the process of reform, taking into account newly conceptualized national interests and the degree of reality of threats to Russia's national security.

The starting point in assessing the level of military danger for the Russian Federation today is that military force in the system of international relations has not lost its importance recently. Moreover, the military-political situation does not exclude the possibility of major armed conflicts arising near the borders of Russia that affect the security interests of the Russian Federation.

Existing threats also influence the development of the military-political and military-strategic situation in the world, the creation of hotbeds of tension, and the nature of wars and armed conflicts.

Moreover, it should be noted that wars and armed conflicts of the future will not be generated by one factor, even a very significant one, but by a complex interweaving of various socio-political, economic, national and religious contradictions and causes.

The main feature of conflicts today is the redistribution of roles in armed confrontation: the course and outcome of the armed struggle as a whole will be determined in the aerospace sphere and at sea, and ground groups will consolidate the achieved military success.

Against this background, increased interdependence and mutual influence of actions at the strategic, operational and tactical levels in the armed struggle has emerged. This suggests that the old concept of wars, both limited and large-scale, is undergoing significant changes, since even local conflicts can now be fought over relatively large areas. At the same time, the main tasks will be solved not during a collision of advanced units, but through fire engagement from extreme ranges.

Speaking about the factor of nuclear deterrence, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in modern conditions it can be carried out effectively only if there are highly equipped and combat-ready general-purpose forces. Only in this case will the threat of using nuclear weapons in response to an attack using conventional weapons look convincing.

Based on the analysis of conflicts at the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries, the following conclusions can be drawn regarding the military-political features of armed struggle at the present stage and in the foreseeable future;

The armed forces reaffirm their central role in carrying out security operations. The actual combat role of paramilitary forces, paramilitary forces, militias, and internal security forces is not as significant as expected before the outbreak of armed conflicts. They turn out to be unable to conduct active combat operations against regular Armenians (Iraq);

The decisive moment for achieving military-political success is to seize the strategic initiative during an armed conflict. Passive conduct of combat operations in the hope of “exhaling” the enemy’s offensive impulse leads to loss of controllability of one’s own group and to loss in the conflict;

The peculiarity of the armed struggle of the future will be that during the war, not only military facilities and troops will come under enemy attacks, but at the same time the country’s economy with its entire infrastructure, civilian population and territory. Despite the development of the accuracy of weapons of destruction, all the studied armed conflicts of recent times were to one degree or another humanitarian “dirty” and entailed significant casualties among the civilian population. In this regard, there is a need for a highly organized and effective civil defense system for the country;

The criteria for military victory in armed conflicts will be different, but in general it is obvious that the solution of political tasks in an armed conflict is of primary importance, while military-political and operational-tactical tasks are primarily of an auxiliary nature. In none of the conflicts examined was the victorious side able to inflict the planned damage on the enemy. But nevertheless, she managed to achieve the political goals of the conflict;

Despite the increased role of the forces and assets deployed at the time of the threat, a significant role in the outcome of the armed conflict will be played by the presence of a combat-ready reserve and a system for its mobilization and deployment. This will make it possible to maintain the strategic resource of force response in any development of the situation during an armed conflict;

Combat operations will be characterized by a combination of maneuver operations and positional actions. Reconnaissance and sabotage activities and guerrilla warfare are considered part of a “conventional” war. This confirms the need for a balanced composition of forces and means of the armed forces, as well as comprehensive combat training;

A perfect reconnaissance system with a single control center and well-protected centers will be of decisive importance for the defenders.

(points) for collecting and processing intelligence information from all types of armed forces and intelligence services. They have the ability to communicate processed intelligence data to all interested authorities in the shortest possible time, close to real time. The presence of such reconnaissance contributes to the timely detection of the enemy’s preparations for an attack and the implementation of all urgent measures of the threatened period and, first of all, the transfer of troops to the highest levels of combat readiness;

In addition to the usual elements in the operational formation (battle formation), the grouping of troops must include: an intelligence and information center operating in real time; automated, highly secure system for command and control of troops and weapons; aerospace echelon (or part of it) of precision weapons; highly protected reserve;

The nature of the weapons used in modern wars determines the need to have forces and means to strike enemy military instruments (long-range precision weapons, long-range aviation) located beyond the borders of the immediate conflict area. This requires both the presence of our own potential for long-range, high-precision weapons, and other means that make it possible to transfer combat operations directly to enemy territory;

The main attention should be paid to the creation of a stable, duplicated system of command and control of troops (forces) at all levels of command and control. For this purpose, it is necessary to use all existing and new communication systems, make maximum use of air command posts, and also ensure that the orders of the country's top leadership are unconditionally communicated to the executors and their implementation;

The key condition for victory in almost all conflicts was undermining the morale of the troops and stimulating unrest in the officer corps. A significant role in armed conflicts of the late 20th and early 21st centuries is played by the ratio of the levels of moral and psychological stability of the parties, especially the senior command staff. This means the need to strengthen military discipline, the rule of law, create a truly effective system of moral and psychological training of the armed forces from soldier to general, as well as increase the efficiency of the activities of military counterintelligence agencies. Great importance for the outcome of armed conflicts will have the availability of tools for conducting information and propaganda work among the enemy troops and population.

At the same time, an analysis of the listed characteristic features of wars shows that this is by no means a classic image of a “non-contact” war, but rather an intermediate (transitional) version, in which the features of both traditional wars and the features of new generation wars, called “non-contact” wars, are visible. . To date, the concept of “non-contact” war remains only a theoretical model, reflecting the desire of certain states to reduce their involvement in regional conflicts with the presence of ground forces. Of course, achieving complete non-contact combat operations is hardly possible. To do this, it will probably be necessary to form coalitions in which one of the partners takes on the brunt of the ground war. However, this will come with significant political costs.

The identified features of modern wars and armed conflicts raise the problem of formulating a new understanding of the main tasks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. These tasks should take into account both the already manifested features of the development of the military-political situation in Russia’s zones of interests and the nature of the armed struggle, as well as possible directions for the development of the principles of warfare, taking into account changes in the geopolitical situation and the improvement of means of warfare.

Today there are several fundamental requirements for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which will determine the main parameters of military development:

The ability to implement strategic deterrence;

High combat and mobilization readiness;

Strategic mobility;

Staffing with well-trained and prepared personnel;

Technical equipment and resource availability.

Their implementation makes it possible to select priorities for reforming and strengthening the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation at present and in the foreseeable future.

The main ones include:

Preserving the potential of the Strategic Deterrence Forces;

Increasing the number of formations and units of constant readiness and forming groupings of troops on their basis;

Improving the operational (combat) training of troops (forces);

Improving the system of recruitment of the Armed Forces;

Improving military science and military education;

Improving the social security of military personnel, education and moral and psychological training.

The most important direction in this work is the implementation of the program for modernizing weapons, military and special equipment and maintaining them in a state of combat readiness.

Modernization of the army - tasks of a national scale

Today, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are provided with the main types of weapons, military equipment and other material resources at the proper level. However, a qualitative analysis shows that the share of modern weapons and military equipment is 20 - 30%, while in the armies of the world this figure is more than 70%.

The current state of armaments allows us to count on a certain period of time - about 10-15 years, during which it is necessary, on the one hand, to ensure the maintenance of existing weapons, and on the other, to rearm the army and navy.

In 2003, fundamental documents in the field of military-technical policy of the Russian Federation were developed and adopted, and a list of basic military technologies for the future was determined.

Particular emphasis in these programs and plans is placed on the modernization of weapons, military and special equipment. In the near future, funding for the development of weapons and military equipment will be carried out in three areas:

Maintaining weapons, military and special equipment of constant readiness units in combat readiness;

Completion of development projects that have breakthrough results in terms of improving the quality characteristics of weapons;

Modernization of obsolete weapons.

The basis for improving the technical equipment system is planned to be the balanced development of the Strategic Deterrence Forces, combat control systems (information support), as well as general purpose forces.

Particular attention will be paid to the development of models and systems of weapons and military equipment (WME), which have a decisive influence on the outcome of future armed struggle: long-range precision weapons, reconnaissance and target designation systems (ground, air, space), electronic suppression equipment, automated systems control of troops and weapons.

The result of the implementation of the proposed measures should be an increase in the level of provision of military units with modern weapons and military equipment by 2010 as a whole to 35%, and by 2015 - to 40 - 45%. A complete replacement of the existing weapons of the Armed Forces and other troops of the Russian Federation can occur by 2020 - 2025.

Until 2025, due to a gradual reduction in costs for the current maintenance of the Armed Forces, the total costs for the development, purchase, modernization and repair of weapons and military equipment should be about 50 - 60% of the costs for national defense.

To centralize orders and supplies of military equipment in the Ministry of Defense and other bodies with military formations, streamline spent funds and eliminate parallelism in purchases, acceptance and deliveries, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 311 of March 11, 2003 was established State Committee By defense order under the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

As a result of the implementation of the main activities on the priorities of the development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, it is expected to ensure an increase in their key parameters and qualitative characteristics (compared to 2000):

Specific resource availability increased by 2.2 times by 2005 and 4 times by 2010;

Specific costs for combat training - 2.3 and 3 times, respectively;

The specific costs for the purchase of weapons and military equipment are 3 and 6 times, respectively.

An important direction of military development is the integration of the entire supporting process of the Armed Forces and other troops of the Russian Federation through the transition to interdepartmental unified (linked) systems of technical and logistics support (MUSTiTO) of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies of the Russian Federation.

The main goal of the transition to MUSTiTO of the Armed Forces is to increase the efficiency of technical and logistical support for all military formations based on the integration of the relevant bodies of the power ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, as well as the joint rational use of the existing material and technical base and infrastructure.

The systems being created will ensure the unification on a territorial basis of warehouse, transport, medical and other infrastructures with management from a single authority. This will make it possible to provide technical and logistical support to all troops, regardless of their departmental affiliation and subordination, both stationed within the boundaries of the military district and those arriving on its territory to perform various tasks.

The transition of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops and military formations to interdepartmental (linked) unified systems of technical and logistical support is expected to be carried out consistently, completing it in 2006.

The basis for improving the technical support system is the creation of a unified regulatory framework for the implementation of centralized program-target planning of orders, supplies and operation of weapons, military and special equipment (VVST) and other material assets, organization and implementation of technical support activities military organization in peacetime, crisis situations and wartime.

By the beginning of 2005, the territorial principle of overhauling weapons and military equipment, other general-purpose materiel, and technical support for groupings of troops (forces) must be implemented, regardless of departmental affiliation, on the basis of ensuring cost reduction.

In the future, it is planned to increase efforts to modernize and bring into serviceable technical condition all types of military equipment with which troops and military formations are equipped, which are stored in warehouses, arsenals and bases, as well as to maintain their high technical readiness.

In improving the logistics support system, the priority areas are: the formation of a unified policy for the development of logistics services and a unified pricing policy for the purchase of general-purpose products; creation of a unified regulatory legal framework for logistics support of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops and military formations; coupling of departmental logistics systems for troops and military formations in such important areas as the provision of fuel and lubricants, clothing and food, training of logistics specialists; creation of reserves of material and technical means for joint actions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops and military formations in wartime and in crisis situations.

In 2006 - 2010, a full-scale supply of troops and military formations with all types of allowances for rear services must be ensured, and current and emergency reserves of material resources must be brought to the established standards.

The subsequent stages of the transition to MUSTiTO for the period until 2020 will be its adaptation and improvement of quality parameters through the implementation of modern market mechanisms for the procurement of material resources on a competitive basis, standardization and unification of supplies, improving the functioning of military healthcare and training of logistics personnel.

The ultimate goal of these measures is to eliminate parallelism, eliminate duplicate links or redirect them to solve other defense tasks and ensure, if necessary, the integrated use of the Armed Forces and military formations of law enforcement ministries and departments of the Russian Federation.

Modern Russian military policy is an integral part of the policy in the field of national security and is built on the basis of the provisions of the National Security Concept of the Russian Federation, which was approved in 2000 and has largely already fulfilled its tasks. Now there is a need to develop a new concept. This is due to the fact that in the 21st century Russia is faced with new threats that require appropriate detailed analysis and response. The Russian Armed Forces, after a long period of reform and recovery from the crisis, are acquiring new qualitative characteristics both in terms of their combat readiness and effectiveness, and in terms of their ability to ensure the political and economic interests of the Russian Federation.

An indicator of the maturity of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and their overcoming the most difficult period of their existence is that their development and military planning are now carried out taking into account the geopolitical needs of the Russian Federation and the principle of defense sufficiency, and not from the actual potential.

In the introductory part of the lesson, it is necessary to emphasize that over the past years after Russia gained sovereignty, the Russian Armed Forces have gone through a difficult path. They, like our country, were in the process of active reform, associated with a radical change in geopolitical conditions in the world and the formation of a renewed Russian statehood.

During the disclosure of the first question of the lesson, it is necessary to focus the attention of students on information about wars and armed conflicts of the future, which should differ significantly from today's armed clashes.

In addressing the second question, it is necessary to be guided by the provisions of the brochure “Current tasks in the development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation,” which sets out the main views of the leadership of the Ministry of Defense on the features of the development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the foreseeable future. It is recommended to talk about the upcoming changes in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and give a comprehensive vision of the main directions of development of the army and navy.

At the end of the lesson, it is necessary to draw brief conclusions on the topic being studied and answer questions from students.

1. Constitution of the Russian Federation. - M., 1993.

3. Current tasks of development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation //

4. Gordievsky A. Armed Forces of the Russian Federation // Orientir. - 2004, No. 2.

senior editor of Orientir magazine, Lieutenant Colonel
Alexander Gordievsky



Gennady PULIN


The systematic work of the country's leadership and the military department to improve the social status of military personnel has become an integral part of the reform of the army and navy of our country. Not long ago, the Ministry of Defense, in addition to previously adopted programs, approved the Social Development Strategy of the Armed Forces until 2020, which should significantly change the quality of life of military personnel and members of their families, and generally increase the attractiveness of military service. Our correspondent talks with Advisor to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Ekaterina PRIEZZHEVA about the main provisions of the social strategy.

Ekaterina Priezzheva.

Photo by Alexey MUKHIN

Ekaterina Gennadievna, in the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, the most important strategic priorities for the period until 2020 include the country’s transition to an innovative path, which sets as the main goal the achievement of leadership positions in the economy, social sphere, and ensuring the country’s security. As I understand it, these plans will also be taken into account by the military department?

To effectively counter modern challenges and threats, we need a mobile, compact and highly professional army. In other words, we need an innovative army - an army that is one of the five best armies in the world, including in terms of basic socio-economic indicators.

What were the main priorities of this strategy?

At the center of the Social Development Strategy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the person and the satisfaction of his needs in the most important areas of social development. Among them are culture and sports, education, medicine, safety of military service, housing issues, allowances, wages and pensions, social protection.

We have a clear understanding of what we want to achieve in each of these areas and how to do it.

How difficult was it to develop the strategy?

I had to work hard. At the system level, adopted national and sectoral concepts and strategies, federal target programs and national projects were studied, the experience of strategic management of the social sphere in the defense departments of NATO countries was analyzed, as well as dissertations prepared over the past 10 years related to the social development of the Armed Forces.

At the request of the ministry, a large-scale sociological study was carried out, which made it possible to comprehensively assess the current state of the military-social sphere and identify key directions for its reform. The survey of military personnel, civilian personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families also helped us a lot.

At the development stage, the strategy materials were openly discussed and found support not only within the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, but also among the majority of state and public organizations that defend the interests of military personnel and citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families. Including the Defense Committee of the State Duma, the Defense and Security Committee of the Federation Council, the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Public Council under the Ministry of Defense, veterans' organizations, and the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers.

The strategy defines not only the general goal, objectives, expected results, but also principles, stages, a set of main activities, necessary conditions, risks and a mechanism for monitoring the implementation of the strategy.

Ekaterina Gennadievna, who will benefit from the implementation of this strategy?

The goal of the strategy is to improve the lives of military families.

Photo by Leonid YAKUTIN

The strategy clearly identifies the main categories that social transformations are aimed at - military personnel (serving under conscription and contract), civilian personnel, citizens discharged from military service, members of their families, including the most socially vulnerable categories - children, veterans , families who have lost their breadwinner.

The strategy not only sets the vector of social development of the Armed Forces, but also determines what exactly each of these categories will receive in the most important areas of social development.

Very specifically, taking into account Russian and foreign experience, the criteria for achieving the general goal and objectives are defined, as well as evaluation indicators and an algorithm for their calculation.

They were determined on the basis of similar targets of leading foreign defense departments (for example, the “proportion of healthy military personnel” indicator of 90% corresponds to the indicator of NATO armies), legal requirements (for example, training of government civil servants 30%); best global practice (for example, the level of satisfaction with the quality of social services is 90%).

Behind each indicator is a program or set of program activities that ensure the achievement of the specified target values.

These programs, as I understand it, are divided into temporary stages?

Absolutely right. The implementation of the strategy is expected in three stages, which correspond to the stages of implementation of the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation: 2008-2012; 2013-2017; 2018-2020.

Ekaterina Gennadievna, what are the guarantees for the implementation of such grandiose plans?

Still at the development stage in social strategy a fundamentally important component was laid down, on which the success of the implementation of the developed strategy largely depends - a clear mechanism for monitoring its implementation.

Among other control measures, it is planned to organize a monitoring system that will allow tracking the implementation of indicators that characterize the achievement of the general goal and the solution of strategy objectives.

We are also planning to create a special working body - the Commission for the Implementation of the Strategy, which will include representatives of the main stakeholders, including government bodies of the Russian Federation, public and scientific organizations.

For the first time, civil society will be able to take part in monitoring the implementation of activities and programs that ensure the implementation of the strategy. The army is becoming truly open.

It is obvious that the adoption of this strategy is only the beginning of a large and complex work on the implementation of specific programs aimed at achieving the set goals:

Already today, the Ministry of Defense has begun to form the first stage of departmental target programs aimed at implementing the strategy. These programs will subsequently be included in the Report on the results and main activities of the Ministry of Defense for 2009-2011.

We understand that much remains to be done in order to bring the Armed Forces to a fundamentally new level of social development that meets the new tasks assigned to the Russian Ministry of Defense. But we are ready for such large-scale work.

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At an extended meeting of the State Council on February 8 this year, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, speaking about the choice of Russia’s future path, stated the need to develop a long-term strategy for the period until 2020. The only realistic strategy for innovative development is one that is based on one of our main competitive advantages - the realization of human potential. The result should be Russia's entry into the ranks of world leaders. This path is ambitious and will require maximum efforts from all institutions of society, but we have no alternative. We are moving from a period of survival to a period of development. The goal is to achieve fundamental changes in the economy and social sphere of the country, to achieve a qualitative improvement in life.
The Armed Forces cannot stand aside and must join in the fulfillment of the task set by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.
To effectively counter modern challenges and threats, we need a mobile, compact and highly professional army. In other words, we need a new type of Armed Forces, an army that is one of the five best armies in the world, including in terms of basic socio-economic indicators.
This is the first time such a task has been posed to the army.
At the direction of Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, back in July 2007, the Social Development Strategy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 was developed. Its main goal is to meet the social needs of military personnel, civilian personnel, as well as citizens discharged from military service and members of their families, which will help strengthen the country's defense capability and develop human capital.
Achieving this goal necessitates the need to solve the problems of improving culture and leisure, physical education and sports, information and trade and consumer services for military personnel, civilian personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families; preserving and strengthening the health of military personnel, civilian personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families; improving the security of military service; improving the living conditions of military families; increasing the size and improving the quality of the provision of monetary allowances to military personnel, wages for civilian personnel and pensions for citizens discharged from military service; ensuring social protection of military personnel, civilian personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families.
There are three important points here. The first is the priority of tasks. Of course, from the point of view of today's problems, the order should be different: salary, housing, etc. However, in the long term, we must prioritize the comprehensive development of the individual - culturally, physically and professionally. Therefore, for the first time, the priority task has been to improve culture, leisure, sports, everyday life, etc. At the same time, all problems are solved comprehensively.
The second is the task of ensuring social protection. It is integrative because it systematically includes elements of other tasks. Its highlighting was done in order to focus targeted attention on the most socially vulnerable groups, which was done for the first time.
Third - for the first time, the results of the implementation of the Strategy are presented in the form of specific target values. They are justified by similar indicators of social development of the armies of leading states, as well as by logic and expert assessments.
And one more important circumstance. Currently, on behalf of the President of Russia, the Concept of socio-economic development of Russia until 2020 is being prepared. All tasks that are identified as the main ones in the Social Development Strategy of the Armed Forces are priority areas in the national Concept.
What should be the results of the implementation of the Strategy by 2020?
Contract military personnel become the country's middle class; the salary of a soldier (sailor) of the first tariff category will exceed the average salary in the country by 25 percent.
Military pensions will amount to 80 percent of the monetary allowance.
The share of military personnel entitled to housing and recognized as in need of housing will be reduced to 5 percent, and the amount of compensation for rented housing will increase to the market value of rent.
Military medicine will reach world standards, and the proportion of military personnel who have no diseases (virtually healthy) will be 90 percent or more. Every second serviceman will have a sports rank.
Military personnel will receive a high-quality education that is competitive in the labor market, and the share of upgraded officers and government civil servants will be 33 percent of each category.
All military personnel will have access to the Internet, and in each barracks (dormitory) in the area of ​​​​intermittent reception there will be satellite television or a cable television network.
It is planned that for the first time all social services will be available to everyone in full, regardless of the place of military service, and all results can be realistically measured. This will ensure an increase in the prestige and attractiveness of military service, staffing levels, professionalism, combat readiness, and ultimately will help strengthen the country's defense capability.
The criteria for achieving the general goal for the Armed Forces as a whole will be 100 percent fulfillment of the stated tasks and an increase in personnel satisfaction with professional performance to 90 percent or more.
And one more important point. For the first time, civil society will be able to take part in monitoring the implementation of activities and programs that ensure the implementation of the Strategy. The army is becoming truly open. And this is a different, at a different qualitative level, system for managing the social development of the Armed Forces, requiring dedication from each military control body, from each serviceman in achieving their goals.
One of the conditions for the successful implementation of the Strategy is the maximum degree of participation of government authorities at all levels, as well as civil society.
The adoption of this Strategy is only the beginning of a large and complex work. The main thing is the implementation of specific programs that determine the content of each task.

I. General provisions
The Social Development Strategy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Strategy) is a set of modern views, targets, principles and priorities in the activities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation1, other federal government bodies and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of social development of the Armed Forces.
The legal basis of the Strategy is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, as well as international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring military security and social development.
The strategy is an integral part of the national security system and socio-economic development of the Russian Federation as a whole and is focused on implementing transformations in these areas carried out in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020.
The Strategy develops the relevant provisions of the Military Doctrine, the Concept of National Security of the Russian Federation and the Strategy for the Construction and Development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation until 2020, and specifies, in relation to the military-social sphere, the provisions of the Concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, taking into account national interests in the field of defense and social development.
The provisions of the Strategy are based on a comprehensive assessment of the state of the military-social sphere and a forecast of its development, on a scientifically based determination of objective needs and real opportunities for ensuring the social development of the Armed Forces, as well as on a systematic analysis of the content and nature of the problems under consideration, domestic and foreign experience of military social construction.
The provisions of the Strategy are the basis for constructive interaction between government bodies of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, entrepreneurs and public associations to ensure a comprehensive solution to the problems of social development of the Armed Forces.
The strategy defines the general goal, objectives, expected results, principles of implementation, stages and priorities, a set of main activities, necessary conditions, risks and a mechanism for monitoring the social development of the Armed Forces.
The provisions of the Strategy can be clarified and supplemented taking into account changes in the military-political and socio-economic situation, the nature, scale and content of social problems, conditions for the construction, development and use of the state’s military organization, and also be specified in instructions on the social development of the Armed Forces and in other documents on issues of ensuring military security and social development of the Russian Federation.
II. Main problems of the military-social sphere

The construction and development of the Armed Forces at the present stage is aimed at achieving new qualitative indicators in the field of increasing combat readiness and ensuring the country's defense capability, protecting its political and economic interests, as well as the social security of the military personnel themselves and their family members.
Modernization of key components of the formation and functioning of the Armed Forces, including recruitment, professional training of personnel, technical equipment and material support, places new demands on the entire military-social sphere and the direction of social development of the Armed Forces.
Recently, the state has been paying increasing attention to the issues of social development of the Armed Forces, increasing the level of social security of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families. At the same time, many problems in the military-social sphere remain unresolved, including those arising from the new tasks of military development.
Thus, the size of the monetary allowance of military personnel and the wages of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces and the trends in their changes cause increased social tension, a decrease in motivation for military service, and an outflow of personnel, especially young specialists. The average growth rate of monetary income of military families is 1.2 times lower, and the share of military families with monetary income per family member less than the subsistence level is 1.6 times higher than in the Russian Federation as a whole. As a result, over 60 percent of military personnel are not satisfied with their financial situation.
The imperfection of the existing system for calculating military pensions leads to an increase in the gap between the growth rate of pension provision for persons who served in military service and the monetary allowance of military personnel.
The housing problem is acute. Over 122 thousand military personnel and members of their families are in need of housing. Almost thirty percent of the families of officers and warrant officers are not provided with official housing. About 40 percent of military personnel are not satisfied with their living conditions. main reason This is the lack of own housing. Military families have been on a waiting list for housing for five to six years. Monetary compensation for subletting (renting) housing to military personnel does not fully cover their actual costs for these purposes throughout the territory of the deployment of military units and institutions of the Ministry of Defense. The unresolved housing problem of military personnel leads to their early dismissal from military service and reduces the attractiveness of the military profession.
More than half of military personnel are not satisfied with the availability, completeness and quality of medical services and medical care in general. More than a quarter of military personnel note the deterioration of the material and technical base of military medical institutions and the lack of modern medical equipment. A third of military personnel and more than 40 percent of civilian personnel are faced with a lack of necessary medicines and medicines, as well as inflated prices for them. A system of medical and psychological rehabilitation of certain categories of military personnel after they have completed complex and dangerous training and combat missions has not yet been formed and is not functioning. Less than half of military personnel assess their health as satisfactory, which indicates that measures to prevent diseases and protect the health of military personnel are insufficient.
The conditions for military service do not comply with state standards, norms and safety requirements, as a result of which every year in the Armed Forces there is a high level of death and injury to military personnel while performing their military service duties.
The level of military professional training of military personnel continues to decline. The system of military professional guidance for youth is ineffective, and the network of military educational institutions is suboptimal and highly costly. The outdated educational and material base and the insufficient level of scientific and pedagogical potential of most military universities reduce the quality of training of graduates. More than 45 percent of them complete their studies “satisfactorily,” and about 15 percent are expelled during their studies or in the first years of military service.
The system of additional professional education does not meet modern requirements either. The lack of interest of military personnel in improving their qualifications has led to the fact that more than 30 percent of officers do not meet the requirements for their military positions. The proportion of military personnel with advanced class qualifications remains consistently low.
In the Armed Forces, there is a low level of satisfaction with the quality and accessibility of the cultural, leisure and information services provided. Many cultural services remain unavailable in remote and closed military camps. At the same time, the opportunities provided by the global information network Internet are not used effectively. The material and technical support of cultural and leisure institutions is at an extremely low level. Only eight percent of them are equipped with modern technical means (film distribution, sound broadcasting, etc.), about half of the institutions are in disrepair and require major repairs. In military libraries, up to 80 percent of the book stock is out of date. As a consequence of the current situation, the cultural, leisure and information services provided do not meet the growing needs of military personnel, civilian personnel and members of their families, and a significant portion of military personnel have virtually no opportunity to fill their free time with cultural leisure.
The results of inspections of military units and military educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense indicate a low level of physical fitness of military personnel serving both conscript and contract. Thus, the average level of physical fitness of military personnel in 12 percent of departments and military units that participated in these inspections is assessed as “unsatisfactory”, in 65.5 percent - only as “satisfactory”. Among graduates of military educational institutions of vocational education in 2007, every fifth received unsatisfactory grades, almost every second was rated only “satisfactory.” Young officers not only have weak methodological skills in conducting training sessions, but they themselves are not physically prepared enough.
At military trade enterprises, in many cases, there is an insufficient range of goods and services sold, as well as higher prices for certain types of them in comparison with other trading organizations. This leads to dissatisfaction among military personnel and their family members with the quality of commercial and consumer services provided.
Citizens discharged from military service, as well as members of their families, experience difficulties in social adaptation to the conditions of civilian life. The ever-growing need of discharged military personnel for retraining in civilian specialties and assistance in finding employment is not fully satisfied.
The continuation of the negative trends that have developed in the social sphere of the Armed Forces may entail:
in the near future - a deterioration in the moral and psychological state of military personnel, a decrease in the level of military discipline, a significant decrease in the prestige and attractiveness of military education, increased social tension in the families of military personnel, an increase in the number of emergency incidents associated with the death of military personnel in peacetime;
in the medium term - an increase in the number of people being dismissed before the expiration of their service life (contract), a lack of people willing to enter into contracts, to enter military educational institutions, Suvorov and Nakhimov military schools and cadet corps, a decrease in the staffing of military units and institutions to a critical level;
in the long term - a decrease in the combat effectiveness and combat readiness of the Armed Forces below a critical level, increasing the threat of loss of sovereignty and territorial integrity of Russia.
To radically improve the state of the military-social sphere, it is necessary to implement a system of long-term government measures. For these purposes, the Social Development Strategy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 has been developed.
III. General goal and objectives
The general goal of the Strategy is to meet the social needs of military personnel, civilian personnel, as well as citizens discharged from military service and members of their families, which will help strengthen the country’s defense capability and develop human capital.
As part of achieving the general goal of the Strategy, it is planned to solve the following tasks:
1. Improving culture and leisure, physical education and sports, information and trade and consumer services for military personnel, civilian personnel of the Armed Forces, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families;

IV. Expected results
By 2020, in Russia, in accordance with the Concept of long-term socio-economic development, a sustainable increase in the well-being of Russian citizens, strengthening of national security and dynamic economic development should be ensured, which will allow the country to become one of the leaders - the top five leading countries in the world.
In this regard, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, in terms of the most important socio-economic indicators, need to reach the level of the best armies in the world, which is inextricably linked with the consistent introduction of innovations, a significant increase in investments in human capital and the formation of effective institutions of civilian control over the state of the military-social sphere and the achievement of the necessary level of well-being.
For determining the main final socially significant results of the implementation of the Strategy by 2020 The following system of indicators is used:
indicators of achieving the general goal:
increasing the social development index of the Armed Forces (the share of task indicators for which target values ​​have been achieved among all task indicators) to 100 percent;
increasing satisfaction of military personnel with professional service activities to a level of 90 percent or more;
increasing satisfaction of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces with professional service activities and work to a level of 90 percent or more;
problem solving indicators:
1) in terms of improving culture and leisure, physical education and sports, information and trade and consumer services for military personnel, civilian personnel of the Armed Forces, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families:
culture and leisure:

increasing the share of free time of military personnel, civilian personnel of the Armed Forces and members of their families engaged in the consumption of cultural services, up to 30 percent or more;
increasing the provision of military personnel, civilian personnel of the Armed Forces and members of their families with cultural and leisure institutions, regardless of the location of formations and military units, to 100 percent (in accordance with the provision standards established by the Ministry of Defense);
establishing full (100 percent) compliance of cultural and leisure institutions and the services they provide with standards, norms and rules in this area;
increasing the satisfaction of military personnel with the quality and availability of services provided in the field of culture and leisure to a level of 90 percent or more;
physical education and sports:
increasing the proportion of military personnel who passed the standards for physical training as “good” and “excellent” to a level of 90 percent or more;
increasing the proportion of military personnel with a sports rank to 50 percent or more;
increasing the proportion of military personnel involved in physical education and sports for at least 5 hours a week in their free time from military service, up to 100 percent;
increasing the provision of military units, military educational institutions of vocational education, organizations of the Armed Forces with sports facilities to 100 percent (in accordance with the standards established by the Ministry of Defense);
increasing the share of sports facilities provided with sports property, equipment and inventory in accordance with the requirements of the Ministry of Defense, up to 100 percent;
increasing the satisfaction of military personnel with the organization of the system of physical training and sports in the Armed Forces to a level of 90 percent or more;
information service:
providing all military personnel with access to the Internet;
increasing the provision of Internet access in all libraries of cultural and leisure centers (Officers' Houses) (at the rate of one subscriber point per 100 readers);
ensuring the reception of television and radio signals by satellite receiving complexes or cable network in all dormitories and barracks for personnel;
increasing satisfaction of military personnel and civilian personnel with the availability and quality of information services to a level of 90 percent or more;

establishing full (100 percent) compliance of retail and household enterprises and the services they provide with standards, norms and rules in this area;
providing all military units with a package of services from commercial and household enterprises in accordance with the requirements established by the Ministry of Defense;
ensuring in trade and household enterprises of the Ministry of Defense prices for goods and services at a level of 15-20 percent lower than regional ones (subject to compliance with the established level of quality);
achieving satisfaction of military consumers with the organization of trade, public catering and everyday life at a level of 90 percent or more;
2) in terms of professional education and training of military personnel and state civil servants:
achieving compliance of the level of professional education and qualifications of military personnel with the qualification requirements for the military position held for 100 percent of the officer corps;
increasing the share of officers improving their qualifications by 3.8 times (up to 33 percent of the total number of officers in the Armed Forces);
bringing the share of officers undergoing professional retraining to 5.5 percent;
increasing the share of military personnel performing military service under a contract and having the right to receive advanced class qualifications to 65 percent;
achieving compliance of the level of professional education and qualifications of state civil servants with the qualification requirements for the position to be filled for 100 percent of state civil servants;
bringing the share of state civil servants who have improved their qualifications to 33 percent;
increasing satisfaction of military personnel and government civil servants with the quality and availability of educational services to a level of 90 percent or more;
3) in terms of medical and sanatorium-resort provision:
increasing the proportion of military personnel who have no diseases or have some deviations in health without a tendency to progress and do not have any effect on performance, to a level of 90 percent or more;
reducing the proportion of military personnel with chronic diseases without impairment or with minor impairment of the functions of organs and systems that do not reduce performance to 5 percent;
reducing the proportion of military personnel with chronic diseases with moderate or severe dysfunction of organs and systems that reduce their performance to 5 percent;
raising the average age of officers declared unfit for military service for health reasons to 45.6 years;
increasing the provision of sanatorium-resort treatment and organized recreation for people who need it for medical reasons to a level of 90 percent or more;
providing 100 percent medical and psychological rehabilitation and organized rest for certain categories of military personnel after they have completed tasks that adversely affect their health (flight personnel, duty forces of the Navy, Strategic Missile Forces, Air Force, Airborne Forces, etc.);
ensuring the full (100 percent) allocation of the established quota for preferential vouchers to military sanatoriums for civilian personnel of the Armed Forces;
increasing the proportion of large families receiving free sanatorium and resort treatment to 100 percent;
increasing the satisfaction of military personnel with the quality and availability of medical and health resort services to a level of 90 percent or more;
increasing satisfaction with the quality of recreation for military children in children's health camps to a level of 90 percent or more;
increasing satisfaction with the quality of services in departmental preschool educational institutions to a level of 90 percent or more;
4) in terms of increasing the security of military service:
reduction in the death of military personnel by more than 3.8 times, which per 1 thousand military personnel will be less than 0.17 people;
reduction of injuries with labor losses by 3 times, which is less than 5 people per 1 thousand military personnel;
creating conditions for military service at the level of the best world security standards;
increasing satisfaction of military personnel with the safety conditions of military service to a level of 90 percent or more;
5) regarding housing provision:
providing the families of all military personnel eligible for permanent housing with appropriate living quarters;
providing the families of all military personnel entitled to receive service housing with appropriate premises;
reducing the share of military personnel who have the right to housing and are recognized as in need of housing to 5 percent of the total number of military personnel serving under contract;
increasing the amount of monetary compensation to military personnel and members of their families for subletting (renting) housing to the market value of rent;
increasing the satisfaction of military personnel with the solution to the housing problem and the provision of services in the housing and communal services sector to a level of 90 percent or more;
6) in terms of monetary allowances for military personnel, wages of civilian personnel and pensions of citizens discharged from military service and members of their families:
an excess of military allowances by 25 percent compared to the average wages of workers in the country's economic sectors;
achieving 80 percent of the pensions of citizens discharged from military service from the amount of pay for military personnel;
ensuring equality of the average wages of civilian personnel of military units and organizations financed from the federal budget, and the average wages of workers in sectors of the country’s economy;
increasing the share of salary payments to military personnel made without violating established deadlines to 100 percent;
increasing the share of wage payments to civilian personnel of the Armed Forces made without violating established deadlines to 100 percent;
increasing the share of pension payments to citizens discharged from military service, made without violating the established deadlines, to 100 percent;
increasing the share of insurance payments and one-time benefits to family members of military personnel who died while performing military service duties, made without violating the established deadlines, to 100 percent;
7) in terms of ensuring social protection of military personnel, civilian personnel of the Armed Forces, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families:
increasing the completeness and accessibility of information on social guarantees and compensation (all information on social guarantees and compensation should be posted on the website of the Ministry of Defense within 10 working days from the date of adoption/change of the relevant regulatory legal acts);
increasing satisfaction of military personnel with the provision of social guarantees and compensation to a level of 90 percent or more;


eliminating poverty among families of military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces with children;
coverage of pupils of military units and children of military personnel with various forms of recreation and recreation at the level of 75 percent or more;
increasing the share of those enrolled in military educational institutions of vocational education among students of military units and children of military personnel with secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education to a level of 60 percent or more;
increasing satisfaction with the availability and quality of services (medical, sanatorium-resort, cultural and leisure, etc.) provided to children of military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces, as well as students of military units, to a level of 90 percent or more;
increasing the share of graduates of the Suvorov military, Nakhimov naval, Moscow military music schools and cadet corps of the Ministry of Defense who entered military educational institutions to a level of 90 percent or more;
military veterans:
eliminating poverty among military veterans;
increasing the provision of sanatoriums
resort treatment and necessary medical care for veterans of the Great Patriotic War and military operations who need them for medical reasons, up to 70 percent or more;
full (100 percent) coverage of veterans of the Great Patriotic War and military operations with annual medical examinations;
ensuring timely, correct and complete payments of pensions, compensation payments and monthly benefits to veterans of military service;

eliminating poverty for families of military personnel who have lost their breadwinner;
ensuring the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of payments of survivors' pensions, compensation payments and monthly benefits, as well as payment for travel of family members to the place of burial (burial) of a military personnel;
coverage of families of deceased military personnel with all forms of recreation and recreation at the level of 75 percent or more;
providing all families of military personnel who have lost their breadwinner and need improved living conditions with appropriate housing;
increasing the satisfaction of family members of deceased military personnel with the provision of social guarantees and compensation to a level of 90 percent or more;
wives (husbands) of military personnel:
increasing the proportion of military wives (husbands) studying in higher and secondary vocational education programs via correspondence or distance learning at universities to 15 percent or more;
social adaptation:
reducing the unemployment rate among citizens discharged from military service to the level of general unemployment in the country and below;
increasing the proportion of conscripted military personnel who received a civilian profession during their service with the issuance of a state-issued document on primary vocational education, to 2 percent or more;
increasing the share of military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (with the exception of officers), whose continuous duration of military service under a contract is at least three years, who have exercised the right of non-competitive admission and who are studying in state and municipal educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education on a part-time basis ( evening) or correspondence courses, up to 5 percent or more;
increasing the share of military personnel who have served for at least twenty years under a contract, received a civilian specialty through professional retraining and are employed in a civilian specialty, to 40 percent or more;
increasing the satisfaction of conscripted military personnel who received a civilian profession during military service with the quality and availability of training to a level of 90 percent or more.
Implementation of the Strategy will ensure the satisfaction of the social needs of military personnel, civilian personnel, citizens discharged from military service, as well as members of their families.
As a result, military personnel will receive decent pay, housing, quality education that is competitive in the labor market, medical, cultural, social, information and other social services, regardless of the place of military service.
Civilian personnel of the Armed Forces will have the opportunity to earn at the level of workers in similar professions in the civilian sector of the economy, undergo treatment in the system of military medical institutions, and regularly improve their skills.
Veterans of military service will receive a decent pension, amounting to at least 80 percent of the salary for their last military position, as well as the opportunity to fully use the system of military medical institutions.
Members of military families will have the opportunity to fulfill cultural, educational and everyday needs at the level of the best world standards anywhere in the Russian Federation.
Families who have lost their breadwinner will receive a decent insurance payment, the opportunity for free recreational activities for children and for them to receive higher or secondary vocational education.
The result The implementation of the Strategy will be the achievement of a qualitatively new level of social development of the Armed Forces, corresponding to similar parameters of the five best armies in the world and meeting increased requirements both for personnel (to the level of their professional, physical, psychological and intellectual preparation), and for the effectiveness of military personnel in performing their professional tasks to protect the political and economic interests of the Russian Federation. This will help strengthen the country’s defense capability, develop human capital, and form a highly professional corps of military personnel who are role models for young people and the pride of the country’s population.
V. Implementation principles
The implementation of the Strategy is based on the following main principles:
legality, which implies:
strict, accurate and unwavering compliance with the requirements of current legislation by all participants in the Strategy activities;
a uniform understanding of the requirements of military-social legislation by all government and military authorities, officials, as well as military personnel, civilian personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families;
the inadmissibility of contrasting legality and expediency;
consistency, implying that all areas of social development of the Armed Forces are considered in their interrelation;
targeting, which obliges to take into account the needs and requests of a particular person during the implementation of the Strategy;
publicity and openness, requiring objective coverage in the media of the content of the Strategy and control of the process of its implementation by civil society. This will help to increase the accountability of military command and control bodies, the predictability of military-social policy and the timely introduction of necessary adjustments to the activities of the Strategy;
correspondence level provided to military personnel and civilian personnel social guarantees needs ensuring military security and resource capabilities states. This principle means the implementation of needs in the military-social sphere, taking into account the level of development of the national economy;
priority and consistency of directions for development of the military-social sphere. This involves selecting specific activities of the Strategy and establishing the sequence of their implementation based on the tasks of the corresponding stage of development of the state and the Armed Forces, as well as the emerging military-political and socio-economic situation;
Focus on key stakeholders:
President of the Russian Federation, Government of the Russian Federation- orientation of the Strategy towards making a contribution to the achievement of priority goals of the country’s socio-economic development, determined the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation;
recipients of social guarantees, compensation, services
- inclusion of indicators of recipients’ satisfaction with the quality and availability of services in various areas of social development of the Armed Forces, which will make it possible not only to monitor the dynamics of the values ​​of these indicators, but also to identify the main causes of dissatisfaction and, as a result, determine measures to eliminate them;
military personnel and civilian personnel of the Russian Federation participating in the implementation of the Strategy- inclusion of indicators of satisfaction of military personnel with professional work activities and satisfaction of civilian personnel with work;
public organizations- explicitly identifying the main categories (military personnel, family members of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, veterans of military service, etc.), whose interests these organizations represent, and determining the results for these categories that will be obtained as part of the implementation of the Strategy;
focus on identifying, studying and using the best world practices with the aim of systematically improving the organizational and legal mechanisms of social development of the Armed Forces;
focus on effective interaction within the framework of the implementation of the Strategy between the structural divisions of the Ministry of Defense, between the Ministry, federal agencies subordinate to it, branches and types of troops, military districts, fleets, with other federal executive authorities, authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and authorities local government, with organizations of the commercial and non-profit sectors of the economy, as well as the ministries of defense of other countries and international organizations in order to combine efforts and experience to achieve the general goal and solve the objectives of the Strategy;
application of the program-target method as part of the implementation of the Strategy. This principle means that in all areas of the Strategy implementation a set of programs will be developed to ensure the achievement of the general goal and solution of the Strategy’s objectives. For each program, expected results and target indicators characterizing the degree of their achievement, a list of program activities, as well as an appropriate program implementation management system will be determined.
VI. Stages and priorities
The implementation of the Strategy is expected to be carried out in three stages.
first stage - 2008 - 2012;
second stage - 2013 - 2017;
third stage - 2018 - 2020.
Social development priorities of the Armed Forces include:
at the first stage (until 2012):

increasing the pay of military personnel to 95 percent compared to the average wage of workers in the country's economic sectors;
providing permanent and service housing to all military personnel eligible and in need of it;
optimization of the military-social infrastructure and bringing it into line with state standards, norms and requirements established in the relevant field;
increasing satisfaction of military personnel with the availability and quality of services in the military-social sphere to a level of 50 percent or more.
at the second stage (2013 - 2017):
increasing the pay of military personnel to 110 percent compared to the average wage of workers in the country's economic sectors;
providing housing to military personnel through a savings-mortgage system (up to 100 percent of those who have expressed a desire to receive a mortgage loan for an apartment or 80 percent of those eligible to receive a targeted housing loan);
providing housing to all military personnel who acquire the right to housing in the year of dismissal;
increasing the quality and efficiency of the activities of social sphere organizations of the Armed Forces to a level exceeding the corresponding parameters of the functioning of social sphere organizations of the civilian sector;
increasing the satisfaction of military personnel with the availability and quality of services in the military-social sphere to a level of 70 percent or more.
at the third stage (2018 - 2020):
increasing the pay of military personnel to 125 percent compared to the average wage of workers in the country's economic sectors;
reducing the period for providing housing to military personnel recognized as needing improved housing conditions to three years;
completion of the transition to providing military personnel with housing according to service standards (from 60 to 250 square meters per family), taking into account military rank and military position;
improving the quality and efficiency of the activities of social organizations of the Armed Forces to the level of the best world standards;
increasing satisfaction of military personnel with the availability and quality of services in the military-social sphere to a level of 90 percent or more.
VII. Set of main activities
Achieving the general goal and solving the objectives of the Strategy will be ensured through the implementation of a set of specific activities.
1) Improving culture and leisure, physical education and sports, information, trade and consumer services for military personnel and citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families:
culture and leisure:

introduction in all formations and military units of a guaranteed list of cultural and leisure services determined by the Ministry of Defense;
development of all forms of service provision in the field of culture and leisure (theater and concert, museum, library, film and video services, services of dance floors and discos, game rooms/halls, clubs) for military personnel, civilian personnel and members of their families, regardless of places of deployment of formations and military units;
promoting the development of amateur artistic creativity among military personnel, members of their families and civilian personnel;
organizing and holding competitions, shows and festivals of amateur art;
interaction with civil cultural institutions and creative associations;
organization and holding of joint cultural and patronage events;
training, retraining and advanced training of managers and specialists (workers) in the field of cultural and leisure work of the Armed Forces;
modernization of the material and technical base, carrying out current and major repairs, ensuring fire and explosion safety of cultural institutions of the Ministry of Defense;
physical education and sports:
development of promotion of a healthy lifestyle;
studying the physical education and sports interests of military personnel;
training commanders and sports organizers in methods of conducting educational and training work;
organizing and conducting sports work among all categories of military personnel, taking into account their physical education and sports interests, helping to strengthen sports traditions;
holding sports performance reviews;
construction of new and reconstruction of existing sports facilities, carrying out current and major repairs of physical training and sports facilities;
provision of facilities with sports property, equipment and supplies;
Information Support:
equipping dormitories, barracks, libraries of cultural and leisure centers (Officers' Houses) with Internet access points;
providing military units with periodicals;
equipping dormitories (barracks) for personnel with satellite receiving systems and a cable network for high-quality reception of television and radio signals;
providing military units with a stable on-air signal;
transition of Ministry of Defense newspapers to an 8-page format and color printing.
trade and consumer services:
organization of trade support, public catering and consumer services for military personnel, civilian personnel of the Armed Forces, members of their families in places of military service (work), residence and in the field;
development of the military trade system, including:
improving the quality and expanding the range of goods and services;
improving the professional level of trade, public catering, and consumer services workers;
development of the material and technical base of military trade by creating a new type of enterprises (shopping and leisure centers, minimarkets, cafes with a range of leisure services, consumer services factories with a range of services), carrying out major and current repairs of existing facilities, replacing and updating outdated trade and technological and refrigeration equipment;
carrying out a pricing policy to curb price increases at military trade enterprises by monitoring prices, analyzing their relationship with the commercial sector, as well as eliminating emerging price imbalances;
formation of a single information system military trade;
providing targeted assistance and discounts on purchased goods, products and services to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military personnel undergoing treatment in military medical institutions, and some other categories of consumers.
2) Improving professional education and training of military personnel and state civil servants:
military personnel:

improving the professional selection system;
optimization of the network of military educational institutions;
improving the educational and material base of military educational institutions;
increasing the scientific and pedagogical potential of military educational institutions;
achieving compliance of the level of military professional training of graduates of military educational institutions with modern requirements;
improving the organizational and economic mechanisms for managing the military education system;
improving the system of additional professional education for military personnel;
providing targeted support to military educational institutions that are introducing innovative training programs;
providing targeted support to the best teachers, doctoral students, adjuncts, students and cadets of military universities;
licensing and accreditation of military training units for training military personnel undergoing military service under conscription, according to initial vocational education programs;
improvement of programs, combat training courses and other regulatory legal documents for assigning class qualifications;
creation of a distance learning system in all garrisons and places of compact residence of military personnel;
state civil servants:
advanced training and professional retraining of federal civil servants of the Ministry of Defense.
3) Preserving and strengthening the health of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families, as well as civilian personnel:
prevention, diagnosis, treatment of current classes of diseases: HIV infection, tuberculosis, cardiovascular, dental diseases, etc.;
development of a system of medical examination and promotion of a healthy lifestyle in the Armed Forces;
maintaining and strengthening the physical and mental health of military personnel of the Armed Forces;
provision of high-tech medical care;
providing sanatorium-resort treatment and organized recreation to persons who need it for medical reasons;
providing preferential sanatorium and resort treatment to civilian personnel;
development of a system of medical and psychological rehabilitation and organized recreation for certain categories of military personnel after they have completed tasks that adversely affect their health (flight personnel, duty forces of the Navy, Strategic Missile Forces, Air Force, Airborne Forces, etc.);
providing free sanatorium and resort treatment to large families;
organization of recreational activities for children of military personnel;
development of preschool education for military children;
improving the material and technical base of military medical units, units and institutions, as well as military sanatoriums and rest homes.
4) Increasing the security of military service:
creation and organization of the functioning of a unified information, analytical and methodological center (body) for ensuring the security of military service in the Armed Forces, coordinating activities to provide UAVs, as well as collecting, analyzing, assessing UAV threats and developing unified scientific and methodological support;
identifying the best Russian and foreign experience in the field of military service security;
development and improvement of standards, norms and security requirements for military service;
organizational and technical measures to ensure the safety of military service, involving:
creation and equipment of military service safety training grounds in military units (military educational institutions of vocational education);
classroom equipment for conducting safety training ( teaching aids, posters, etc.);
equipping corners on safety requirements in military units with visual aids (canteens, boiler rooms, car parks, etc.);
prevention of injuries during military service;
prevention of road traffic accidents and accidents during the operation of vehicles;
prevention of suicide incidents.
5) Improving the living conditions of military families:
construction of housing to provide military families eligible for permanent housing;
development of a savings and mortgage system for housing provision for military personnel;
formation of a service housing stock for the staffing level of the Armed Forces at the location of military units;
providing military personnel and members of their families living with them with residential premises rented at the expense of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in the absence of a service housing fund;
providing military personnel with compensation for subletting (renting) housing in full, taking into account family composition and housing standards;
fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing for “categories of citizens established by federal legislation” (within the framework of the federal target program “Housing” for 2002 - 2010).
6) Increasing the size and improving the quality of the provision of monetary allowances to military personnel, wages to civilian personnel and pensions to citizens discharged from military service:
bringing the monetary allowances of military personnel and the wages of civilian personnel to a level that meets the importance of these types of work in the field of ensuring the country's defense capability, taking into account all factors of complexity and danger of labor, including class qualifications, and creating high competitiveness in the labor market;
establishing pension amounts for military personnel, including veterans, at a level that meets the goals of achieving social attractiveness and matching the complexity of military service;
implementation of insurance payments and uniform
temporary benefits to family members of military personnel who died while performing military service duties;
introduction of mandatory control over the timeliness, correctness and completeness of payments (accrual and receipt) of monetary allowances to military personnel, wages for civilian personnel, pensions, including family members of military personnel, as well as insurance payments and one-time benefits to family members of military personnel who died while performing military duties services.
7) Ensuring social protection of military personnel, civilian personnel of the Armed Forces, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families:
development and implementation of an information system for collecting and summarizing information on social guarantees and compensation for military personnel, civilian personnel of the Armed Forces, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families, posting it on the website of the Ministry of Defense;
development of a procedure for collecting, summarizing and publishing on the website of the Ministry of Defense information on social guarantees and compensation for military personnel, civilian personnel of the Armed Forces, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families;
including by priority socially significant categories:

increasing the cash income of military personnel and civilian personnel with children;
organization of recreation and health improvement for children of military personnel and civilian personnel, including in children's health camps of the Ministry of Defense;
material support (allowances) for students of military units;
organization of sanatorium-resort recreation and treatment, as well as annual medical examination of children from large families of military personnel;
development of the material and technical base, improvement of the military professional guidance system, improvement of the financial situation of civilian personnel of the Suvorov military, Nakhimov Naval, Moscow Military Music Schools and cadet corps of the Ministry of Defense;
promoting a healthy lifestyle among children and adolescents from military units, families of military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces;
development of a school and course network (clubs, studios, courses) in Officers' Houses, clubs of military units, cultural centers, etc., included in the system of military cultural institutions of the Ministry of Defense;
expanding the range of patriotic education activities, supporting the activities of public patriotic associations (clubs) of children and youth;
organizing sports and recreational activities for children and adolescents from military units, families of military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces;
preferential trade and consumer services for preschool educational institutions of the Ministry of Defense;
military veterans:
improving pension provision for military veterans;
organization of sanatorium-resort recreation and treatment, as well as annual medical examination of military service veterans;
holding cultural and cultural events for veterans (holidays, performances, shows, festivals, concerts, etc.), involving them in the patriotic education of children and youth;
providing targeted assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, including those undergoing treatment in military medical institutions;
preferential trade and consumer services for military service veterans;
payment of funeral expenses for military service veterans;
family members of military personnel who have lost their breadwinner:
making insurance payments and one-time benefits to family members of military personnel who died while performing military service duties;
increasing the size of survivors' pensions, compensation payments and monthly benefits;
payment for travel of family members to the place of burial (burial) of a serviceman;
promoting the realization of rights to improve housing conditions;
medical support;
sanatorium and resort provision;
payment for travel to and from the place of treatment;
preferential trade and consumer services;
assistance in obtaining vocational education;
referral to children's health institutions, camps and All-Russian children's centers "Orlyonok" and "Ocean";
wives (husbands) of military personnel:
organization of training for wives (husbands) of military personnel in educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, with the development of educational programs through part-time (evening) or correspondence courses, using the distance learning method;
assistance in finding employment for wives (husbands) of military personnel;
social adaptation:
creation of a network of regional military training centers that provide professional training to military personnel undergoing conscription and military service under contract and leaving military service;
the formation of a network of preparatory departments at educational institutions of higher professional education for free training of soldiers, sailors, sergeants, foremen serving under contract;
introduction of a system of state personalized educational certificates;
training in civilian professions for military personnel undergoing conscription military service during military service with the issuance of a state document on primary vocational education;
assistance to military personnel undergoing military service under a contract (with the exception of officers), whose continuous duration of military service under a contract is at least three years, in using the right of non-competitive admission and training in state and municipal educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education on a part-time basis ( evening) or correspondence courses (information, career guidance, counseling, etc.);
introduction of distance forms and methods of professional retraining in one of the civilian specialties of military personnel serving under contract for at least 20 years, in the year of dismissal from military service upon reaching the age limit for military service, expiration of military service or health status;
assistance in finding employment for citizens discharged from military service.
VIII. The necessary conditions
To achieve the general goal and solve the objectives of the Strategy, the following is required:
improvement of legislation and regulatory support for social development of the Armed Forces;
strengthening the role of innovation in the military-social sphere by creating mechanisms for identifying, studying and implementing the best domestic and world practice in the implementation of the Strategy;
development and implementation of modern mechanisms for managing the military-social sphere in the activities of the Ministry of Defense and appropriate training of personnel;
creation of an automated information system for managing the social development of the Armed Forces;
providing information support for the implementation of the Strategy;
development of public-private partnership in the military-social sphere;
ensuring financing of activities to implement the Strategy from the following main sources:
federal budget;
budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
extrabudgetary funds.
IX. Risks
Significant risks in achieving the general goal of the Strategy, solving its tasks and obtaining planned results are due to the possible negative influence of a number of factors of a military, political, social, economic and operational nature.
To the number partially manageable risks relate:
a possible significant increase in the planned time frame for coordination and approval by the Government of the Russian Federation of draft regulatory legal acts developed by the Ministry of Defense required for the implementation of the Strategy, as well as the time frame for their consideration by the State Duma. To minimize the impact of this risk, it is planned to involve the main stakeholders in their discussion at the stage of developing draft documents, who must subsequently take part in their approval;
failure to achieve synchronous interaction with federal executive authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and other interested parties. To prevent the impact of this risk, it is planned to carry out work to conclude and monitor the implementation of agreements on interaction with federal executive authorities, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and other interested parties.
Uncontrollable risks are:
rapid growth of average wages in the country compared to the growth of pay for military personnel, wages of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces and the level of pensions for persons who served in military service;
lack of production and construction capacity to ensure the implementation of the Strategy’s measures related to the construction of housing for military personnel, cultural and sports facilities, etc.;
sharp rise in housing prices;
the possibility of participation of the Armed Forces in carrying out tasks in a state of emergency or armed conflict;
legislative change in the size of the Armed Forces.
In the event of the impact of any of the above factors, it is planned to assess the scale and consequences of these factors, their impact on achieving the general goal, solving the objectives of the Strategy and obtaining the planned results, and making appropriate adjustments to the Strategy.
X. Control Mechanism
In order to ensure the implementation of the Strategy, achieve its general goal and solve problems, an appropriate control mechanism is being formed, including the following elements:
assigning responsibility for achieving the general goal, solving problems and fulfilling planned indicators for the implementation of the Strategy to the relevant main and central departments of the Ministry of Defense, as well as other military command and control bodies;
the creation in the Ministry of Defense of a working body (Commission for the Implementation of the Strategy), the main task of which will be to make key decisions related to monitoring the implementation of the Strategy. The composition of this body is expected to include representatives of all major stakeholders, including government bodies of the Russian Federation, public and scientific organizations;
creation of a monitoring system to track the implementation of indicators characterizing the achievement of the general goal and solution of the Strategy’s objectives;
annual review of the results of the implementation of the Strategy at meetings of the Board of the Ministry of Defense.
The Ministry of Defense manages the implementation of the Strategy and is responsible for the results achieved, coordinates the actions of all participants in the implementation of the Strategy, prepares, within its powers, the regulatory legal acts necessary for the implementation of the Strategy, generates reports on the implementation of the Strategy, monitors the progress of its implementation and its adjustments.
The Ministry of Defense ensures public discussion of the results of the Strategy and their presentation in the media.
The Strategy Implementation Commission coordinates and makes decisions related to monitoring the implementation of the Strategy, requiring agreement with representatives of all stakeholders, and also ensures effective interaction between all stakeholders in achieving the general goal and solving the objectives of the Strategy.
Central authorities and other military command and control bodies are responsible for and exercise control over the solution of relevant tasks and the implementation of the Strategy’s activities, form and submit reports on the results achieved.
Every year, a report on the results of the implementation of the Strategy will be submitted to the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, and the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation.

Annex 1

Notations and abbreviations
BVS- security of military service
Airborne Forces- Airborne troops
Navy- Navy
Armed forces
RF Armed Forces- Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
HPE- higher professional education
university- higher education institution
HF- Space Forces
Ministry of Defence
NGO- primary vocational education
GHS subprogram- subprogram “State housing certificates”
Strategic Missile Forces - Rocket Forces strategic purpose
mass media- mass media
SPO- secondary vocational education

Appendix 2

Military-social infrastructure- a network of organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Defense that provide services in the field of culture and leisure, mass communications, physical education and sports, healthcare, education, trade and consumer services.
Military consumers- military personnel, members of their families and the population in places of service and residence.
General goal (long-term strategic goal)- the specific state desired by the Ministry of Defense of individual characteristics of the social sphere of the Armed Forces in the long term, towards which its activities are aimed.
State social policy- a set of specific measures and activities of the state to create the most favorable conditions for realizing the social needs of priority social groups and the entire population of the country, maintaining their incomes, level of education, health care, culture, ensuring employment, security, etc.
Objective (long-term strategic objective)- specific, measurable, time-bound activities of the Ministry of Defense, aimed at achieving socially significant results required for the successful implementation of the set general (long-term strategic) goal.
Parties concerned- federal, regional and municipal executive authorities, organizations, citizens who, in accordance with the law, have an interest in the results of activities in the field of social development of the Armed Forces and who can influence the development of this area.
Social Development Index of the Armed Forces- one of the main indicators characterizing the success of the implementation of the Social Development Strategy of the Armed Forces and defined as the share of task indicators for which target values ​​have been achieved among all task indicators.
Final socially significant results- results of the implementation of the Strategy, characterizing the solution of the assigned tasks and the achievement of the established goal, incl. effects from the implementation of the Strategy for the main stakeholders (social, economic, political, military, etc.).
Control over the implementation of the Strategy- the process of monitoring, analyzing and evaluating the implementation of the Strategy within the framework of available resources, assessing the achievement of the general goal and objectives, developing and making corrective management decisions.
Monitoring- continuous process of monitoring the implementation of the Strategy.
The large family- a family with three or more children.
Immediate results- results of the implementation of the Strategy’s activities, characterizing, among other things, the quantity (volume) and quality of services provided and payments.
Program- a set of interrelated activities aimed at solving a specific problem, and described by measurable target indicators.
Living wage- cost assessment of the minimum set of food products necessary for a person, as well as expenses for non-food goods and services, taxes and obligatory payments.
Register of social indicators- a structured set of data on indicators characterizing the achievement of the general goal, the solution of problems and the results of programs for the implementation of the Social Development Strategy of the Armed Forces. The register contains key information about social indicators, including the name of the indicator, data on those responsible for achieving the indicator, the names of the corresponding goals, objectives, programs, the methodology for calculating the indicator (calculation method, initial data and sources of initial data), the target value of the indicator, the basis for its establishment, etc. The register is intended to ensure regular assessments of the social development of the Armed Forces, including the degree of implementation of the Strategy, and the adoption of timely corrective measures.
The register of social programs is a structured collection of data on programs for the implementation of the Social Development Strategy of the Armed Forces. The register reflects generalized data on the results of programs, their social spending obligations, customers, program implementers, validity periods, regulations that approved the programs, type of programs (federal target program, departmental analytical program, departmental target program). The creation of this tool will make it possible to obtain complete and holistic information on the implementation of programs, to reasonably adjust the composition, structure and content of programs in accordance with the general goal and objectives of the Strategy, and to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of their implementation.
Register of social expenditure obligations- a structured set of data on social spending obligations, enshrined in the relevant regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the powers to execute which, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are assigned to the Ministry of Defense.
Efficiency- type of measurement result
ats of activity, reflecting the degree of achievement of goals and objectives.
Risk- the likelihood of the occurrence of circumstances that impede the achievement of the general goal and the solution of the objectives of the Strategy, and the achievement of planned results.
Social spending obligations- stipulated by law, other regulatory legal act, contract or agreement, the obligations of the Russian Federation, a subject of the Russian Federation, a municipal entity to provide individuals or legal entities, state authorities, local governments receive funds from the corresponding budget for the implementation of social guarantees.
Social protection of military personnel, civilian personnel of the Armed Forces, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families - the activities of state authorities, military administration and local self-government to create conditions for the realization of the rights and legitimate interests, freedoms and responsibilities of these categories, as well as social guarantees and compensation arising from the characteristics of military service.
Social Development Strategy of the Armed Forces- a set of modern views, targets, principles and priorities in the activities of the Ministry of Defense, other federal government bodies and government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of social development of the Armed Forces.
Poverty level- a normatively established level of monetary income of a person, family (household) for a certain period, providing a subsistence minimum.
Satisfaction level- an indicator that allows assessing consumer satisfaction with the quality and availability of any services, taking into account the significance of factors affecting the quality and availability of these services. The indicator value is expressed as a percentage.
Target value of the indicator- the desired value of the indicator for achieving the general goal, task; the value of the indicator to achieve.
Economical- type of performance measurement that reflects the cost of acquiring input resources.
Efficiency- type of measurement of performance results, reflecting the transformation of input resources into output results.

Appendix 3
Passport of Strategy

Name- Strategy for social development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020
Basis for development- Directive of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 5, 2007 No. 205/2/184
State customer - coordinator- Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Main developers- Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Foundation “Institute of Economics and Social Policy”
General goal- Satisfying the social needs of military personnel, civilian personnel, as well as citizens discharged from military service and members of their families, which will help strengthen the country’s defense capability and develop human capital
Main goals:
1. Improving culture and leisure, physical education and sports, information and trade and consumer services for military personnel, civilian personnel of the Armed Forces, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families;
2. Improving professional education and training of military personnel and government civil servants;
3. Preserving and strengthening the health of military personnel, civilian personnel of the Armed Forces, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families;
4. Improving the safety of military service;
5. Improving the living conditions of military families;
6. Increasing the size and improving the quality of the provision of monetary allowances to military personnel, wages to civilian personnel of the Armed Forces and pensions to citizens discharged from military service;
7. Ensuring social protection of military personnel, civilian personnel of the Armed Forces, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families.

Implementation period- 2008 - 2020

Performers of main program events
- Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation
Final socially significant results:
Increasing the pay of military personnel to 125 percent compared to the average wage of workers in the country's economic sectors;
Achieving 80 percent of the pensions of citizens discharged from military service from the amount of pay for military personnel;
Ensuring equality of the average wages of civilian personnel of military units and organizations financed from the federal budget, and the average wages of workers in sectors of the country’s economy;
Providing the families of all military personnel eligible for housing with appropriate living quarters;
Reducing the death of military personnel by more than 3.8 times;
Increasing the proportion of military personnel who have no diseases or some deviations in health status to 90 percent or more;
Achieving compliance of the level of professional education and qualifications with the qualification requirements for military positions for 100 percent of the officer corps;
Increasing the proportion of military personnel who passed the standards for physical training as “good” and “excellent” to a level of 90 percent or more;
Increasing the share of free time of military personnel, civilian personnel and members of their families engaged in the consumption of cultural services to 30 percent or more;
Improving the quality and efficiency of the activities of social organizations of the Armed Forces to the level of the best world standards;
Increasing satisfaction of military personnel with the availability and quality of services in the military-social sphere to a level of 90 percent or more;
Increasing satisfaction of military personnel with professional service activities to a level of 90 percent or more;
Increasing satisfaction of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces with professional work and work to a level of 90 percent or more;
The Armed Forces are reaching a new qualitative level of social development that meets increased requirements both for personnel (the level of their professional, physical, psychological and intellectual training) and for the effectiveness of military personnel in performing their professional tasks to ensure security and protect the political and economic interests of the Russian Federation. Federations;
Achieving a level of social development in the Armed Forces identical to the socio-economic indicators established in the armed forces of the most economically developed countries in the world.

1 Further in the text of this Strategy, unless otherwise stated, for brevity they are referred to as: the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - the Ministry of Defense; Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Armed Forces.